Lesbians are the best thing in the universe
Men are disgusting and icky....
Lesbians are the best thing in the universe
Men are disgusting and icky....
imagine being disgusted of yourself roflmao
Wait are you female?
sony is a real tranny lole he wishes he was a girl
>Men are disgusting and icky....
not nice at all
Lol no, it is just a thing you say while yuri-posting. But if I was wouldn’t that male me a lesbian?
>Men are disgusting and icky....
Half true. Traps are okay when done right.
But I have to agree that lesbian top-tier.
you aren't really proving that yaoi > yuri when you post boys with all male features removed
Why do girls have to be so beautiful yet so bitchy
When done in anime it makes them more beautiful
t. literal tranny have you taken you pink pills sonya-chama?
I agree
Anime ones are the most cutest
You are only projecting yourself harder and harder.
At least I don’t fap to traps to make myself feel secure about my masculinity/
t. tranny
says the faggot who unironically is in love with a cartoon chinese girl roflmao how's life fatty
Lesbian relationships are foul and impure
can we all take a moment to appreciate how autistic the brits on this board are? They're all pretty insufferable and all seem to be fans of the gayest anime
wtf i love americans now
But Sonya is based
Lol, says the faggot who is going to be railed by a big black man one day
How can that be when it is the purist love?
literally tanny sissy brit
Literal homosexual lol
*Stares in disgust*
Go fuck your sister redneck
at least i don't want to be a roastie lmao
>you will never be a cute lesbian girl
Why even live?
take your pills sissy
but you do
Ok, if I got banned that would be pathetic
the absolute state of retards lmao
Says the inbred island monkey
Oh look, it’s korbo. I am so happy that he accepted the fact that he is a massive tranny.
lmoa also reported you for ban evasion
bye bye tranny sonya get rangebanned
You’re the lolcow here
I never evaded a ban you retarded, the janny just didn’t ban me.
Also, who is using the proxy
>NPC response
>no u
spam the catalog again so you can let him finish the job lel
Who are you quoting?
Also, isn’t a misclassified report a ban?