I am bored
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join army
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that's a given since another is boring trite
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Nyet, I am too weak for army comrade
Maybe the anime is a bit, I quite enjoyed the novels though
What the fuck is that shit on the bottom right
Army will make man out of you
Where's the closest Nato recruiting atation?
Not nato ,buddy
Your national forces
How's your day been desu?
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karl marx never did his mandatory military service
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So what?
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But Id be fighting for nato if I joined my national forces
Very cool, thank you
and thats not for sure
Join your national army and thats gonna be your adventure
"My magical adventure to the Afghani taliban" doesn't sound very fun though
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he's a lazy greedy faggot who wanted communism for the gibsmedats.
We cant say that
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M8 you will go trough training course and thats it
you will not be sent to the war
But I won't be able to post funny maymays on reddit if I go to training
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But you will become better yourself
stronger and with more social skills
Aren't there better alternatives to joining the army in order to get that?
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Are there any anime titties in the army?
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Yes many
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I am joining the army
thank you
You are welcome !
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>too weak for army
start training
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