>add torrent
>restart qbittorrent
>torrent starts downloading
why can't this shit just fucking work
>add torrent
>restart qbittorrent
>torrent starts downloading
why can't this shit just fucking work
Other urls found in this thread:
works on my machine.
qb has a low tolerance for faggots
use transmission
>start qbtorrent
>internet shuts down on my machine
>wait 3 minutes
>connection restored, torrent starts
literally what the fuck
if I
>unplug rj45
>start qbtorrent
>plug in rj45
it doesnt happen
Sounds like a (You) problem. Never had this happen, only had it stall on torrents with 0 seeders.
I have the same problem, OP. Fucking tired of qBittorrent because of that.
Is there a reason it needs to? uTorrent 2.2.1 works just fine, so let the qBittorrent devs tinker with their hobbyist project for the next 10 years while they work the next 815 bugs out.
I've never had issues with qbit. What the fuck are you doing OP?
What version are you on?
same person every time
You realize you just admitted the same, right?
desu op i had same problem downgrade to 4.1.5 that fixed it
Same shit happens to me. All 'solutions' are bullshit that don't work. Sometimes changing port makes it work, sometimes restart makes it work, but nothing consistent. And when you search for information, people always say 'you just have no seeds!' or 'just force download!' which doesn't have any effect. I have been trying to download torrents with hundreds of seeds, popular torrents, new torrents, and it still stalls. It's bs. Time to change client.
It fucking deletes torrents from the list when it crashes. Completed, downloading, whatever, just gone with no clue until I go looking for them. At least it’s not deleting the data too.
Why do you feel compelled to lie about issues that don't happen?
I still didn't find the why torrents slow down my computer.
Any client
There are literally 12 reports of crashes in 4.1.6 alone on their github.
I've never had that shit user , you have retarded that's the reason why that keeps happening to you.
The fuck are you people talking about? I've been using this program for close to 5 years, and I haven't had as much as a CONNECTION issue.
Earlier in my life, it didn't matter what I had: Soulseek, uTorrent, Limewire, etc. They ALL had bugs that often require you to restart the program (or, in the case of Limewire: it racks up so much CPU time that my laptop kernel panics because of thermals).
qBittorent is about the only client that works AT ALL. I dunno, I guess Transmission runs for a long time without crashing, but that also has barely any features.
And with this delusional attitude what hope is there of this shit ever being fixed?
Do not upgrade
4.15 works fine until I upgrade.
This is happening on 4.15
Get WHAT fixed? Post a screenshot, faggot.
It install mozilla ancient trash into your machine. Check common files folder to see.
Fucking qbitorrent man
Never had problems with qbit. Been using it for years on 3 different machines.
I know, what would I do without it? I'd have to use fucking Deluge or something.
Have you ever tried that? Talk about a crashy piece-of-shit.
Post a screenshot of the torrents it removed, you fucking tranny?
Post a picture of anything.
How about a fucking CRASH? I haven't even seen that in my entire life, and again: I've been using this program for 5 years.
What version are you on.
Why not just move to Tixati? It just werks.
Have you check x64 program files?
Maybe I remember wrong directories (could have been roaming or app data local), but it did install ancient mozilla browser core in my PC.
I dunno, the current one, maybe? Apparently version 4.1.6 on my desktop. I never update my shit, so it's the version I downloaded when I reinstalled Windows a few weeks ago.
4.15 crashed twice in the last month, retard. Wtf do you expect people to do take souvenirs?
Nigga, MS PAINT on my computer has crashed more often than qBittorent. By "more often", again, I mean in comparison to "never". I don't know what to tell you.
Just tried on a clean laptop and nothing.
Don't tell me you actually clicked to install the uTorrent browser?
Type of hard drive? HDD or SSD? Have you checked your SMART status recently? Power-on hours? Seek rate errors?
Also have you checked your settings? Made sure you don't have a limit of downloading one torrent at a time?
Oh yeah, there's that. For some reason, the program has a limit of 1 by default. Pretty much the only problem with it.
WD 1TB black Caviar, smart status is normal, it's a dedicated BT drive.
It's limited to 10 active torrents with anything under 100KiB/s not counted in the limits.
It's just the qBittorrent being shitty.
You didn't chech the seek errors value, nor power-on hours. Get smartmontools and check your drive raw numbers. smartmontools.org
Also you're probably using garbage windows 10, try reapplying the settings
A drive error wouldn't stall the torrent.
My NAS already has it's own SMART and drive diagnostics. All drives have a seek error rate of fucking 0.
There are 4 drives in the pool, If there was a fucking problem, I'd get an email about it.
Fuck you, and fuck your assumptions.
Works on my machine and also worked on my other machines since 2014 without issues.
