>There's no card number or expiration date included, nor is there a CVV on the back.
>The Apple Card won't use a traditional card number, instead generating virtual card numbers and confirmation codes for purchases, which can be obtained from the Wallet app on the iPhone.
payment shit is a huge new market apple will probably do some gay shit in there like whatever
Camden Collins
I want to be this excited about something.
Levi Brooks
Thomas Rivera
My point is, would Steve Jobs have agreed to this? Or would he have said this is a horribly tacky idea that will weaken our brand overall. ?
I think the latter. He was an asshole but at least he had a clue. Apple without him has just drifted on reputation and all new designs have been fucking shit and now they're running out of steam and this seems like a fucking ridiculous attempt to stay relevant.
Angel Long
I relaly dont care what steve hjaboos whhhtow
Liam Gomez
I more what?
Juan Kelly
>The Apple Card won't use a traditional card number >along with a magstripe at the back so it will use a traditional card number then
Dylan Russell
I think it's a nice way to address rampant identity theft and credit card number theft.
Lincoln Evans
see t. an actual gay
AMA if you want
Ian Bell
>i hate company for doing thing
Jordan King
>a nice way to address rampant identity theft So, you - as the cardholder - won't know your own physical card number, but some random thief with a skimmer (or anyone with a magstripe reader) will. In which case, you're back to getting a replacement, just like you would with any other card. And every major bank already offers (and has for years) apps that generate one time virtual card no. + cvv for online purchases, so I'm not understanding what this card offers, other than the inconvenience of you not knowing your own card number unless you read it with a magstripe reader.
Matthew Myers
He would've wtfed because it's not hardware and UI, but otherwise not given a shit. He was autistic over hardware and UX but more or less let software/services do their own thing so long as it didn't fuck with his hardware and had UI that an idiot could use.
What he wouldn't have let happen is the current abortion of a phone or the hyper-abortion that the XI is looking to be. He'd have murdered some motherfuckers over that shit.
Matthew Perry
>so I'm not understanding what this card offers The ability to pull out the card and show off the shiny logo to macfag's friends and a bunch of monies for Applel.
Always think of Appl as a marketing firm who sells a brand before you consider the tech aspects, then things usually make more sense. Like people who sell designer purses to women and shit. The purse is made at the same factory in China as the one who costs 10$, but the brand makes it worth 1000.
Ryan Wilson
do you do anal? if so are you a top or bottom? and how can you not be disgusted with the smell and spreading of shit?
Tldr they took Apple Pay and put it on a physical card. Registration is done by assigning a trusted device ID to the card (i.e. syncs with your iPhone)
Digitally I'm assuming it's built within the Apple Pay infrastructure but for sites/services that don't utilize Apple Pay you would use the device ID/randomly generated card # to authenticate payment
Adrian Taylor
He would have called revolutionary, the future of cards and banking systems; just a groundbreaking technological leap. Plastic card, chip and logo sold separately for A E S T H E T I C reasons, you will also need an initial 20k deposit so as to prove you are not a broke ass fag undeserving of the fruity logo.
Logan Robinson
>Tldr they took Apple Pay and put it on a physical card. Except it's not on the card, it's in Apple wallet. And if you're already using your phone, why not just use Apple Pay?
Aaron Scott
>do you do anal? Of course, I'm an iPhone guy.
>if so are you a top or bottom? Bottom, I love the feeling of a cock filling me up.
>and how can you not be disgusted with the smell and spreading of shit? I'm used to the smell, in fact my iPhone XS smelled just like that right out of the box.
Christopher Anderson
>iPhone XS >he can't take the girth of the iPhone XS Max
Noah Martin
I'm guessing it's to use Apple Pay at places that take card but not contactless.