

Attached: b.png (879x514, 157K)

one hundred thousand keks




I know. And the stupid cunt got the answer to the question wrong

Its actually 39 and if you believe otherwise you're retarded


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40 actually

I thought if you believe otherwise you're retarded?

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Its 39 actually, I was just checking your vigilance

German intelligence wins! At least that's how I counted it too.

How so. I get 26. Post your math

kof id get

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3 Hexagrams divide by 45 = 15
Hexagram = 15
Hexagram 15 minus 23 = 8.
Divide by 2 banannas = 4
Banana = 4
4=10 = 6. 2 clocks means
clock = 3
so clock + bannana + bannana + hexegram =
3 = 4 = 4 = 15 = 26

kot escapes me again

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I didn't do any math, these are just troll answers

3 Hexagrams divide by 45 = 15
Hexagram = 15
Hexagram 15 minus 23 = 8.
Divide by 2 banannas = 4
Banana = 4
4=10 = 6. 2 clocks means
clock = 3
so clock + bannana + bannana + hexegram =
3 = 4 = 4 = 15 = 26

But trolling without lulz is epic fail, where the fuck are your lulz?

I just finished finals I ain't doing this shit

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>3 = 4 = 4 = 15 = 26

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I epic failed this one

Holy heck, does that mean ebin Chuck Norris threads are back on the catalogue?

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3+4+4+15 =26


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It's all part of growing up user. Learn from your mistakes fren, and you'll not make them again.

Ok, so I am not retarded. It’s 67, you forgot to times it by 15 rather then plus it.

It can't be 38

But it was a wrong answer?

Gapfag is smarties

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You BITCH! You are correct! WINRAR WAS HAD

How come? I think it makes sense.

The one at the bottom doesn't look like the ones at the top, is it meant to be the same thing? If not, then there are several answers.

count the corners.

imo it's either 4 + 3 + 3 x 10 = 37 or 4 + 3 + 3 x 11 = 40 depending on how you interpret hexagram lacking one square and the price-size relation of squares

Oh shit...

At least that's how i think idk maybe im retarded

Bottom clock is a different time. Bottom bananas are a different number, bottom hexagon has no square. These are probably not the same numbers as above.

Nvm the clock is also pointing at a different time


the banana is 4 dude

3 + 4 + 4 * 10 ( I guess each square equals 5, but there's no way to know ) so that's 47

and Op stop posting facebook-tier pix plz

there's nothing to solve


eh, the clock and bananas in the last line are different, so could be 2 + 3 + 3 x 11 = 38

But I don't know, I'm drunk


2 + 3 + 3 * 11 = 41


>and Op stop posting facebook-tier pix plz
no, i post whatever i feel like posting

Its 38 and fuck that clock

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holy shit where's my head we have the same numbers but not the same results x)
you right it's 38

You're right, I didn't notice that the clock was pointing at a different time

Heil Hitler!

sounds right to me

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That's a different clock. It's literally unknown what it is supposed to represent.

2+3+3x11 = 38

Hey I am drunk too

What are you drinking?

Here's my mentality.

Hexagram = 15
Bannana = 4
Clock = 3

Hexagram+ Hexagram+ Hexagram = 45 15+15=15=45
Banana + banana + hexagram = 23
4 + 4 + 15 = 23
Bannana + clock + clock = 10
4 + 3 + 3 = 10
clock + banana + banana X Hegagram = ?
3+4+4 X 15 = 165

37.5, clock is at 2 so it half mean 3 becomes 1.5 + 3 (because 1/4 bananas were taken away, and the full number was already 4) + 3 * 11 (the number of sides counted from 15, and the sender was 15, so we don’t need to figure out the fraction and all I need to do is take away 4)

Nemetskoe razlivnoe

You're right

Finally lol

He didn’t notice the visual changes

Nice. Just passed an exam and am celebrating with wine.

Are you quite a difficult cunt to satisfy Sonya?

Exam in what?

Legal English, not too hard, but still

But look at it, everything was changed on purpose to catch you out. Compare the bottom with the others

Yeah these shitty puzzles are always an occam's razor thing.
The point is to interpret the difference in imagery in a straightforward, consistent way.
It's supposed to be 38


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congrats bro

I got 37.5, so I imagined you rounded it up


Cheers! Just two more to go

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Thanks, I'll drink again for your presentation tomorrow

three oclock is just three
two oclock is just two

It DID catch me out!

Not good, when I'm a Student Bachelors Degree in Science ! haha

thanks buddy, I'm gonna need it
I love doing research work but presentations drive me up the fucking wall

Tell me about it... Have to do present a dissertation in a couple of days.

Wow you guys actually aren't getting this.
88=Heil Hitler!

You need a girlfriend

180 yall stupid

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So where's my prize for being the fastest literal autist to notice trivial details and complain about them repeatedly?

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Inside your own ass crack

I noticed them instantly and complained not.

I'm not falling for that again. The internet told me to look there before.

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Bro Honestly. This time will be different, if you just simply slip down our pants and bend over like a good boy

Who is this semon demon


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I'm out

Come on, it wasn't THAT sexy.

Correct. Based Italanon

wtf is this pic o/

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only person in this thread who knows PEMDAS