That's cool and all, but the industry still needs more inclusion
Tranny Teaches Coding
>Youtube star
>Drag monstrosity
Let me guess, comments and ratings disabled for every video, right?
Let me guess. The tranny is Jewish?
has anyone watched their tutorials? Are they good or just look at me I'm a progressive koder?
>I am constantly thinking about trannies and jews
>inb4 "d-d-dilate"
Is it Jewish or not?
Can these people really not learn anything more complicated? Holy fuck
>heavy makeup
>stupid name/handle
>happening times
>joogish engineer
>coding teacher
really makes me think
Drag queens aren't trannies. Learn the difference.
> Drag = Tranny
For somebody so obsessed with both these things you seem pretty retarded and clueless about it.
Yeah man give me another one
I watched one episode and it bad. His tone of voice is just obnoxious and he keeps using these teenage phrases like 'slay' and whatever. most of his videos are just make tutorials anyway, so its really not including anyone
They're the same as sex and gender are the same.
Probably into to coding
No. Drag queens do not try to disguise that they are male. The whole point of a drag queen is that you know it's a man.
>>heavy makeup
>>stupid name/handle
For fucks sake, people on this board making me explain to people what fucking drag is. I couldn't make this shit up.
Why is Jow Forums so obsessed with trannies?
>that (((nose)))
>HTML is programming
I don't know or care. why do you care?
Every intro to programming should be done in C, period.
So then drag queens a subset of trannies?
Alright, but a lot of them are about Java, HTML etc. So if this is an intro to coding, it's a fairly typical one.
If HTML is programming then formatting word documents is programming too.
Is mayonaise a programming?
seems like you're the one that's obsessed
why do you care so much?
Drag queens are highly problematic because they embrace the caricaturist femininity that comes from men dressing like women and make a mockery of trans folx.
I am merely expressing my distaste for how gaudy his persona is and that HTML is being equated to programming. This clown is supposed to be championing for "diversity" - more like diversity of being a walking modern art piece. You are not making any great revelations, fuckwit.
nobody cares to learn the difference, its all mentally insane whacko shit
We know what drag is you disgusting tranny. They're sick freaks with a fucked up fetish, and when the day comes they will be hung from trees with all the rest. Perverted mentally ill degenerates and pedophiles, all of them. They will all get the rope. In mine craft.
>It wants to be with children
Imagine my shock.
a queer is a queer, son
why are you so invested in this degenerate fetish anyway?
Take your meds
white people are fucking faggots
tranny = transvestite = wears vestments atypical to gender
a drag queen knows it's a transvestite
a "transgender" will be offended when you call it a transvestite, as it undermines its belief system
They always do. They want to fuck kids, they're mentally ill subhuman creatures that should be sterilized from society. The day cannot come soon enough in minecraft where they're pulling these disgusting fucks out of their homes and burning them at the stake in minecraft
the next holocaust in minecraft will be real in minecraft
No. Some trannies actually hate drag queens because they view drag queens a making a joke of their condition.
That's intentional.
Dressing in drag isn't a fetish unless you make it one.
Drag queens don't have to be gay, although some of them are.
You could consider them transvestites but that's misleading. Drag queen specifically means when it's done for entertainment or comedy purposes.
So drag queens are faggots and trannies are delusional faggots, gotcha.
Thx senpai.
>"I hate trannies but I know so much about tranny culture. No my programming socks don't make me a drag queen Jow Forums says they make me a better Java developer!"
>teaching html
Pretty much this
Arabs, orthodox jews, greeks, niggers, chinks and koreans would never allow this shit.
>Corporation > Drag Queen >Coding instructor
Google is more concerned about their image than they are with the drag community, the drag community is more concerned with its image than it is with delivering quality instruction.
Souless Corporation pandering with the end users being the least important facet.
>dressing up as a freakish caricature of a woman isn't a fetish
You're mentally ill, beyond help. When the day in minecraft comes, itll be a painful end for you and those like you.
>nobody: we need to replace klossy.
>faggots: hold my dildo...
It isn't. It's done for entertainment purposes. Part of the reason it's entertaining is because it makes people like you confused and angry.
>itll be a painful end for you and those like you.
Why do you keep saying things like this? Dig deep user, I want to know your frustration. Is it mommy issues?
I dont see how this affects me. There are hundreds of thousands of employees why should I care few of them are trans. Filling a niche is a good thing. I dont see negatives here. What are the negatives and if there are they really that big of a deal? Fill me in on this if you want.
What is so bad about this? I have big problems and this seems a non problem.
One of them are useful in drag races.
>It isn't. It's done for entertainment purposes. Part of the reason it's entertaining is because it makes people like you confused and angry.
There's literally zero barrier to entry to programming. You don't even do it "in person".
It couldn't be any more fundamentally inclusive.
Your time is coming. Sick in the head, morally devoid. A blight on society.
more like Annal Tical
Trannies get the rope.
a drag queen is a faggot. that's all you need to know.
it's mostly soros media, probably cooked up in committee by some big nosed suits
not technology
Isn't sexualizing children a crime?
Fun little not secret. These people make as much money as traditional programmers. I am a speaker at large conferences and will let you know that the toxicity is from the inside.
