>God,I am happy that I’ve spent my career sitting in front of computer all day solving codes for 60 years in the environment of 9-5 five days a week.
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying i will make it to 60
I am almost 28 and i already feel so tired of life. I often contemplate suicide and even if i am too pussy to do it. The loneliness will do me in.
Forget it.
Renounce everything.
Join a monastery.
Dedicate your life to God.
literally whatever you do or do not do with your life, you'll second-guess your choices as you reflect back from your deathbed.
I just play video games all day, call it a waste of life, everything is really, but I'm happy, and that's what matters.
Low IQ post.
being bored is not bad
ive had bad times and being bored is bliss compared to that
once you hit a certain age you stop thinking like this and start thinking much more about how to get money any way possible
Avarice and greed will send your soul to hell.
>I'm glad I played videogames all day for most of my life
Unironically I'd rather spend 9-5 playing videogames than working. Unless the work was particularly satisfying
>believing in fairy tales
Yeah, genius, not everyone can live off of something they truly love to do. Might be something to ask your God for an input on.
It could be worse. There are a lot of shit jobs out there.
Why not work in a field that intrests you, make money and go home to family, friends and do other fulfilling hobbies?
>Why not work in a field that intrests you,
if the job was interesting they wouldn't have to pay people to do it
yea I mean I remember when I was young I'd say the same thing, now all I care about is living a comfortable life and having enough money for a family. I'd sell my soul in an instant if I could.
We all need food and a roof over our heads.
They don't pay dishwashers a doctors salary because dishwashing is menial.
For example, they pay doctors big bux because the field is in high demand.
>God, I wish I spent my life breaking my back in the scorching sun just to earn less than a quarter of what I used to make sitting in front of the computer all day.
I wouldn't literally sell my soul if it were possible but I know what you mean bro. You realize that having lots of expensive things is nice but the real luxury is having control of your time.
I only work 6 months a year.
You're just a faggot. I bet you haven't even had a bi gangbang and you pretend you're bored of life.
also just things like living in a good house, living in a good safe area, being financially stable, not having to worry about various finances much, being able to go on vacations to interesting areas instead of not doing much, not having to make a lot of concessions all the time for money reasons, making sure your wife and kids have everything and aren't lacking. not much of it is about just buying consumer goods honestly, it's all the other stuff.
>making sure your wife and kids have everything and aren't lacking
at least you got wife and kids.
>Man I sure am feeling bad about being born rich and good looking and having so much fun that average people can't even begin to comprehend the great life that I've had
>Man really feels bad living the human experience at it's maximum I wish I was a wage slave staring at a monitor 8 hours a day for 40 years
Are you me?
I'm 29. Dont think i will make it past 40. I am just so tired of everything. And lonely. No girl will give me the time of day, and since im already 29, all the girls my age are already married/engaged/have a boyfriend. Any younger girls that arent are only concerned with getting pumped and dumped by 8/10 chads on tinder.
Every problem you have is your own fault. What's the problem? You're only finding excuses here.
>And lonely. No girl will give me the time of day, and since im already 29, all the girls my age are already married/engaged/have a boyfriend.
god damn it user, that is exactly what I am thinking. I am feeling like I missed the train, meeting people and connecting with them is becoming very difficult and tedious task for me, let alone talking to girls. I fell for the "focus on your studies and career now, get the girls later" meme. I am loaded with money now but bored out of my mind. I don't know what to do anymore, i feel like I am gonna lose everything I built if this loneliness keeps up.
I have a gf and planning on getting married but not kids yet, that's more about planning on them and making sure I can actually support them
my gf/fiance wants 3-5 kids
I'm 32 and am already planning my escape from the monotomy. The most pgragmatic plan I can come up with so far is grind another couple years, save up some money, buy a cheap house out in the middle of nowhere and freelance/remote for a couple weeks a month living comfy.
>No girl will give me the time of day, and since im already 29
Haha, jokes on you. Girls never gave me the time of day no matter my age.
Y'all sad cunts.
Stop being pussy ass faggots and go get Jow Forums.
>all the girls my age are already married/engaged/have a boyfriend.
It gets worse. Much worse. Mid-30s your only choice is the bottom of the barrel or people who have already been married once or twice and maybe have kids. After somebody goes through one or two divorces their chance to divorce on their next marriage is sky-high, and you also have to deal with all their baggage for the rest of your life. Your best hope is with somebody super career driven who didn't make time for relationships, which is rare. The "good" partners all tend to pair up ages 25-30, with 20-25 mostly being too early in life. But luckily as a guy you can date ~5 years younger than yourself so you have more time than if you were a woman before things get really bad.
Learn to enjoy your time alone
>just be yourself
>just completely change yourself
Pick one and stick with it, roasties.
the second one is the true choice, the first one is a meme
Westerners don't do traditional marriages anymore? You actually HAVE to hook-up first even if you want marriage?
Why? That's rather wasteful.
