Will you be drinking on Christmas day?

Will you be drinking on Christmas day?

Attached: Apu Beer.jpg (680x309, 27K)


Is Jimmy Saville a nonce?



What do you drink atm?

No. I'm going to have a day off

I'll be drinking xmas night tho


Attached: giphy (1).gif (500x282, 694K)

Which Jew are you? Fren, or that shitposting cunt?

You mean Wine

Jow Forums believes that alcohol should be illegal and people who posses it should be given a twenty year jail sentence.

Why do you think I hide out here in Jow Forums

Jow Forums is full of secret homosexuals, alcoholics and druggies, but they all love to pretend that they're all do gooder Christians who go to Church every Sunday and have a conservative blonde haired, blue eyed Christian wife.

I drink everyday so yes.

Yeah probably.
I usually go hard on hard liquor during holidays,
but I think I'm gonna try sticking with wine this time around.
Plain red in a box.

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0.7L of Smirnoff no.21
my fav

Attached: file.png (400x600, 95K)

How can 0.7L be your favourite?

Fucking idiot. Just over half a Ltr is fuck all

Fuck all? That's loads.

i will be drinking every days until christmas day. And of course on christmas day too.

Attached: apugin.png (499x593, 165K)

i can't procure any

True. Drink sensibly this xmas user.