What version are you on?
Post stats.
I'm on 4.1.6
Huh. What's funny is that I said the exact same shit. ABOUT 5 years, if I had to guess.
Why are you on 4.1.6 if qBittorrent has been working for you since 2014 without issue? 4 years ago would be, what, 3.1? If 3.1 was working without issue there'd be no reason to change, yet here you are.
This is what "working with no issue" actually looks like.
>They fell for the qbitstalled meme.
Deluge might be outdated but it's still mega comfy.
Transmission is a beast.
Just anything else really.
...because most people update software? Maybe that's why you have so many problems: you're using shit from 2006 or something.
I updated everything I see automatically. If the update message comes up I click it and update the program, who cares if it worked before give me the new version. I am not ironical.
Who said I was having problems? I said the opposite.
>This is what "working with no issue" actually looks like.
4 years of 24/7 seeding which has averaged 90% of my connection's maximum upload bandwidth, and this when I started out with only a single 1TB drive which didn't give me enough of a seed size to have an active upload 24/7. The percentage has been slowly rising since then. (I now have between 20-50 torrents active at any given time)
That is proven performance.
It’s your VPN. When I use London servers on my vpn I get that stalled issue. Then when I switch to a Canadian server it fixes it. Even though both data centers allow peer to peer. Did you have a vpn on?
shit dosn't work on 1903
Tixati is best
Devs say it will be fixed in the next version
works on my machine
it'll get fixed in the next version
wrong, it is caused by low quality code
this client is developed by numbskulls you can be sure there are multiple remote code executions lurking in the code. Just find stable version and stop updating. you will never be safe with this client anyway
Literally the only problem I ever had was it didn’t like resuming on Torrents over 30~ GB. That was a few versions ago though.
Half these complaints sound like people on American ISPs that so everything in their power to disrupt torrenting.
I have the same issue both on Windows and OSX, what's the best alternative to this piece of shit?
Try transmisson or utorrent with disabled ads in settings.
Shit just works for me.
Literally doesn't happen to me ever.
rtorrent + rutorrent "GUI" doesn't have this problem.
Yes it does.
>only have that problem when low/no seeds
Meanwhile, when are they going to add either full skinning or at least match windows colour scheming? So sick of the white, yes I know there's a russian hacked version but some GUI get's lost.
Been using this and other for years now but one thing I never figured out was RSS or auto downloading of torrents, is there a /g approved guide?
>uTorrent is better than qbittorrent
You people are so fucking contrarian it makes me sick.
Does the last version of qbitorrent keep having the annoying tracker authentication pop up when open a torrent?
No, but it's never been a problem on any version of qbittorrent since I've been using it the day uTorrent started including ads
>qBittorrent has needed 671 bugfixes since 2011 and still has an issue tracker full of them
>uTorrent 2.2.1 has needed zero bugfixes, and doesn't have a single issue.
>search stuff you want on nyaa
>it autogenerates RSS feed for that search
>put that feed into qb RSS section
>The fuck are you people talking about?
Im talking about qbittorrent
because it bugs just when I start it
It is OK that you fell for the meme. Try something like Tixati and report back. Tixati just works.
I have the same issue, it happens randomly, I tried lowering the max connections but it still happens.
I know you're being, but Qbitorrent is open source, maybe you could show us where those vulnerabilities are.
4.0.1 and 3.3.x something on my other pc
You write the free software then, faggg
How do you guys fuck up something as simple as a bittorrent client?
Oh, you know, maybe just the fact that you are using outdated software with remote exec vulnerabilities.
Works on my machine desu
>How do you guys fuck up something as simple as a bittorrent client?
What makes you think any of us are qBittorrent devs?
>200 seeds
>connected to 24
>a whopping 380MB uploaded.
Vai estudar macaco filho da puta.
>I haven't even seen that in my entire life, and again: I've been using this program for 5 years.
Basically this. I've never ever had a single problem with qB. I don't know where this pessimism and hate towards a fucking piece of software that werks comes.
Seems to be coming from the people actually using it.
>it bugs when I start it
No it doesn't.
>works in my machine™
I format my PC yesterday.
Pior que eu nem sei porquê estou baixando essa merda. Vou jogar tudo no Google Drive
And it's an old torrent from PrivateHD. It's normal that no one is downloading it.
>install qbittorrent
>don't configure it properly
>don't setup a proper port forward
why can't this shit just fucking work
Yes. If it works on my machine, that means the program isn't bugged.
cause you don't need to do any of that with literally any other torrent client?
>installed transmission
>usually get 55mb/s in a well-seeded torrent from empornium
>load torrent
>7 mb/s
Yeah, I think I'm gonna go with STALLED.
get deluge or transmission, these are the best 2 I know