>I was given all the advantages in the world and yet I made nothing for myself. I chose the comfortable life and I have no legacy to leave behind. I wasted it all.
>somebody super career driven
ouch my dreams.
>You actually HAVE to hook-up first even if you want marriage?
not always but basically yeah. I remember when I was dating having to go through the pains of wondering if somebody was actually into me while we were literally having sex daily. as retarded as that sounds, it's actually even more retarded than that and it's not even unusual.
not even ayy-rabs do tradtional marriages anymore. except maybe for Saudi Arabia or something.
there are plenty of career driven women but most got snapped up in college or early in their career by coworkers. you need somebody who somehow didn't have that happen who also never made time to spend on dating and romance, like somebody who had to move away from their college bf and broke up or somebody who is always traveling like a consultant.
>yet I made nothing for myself
Such as ?
I will never give up, user. I will find my high motivated wife.
based dubsmaster godspeed
Just be yourself, lad. As long as you aren't ugly, autistic, balding, a manlet or poor or any combination of the above LMAO
is balding really that bad can't you just shave it and then fitmaxx
>Just be yourself, lad.
the problem is not being myself. I have no issues with that. Apart from a bit of fat, I am generally good looking. The problem is in the process of meeting people, where do people meet people after they finish college? I tried meetups in cafe's and bars, too loud and can't have meaningful conversations, also girls are usually shallow and boring there. I tried events, it is the same, everyone keeps to themselves and stick to their electronic devices. HOW TO MEET PEOPLE GOD DAMN IT
Traditionalism is dead and the liberals and centrists have killed it along with a big chunk of the population's hope for a good life with a decent partner by their side.
Please do note that what I mean by traditional marriage is not the Indian forced type, but the one where you actually propose to the family and where the parents' blessing (yours and hers) actually matters on a social and traditional level.
From what I understood, it goes something like this: "We hooked up then we liked being around each other for a couple of years. We're getting married now, appre6ntly."
What irks me about it is that shit doesn't build families.
It's similar in principle to the parents who leave their children at home and they go out on a weekly basis because muh "us time", instead of taking the children for a trip somewhere. Or "I'm a widow(er) when do I start dating?" Like shut the fuck up.
t. Egyptian
Depending on skull shape and the ability to grow a beard or not you might look like a cancer patient.
thats why you need to fitmaxx though, you can't be thin and pull off bald unless you have exactly a specific body and head shape
If you were good looking you could've smashed Tinder hoes for days. You're either lying or didn't even try moron.
this is why you study finance
Bald without a beard looks ugly regardless of how jacked up you are. And you can't change your skull shape and I've seen some ugly as fuck skulls.
I don't want STD and Tinder is maximum degeneracy. I said I am lonely as in I want to start a family, not fuck random thots.
in 2019 your only hope is getting a thot to settle down, non slut women no longer exist
>Westerners don't do traditional marriages anymore?
Died in the 60s mate.
i realize that and I made my peace with that fact, but Tinder is maximum thottery.
walk up to people and say hi at work/an event/in public/at a friends house. if a woman thinks you look good or wealthy they arent going to be creeped out even if you approach them randomly in public.
>too loud and can't have meaningful conversations, also girls are usually shallow and boring there. I tried events, it is the same, everyone keeps to themselves and stick to their electronic devices
The problem is your misanthropy. There are plenty of people that will have a meaningful conversation.
non slut women still exist. Maybe in developing countries
What about in Euroland? Are there non Kardashian-influenced girls there?
80% of girls in America think looking like a bimbo and being a whore is desirable.
100% confirmation bias. I bet you fags think you get more red traffic lights than everyone else and its just a cosmic joke on you.
>if a woman thinks you look good or wealthy they arent going to be creeped out even if you approach them randomly in public.
will definitely work in the states, but impossible in a German society. You'll be a creep if you approach someone just to say "hi" without a purpose.
>There are plenty of people that will have a meaningful conversation.
I stand corrected, but how do you maintain a relationship with these people? be it dudes or girls that you are even willing to friendzone for the sake of networking. Do you just ask for a phone number? Whatsapp? Isn't that too creepy?
I'm so glad I still enjoy my few autistic hobbies. Maybe I'll get depressed and lonely in a decade or two, but I literally have no other reason for living.
Pro-tip: Even getting your fabled girlfriend won't change this feeling. The credits don't roll when you finally 'achieve' a relationship like all the animes you watch. Instead a whole lot of new problems present themselves, sex isn't that important nor interesting anymore, intimacy fades away, and you will likely lose attraction to one another, break up, or stay together out of financial necessity.
Solution to this: Focus on achieving as much self-reliance as you can, socially and financially, even spiritually. Any women who presents themselves is merely a temporary sidekick who is NOT the main goal or focus in life.
I'm sure you'll think of a million reasons not to listen to this rather than spend 5 minutes considering why this is for the best.
