Lesbians are the best thing in the universe

Lesbians are the best thing in the universe

Men are disgusting and icky....

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imagine being disgusted of yourself roflmao

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Wait are you female?

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sony is a real tranny lole he wishes he was a girl

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>Men are disgusting and icky....
not nice at all

Lol no, it is just a thing you say while yuri-posting. But if I was wouldn’t that male me a lesbian?

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>Men are disgusting and icky....
Half true. Traps are okay when done right.
But I have to agree that lesbian top-tier.

you aren't really proving that yaoi > yuri when you post boys with all male features removed

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Why do girls have to be so beautiful yet so bitchy

When done in anime it makes them more beautiful

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t. literal tranny have you taken you pink pills sonya-chama?

I agree
Anime ones are the most cutest

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You are only projecting yourself harder and harder.

At least I don’t fap to traps to make myself feel secure about my masculinity/

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t. tranny

says the faggot who unironically is in love with a cartoon chinese girl roflmao how's life fatty

Lesbian relationships are foul and impure

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can we all take a moment to appreciate how autistic the brits on this board are? They're all pretty insufferable and all seem to be fans of the gayest anime

wtf i love americans now

But Sonya is based

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Lol, says the faggot who is going to be railed by a big black man one day
How can that be when it is the purist love?

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literally tanny sissy brit

Literal homosexual lol

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*Stares in disgust*

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Go fuck your sister redneck

at least i don't want to be a roastie lmao

>you will never be a cute lesbian girl

Why even live?

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take your pills sissy


but you do

Ok, if I got banned that would be pathetic

the absolute state of retards lmao


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Says the inbred island monkey

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Oh look, it’s korbo. I am so happy that he accepted the fact that he is a massive tranny.

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lmoa also reported you for ban evasion
bye bye tranny sonya get rangebanned

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You’re the lolcow here

I never evaded a ban you retarded, the janny just didn’t ban me.

Also, who is using the proxy

>NPC response
>no u

spam the catalog again so you can let him finish the job lel

Who are you quoting?

Also, isn’t a misclassified report a ban?

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