*fixes desktop linux*

*fixes desktop linux*

Attached: lennartpoettering.jpg (770x510, 44K)

I didn't ask for that


Too bad the user community cannot appreciate his work instead chosing to berate him every step he makes.

Cunt can fork his own OS if he wants more tentacles in.

isn't he the spaghetti coder?

he writes bugs for breakfast

Unironically, I've had more problems with systemd than any other init system in the past 20 years.

Systemd is a nice idea, but it's poorly implemented at it current stage.

Linux is a kernel

Attached: oak.jpg (750x1000, 56K)

but I don't like tentacle hentai

>desktop linux
Are you retarded, the thing is called GNU/Linux.

Like I fixed my dog.


Almost every sysadmin would disagree with you.

2019 and I still have to deal with this shit hanging during the boot process because it can find a network to get dns from if I'm offline or in wireless. Sure writing service it's still another DQL and Bash isn't that bad.

systemd is a pain in the arse.

writing services for it*

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stop using debian
have sex

systemd is not an init system. It is a suite of applications of which the init system is part.

Basically it's another OS inside the OS.

The issue with him isn't his goal, the issue with him is the execution, and more precisely his complete ignorance to acknowledge actual practical problems with the pile of closed source bloatware his project has turned into. The twat actually thinks his work is solid gold and can do no wrong.

But they're professionals who actually get paid for their work. user is a NEET "enthusiast", as such his opinion on it is clearly more important.

and this is a good thing because....?

I didn't say it was a good thing.

good, I don't want to have to buy another monitor after putting my fist through it

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I know and that's the biggest problem with systemd honestly, the religious fervor of systemd enthusiasts.

You can't even make a simple critique of it, without it's zelots with the Bible of Pottering in their hands, thump your over the head with it.

Systemd isn't the worst thing ever made, but damn does it need fixing in areas.

And that's a good thing?

Yeah, and systemd is doing its best to become a kernel on top of the kernel. Fuck you and fuck Poettering.