People have wildly different ideas of what is creepy and normal, there are very few rigid social rules anymore. Some people hate talking on a phone, others its the standard. In the past i've just asked outright for a number, usually after saying something like "i'd like to catch up sometime". I guess if you are really nervous or make a big deal out of it that might put people off, so just be normal and if they don't want to no big deal. Frank and upfront has always worked for me.
"Bee urself" shouldn't mean "never improve."
Fundementally people don't change. Our character is developed at an early age and there's nothing that can change it except for a tramua.
You can improve yourself without modifying your personality.
good point. thanks for sharing this user. I have been having a bad day today. Weekends are nightmare for me and I hate them with passion and it is when my negative energy goes to the max. As you said, nothing is at stake, i'll give it a shot.
This is generally good advice, but once you're at the point of being confident and happy in life without relying on others, finding someone you can share that kind of marriage with is a wonderful thing.
>Pro-tip: Even getting your fabled girlfriend won't change this feeling. The credits don't roll when you finally 'achieve' a relationship like all the animes you watch.
This, but you have to experience it for yourself, so go ahead and get one anyway. I know if I didn't get a gf I would have kept that mindset forever.
Best of luck user, sorry you've had a bad weekend.
Agreed, it may seem impossible in today's climate, but it is more acheivable than you would think, and I would say ONLY achievable when you develop that self-reliance. Too many 'red-pilled' men put in all the work to improve their self-image, only to throw it away once they get a girlfriend. The toughest test of self-reliance is being able to chuck a useless girlfriend after a period absolutely craving a partner, knowing that your better-off alone (for the time being).
Anyway, good luck to anyone who is working towards that self-reliance, including the dude I originally (You)'d
>sorry you've had a bad weekend.
don't worry about it user. This has been the case for over a year now. I dread weekends because the lonliness sets in and reminds me of how empty I feel.
I did what this user suggested and I can say that I am 100% financially and physically independent. And I only reached that about a year ago and since then I felt serious stagnation in my personal life compared to my professional life. Hence why I am looking to find a gf and hopefully get married and get kids some day.
People love repeating this, but it's not necessarily true. I was 19 and a college failure when I met my gf. I couldn't hold a job because I thought I was worth more. Soon after we moved in together. I was still a irresponsible piece of shit, but she loved me anyway. It wasn't any abrupt wake up call, but someone as sweet as her deserved everything good in life.
I got my shit together, dropped out, started working real jobs and making money. We still got much to improve, but she joining my life improved it in every aspect possible. She's like the oxygen to my combustion. We still work very hard and live together, but a gf did solved all my laziness problems. I'm much more focused now, while we try to save money to have a baby. I'm 25 now and she's 23.
>solving codes
>implying God's plan for me doesn't include providing for my family on a six figure income, despite coming from literal garbage
>implying I don't take advantage of the extra practice to make my personal projects better
>implying I'm not too autistic to excel at anything else
most people dont have """success""" stories like this
i cant imagine being such a failure at 25.
It is the best work in the world and computer is by far the greatest invention ever. Be glad you can live in these great times.
Love is just a chemical, Morty
It hits you hard and then slowly fades away
Oh my liver, Morty
needs the comfy blanket desu
the only smart user here
As opposed to what? What is a more comfy job that you dont need to win a lottery to even get empoyed?
Imagine not retiring by 30.
Fuck legacy. You think boomers care about the legacy they'll leave behind? They don't give a shit as long as they lived a good life. I'd rather live a boomer than whatever the fuck this is.
OP is living the life!
If only we will be so lucky.
>tfw I'm all of those things
same but also jobless
these days one of things i do is look for rail tracks around city so i know where to head for when the time comes
>They don't give a shit as long as they lived a good life.
Yeah and that's exactly why they screwed up the world. Tons of boomers are miserable because of this mentality.
>ONLY 6 months a year
>missing the point this hard
I mean, sure just kill yourself, but don't pretend it's for the wrong reasons
I'm 28 and feel the same. I have been alone for so long that I wouldn't know what to do even if a gf magically fell in my lap. I don't think I'd want someone around me at all times either. If I could have a small group of legitimate friends that would be for the best.
My regret is not joining the military when I was younger and then going PMC. Not that I think I would be more satisfied with life, but at least I'd have the comfort of knowing that death is just around the corner at any given day.
Yup. If you enjoy what you're doing then that's all that matters. Good times are not wasted times. Whether you're playing WoW or running a board meeting for a Fortune 500 company
>making your boss rich and being a good wageslave
>God,I am happy that I’ve spent my career sitting in front of computer all day solving codes for 60 years in the environment of 9-5 five days a week.
>I get stable job and good money for 60 years and good 40 hours week works
Nah average programmer get 60 hr/wk until 30s and then unemployed
If you're on your deathbed now and you legitimately spent 60 years in a career you fucked up. Investing a mere 10% of your income in index funds over the last 40 years would have made you a multi-millionaire with no effort.