It's a dirty poison that if you wrongthink while you're at the top you get crushed by other political ideals.
Hells bells I was at a conference 2 months ago drinking with the speaker group, and one of the organizers who works for a top tier tech company said "There are too many white males in tech, and we need to start removing them." a few sentences later she spewed "Men deserve to make less than women because they've oppressed us for so long." All of the fellas in that group just agreed... It was stomach turning. She went on to the topic of Black people, and said "We need to hire black people even if they aren't the best fit for the position, because they bring an inclusive mind set." Must have been one of the most racist things I've heard an organizer say.
These people run the world right now...
Why should people care about other people who like gay sex or like to wear skimpy outfits? You are like previous generation who wants to ban music that they dont like. Ban media that they dont like. Ban and hate ugly people. Think different, OMG, kys, KYYYS!!!
>yes goyim who cares
>just let society fall into ruin who cares
Disgusting. Your time is coming, and soon.
>Your time is coming
When the time comes you faggot LARPers will be the first ones to die.
>literally, exploiting children
>who cares
Imagine being this retarded
Faggots will tell you you're a homophobe for disagreeing with this.
Yeah I'm sure in between hanging faggots and burning your clubs down in minecraft I'll be struck by a lethal dildo. Retard. Your end will be painful in minecraft and it will be sooner than you think.
More people working is bad thing? Isnt this blown out of proportions. Like this isnt common practise. Companies do this for the image not because they are forced to do it. Or are they forced?
Exploiting kidsby making them wear clothes doesnt everybody do this? Normal people exploit in bigger numbers this just gets more attention because it is not seen normal by most.
>Like this isnt common practise.
found the bigot
You retarded Jow Forumsyps are too coward to try to change anything in the real world. That's why the people you hate has the power to do whatever they want, because you don't have the spine to oppose them outside from "anonymous" websites.
There won't be a day of the rope because you're scared of it.
Please don't post these clickbait articles and screenshots here. It's bad enough you fell for it hard enough to click on it. I can't believe you retards are so easily manipulated by these basic "moral outrage" tactics.
Common practise for companies. Not common practise as in it should be. Bigot, in what way this is bigotry?
What the fuck are you talking about? There's been multiple mass shootings.
>too coward
Brendan Tarrant disagrees. Hes the first. He will not be the last. Your days are numbered, whether you believe it or not. Pulse nightclub x10000. You were warned. In minecraft.
If you support terrorism you are the lowest scum on the planet. Kindly remove yourself from society.
What the fuck
>if using children is for publicity, it's OK
>doesn't matter if child is manipulated into this
>b..but my child WANTS to wear girly clothes and a makeup!
>my 11 year old knows what is best for him!
>I swear I did not manipulated him in any way!
>why so homophobe??? He's just twerking his little cute ass in public while strangers toss money at him!
If you see no problem with underage children doing this, you're either a pedophile or a retard.
>watching a child in revealing clothing sexually dance for gay men in exchange for money is clickbait
Found the disgusting faggot. The rope calls your name.
We need a tech meme bingo. Like words you should hear when you know you're in the wrong place. Inclusion, Privilege, Problematic, etc...
It literally is and guess who clicked on it? You did. You're the only faggot here, now stop spreading your faggot propaganda so other people have to look at it.
I do see a problem but this gets more attention than red neck beaty pageants for little kids. Focusing on a single tree without seeing the forest.
I hate punny names.
And every time one happens you pussies claim that the shooter doesn't represent all of you while crying because it makes you look bad, you cowards.
You mean the Brendan Tarrant that Jow Forums claims to be a falseflag made by the government in order to push the idea to ban guns and that doesn't you?
>please just hide it please I dont want to see it
Mentally ill faggot. Go get HIV you waste of life
He was the first. He wont be the last. Count on it.
What's a neck beaty pageants?
It should get attention, because it's not OK, because they're using homophobia to make this normal.
Wouldn't be surprised if pedophiles were behind this.
No homo but I would break his anus in that drag costume.
>Faggot telling someone else to get HIV
No. You have enough for the both of us already. Stop posting your homo shit.
i know faggots think kitsch is cute or whatever but to anyone else it makes them look like slaanesh demons
LGBTQ is quite literally trying to add the P as we speak. And have been, for years.
You're incorrect, he was not the first domestic terrorist. There have been many for various reasons.
>He wont be the last.
You don't need to become a terrorist just because you hate yourself for being gay. You can be accepted for your differences, but it takes time and you need to be patient.
Nice projection, scum of the earth. Your parents hate you and your disgusting unnatural lifestyle.
And when that happens you'll cry and claim that it was a falseflag, then everyone will forgot about it and the world will continue as usual while you cry in anger on Jow Forums. You are completely useless to your own cause.
>you hate gays
>that means you're gay
You mentally ill faggots always play this deluded projection game, pretending to be an armchair Fruedian psychologist.
>I hate spiders and think they're disgusting
Your time is coming you cock gobbling faggot.
>Your time is coming
No, it isn't, and you know it.
when did 4channel turn from fedora tipping atheists to christcuck moralfags? I don't think anyone who jacks off to lolis and unironically calls people niggers is in a position to take the moral high ground