What is Jow ForumsGoing to do next year when 7 reaches it's end of life? Switch fully to Linux or """upgrade""" to 10?
What is Jow ForumsGoing to do next year when 7 reaches it's end of life? Switch fully to Linux or """upgrade""" to 10?
Most of us are already on 10.
I'll just keep using it, barring a few update packs to make third party programs run my installation isn't updated anyway. Only in recent years have software developers even started to abandon XP, so Windows 7 will probably be useable for another five years at least, lack of updates aside. Linux afterwards.
Speak for yourself, zoomer twat.
>Switch fully to Linux
If you haven't done that ages ago then what the fuck are you doing on Jow Forums kid?
(My prediction) Same thing that happened with XP, I imagine. 7 will still have a massive market share for the first year or two. Then as the hardware that normies/small businesses bought in 2009-2011 starts to fail, they'll have to replace the entire tower and upgrade to 10 at the same time.
Rationale: Worked FT at a small mom and pop during the 2014-2016 XP EOL and this is basically what happened. A lot of people came in with systems with bad HDDs/blown caps/etc with no awareness that XP was even out of support so we just upgraded them straight to new hardware and Win8.
But basically is right.
not OP but contemplating whether I should switch to Win10 or GNU/Linux with severe anxiety each day getting nothing done
What are your anxieties? This is an operating system. As long as you have backups of your data there is literally nothing to be anxious about. Just take your backup, test a restore, and switch. If it doesn't work out you just restore back.
8.1 Pro with classic shell
I'm planning sort of long-term with the whole deal. Think of it as a "choosing sides" problem if you will. Continue on with Win10 with it being a service, proprietary with lots of surveillance but with maximum compatibility and efficiency OR join the free world with rumored better productivity and Linux knowledge helps in the long run (server administration etc.). I'd dual-boot either ways if I chose to switch right now because only Win7 supports a lot of my vidya. It's a complicated issue of ethics, freedom, privacy etc. but maybe I'm just overworrying.
>but maybe I'm just overworrying
This is it. Keep Windows 7 for gaming and specific software if your hardware doesn't demand Windows 10 and dual boot with your distro of choice for everything else.
Hey man I hear you 100% because I deal with the same frustrations. All I can give is anecdotes which I know won't help you. I'm afraid I don't know the best way to help you, but I would personally do the following if I weren't a poor fag, idk what your situation is. I'd buy two computers. One for gnu/linux (primary system) and windows 10 as secondary system which is basically all as generic as possible. games or whatever.
Dual-boot Arch and (((Windows10)))
I thought of exactly the same! Embracing the free world by having a GNU/Linux PC and having a strictly gaming-only Windows PC on the side with the appropriate hardware for each. I'd like to say that the issue is just about the OS but it's more like about the free vs non-free world and how it can be reconciled. If I were to go all-in with Windows10 for example, why not learn C# too and use Windows-only tech like Unity to develop vidya too in my freetime. Of course this is a complete non-starter on Linux, or more specifically - in the free world. Choosing the OS is just the first step in this long battle of choosing the appropriate tech for each issue (next would be choosing either Chrome/FF/g-rated alternative for example). Would be great to see computing as simply a technical issue, but like Stallman proposes, it's more than that.
Only retards use Windows 7.
>Why yes, i use Windows as my main OS how can you tell?
I think you and I are very similar. We know we both don't need to justify ourselves to the people and world around us but we want to be as internally consistent as possible. I've honestly given up trying because I know I'm a hypocrite in so many different areas of my life that's it's not worth bothering about every little ethical dilemma that comes my way.
I'm aware this is cognitive dissonance I'm experiencing. I think the depression finally hit me so hard that I just don't care anymore. None of this shit is my problem.
>8.1 Pro with classic shell
Patrician choice.
But at the end it just fosters more depression deep down within knowing that you have given up. I have so many things to do to get my life back on track but the hipocrisy, the thought of giving up yet suffering for this choice (or for the opposite choice) brings everything to a standstill where getting up from bed doesn't seem a good enough deal anymore. Limbo it all is. It is ridiculous putting so much weight into an OS, a browser and other such assortments, but these are the extensions of the will of the modern man. A choice must be made and with thought and care otherwise how much better are you than the bugmen you so despise?
Upgrade to Mac OS X Mojave
I am.
t. second reply
t. Living in his mother's basement and isn't a contributing member to society
Just came here to post something similar.
Has anyone started noticing cracks in Windows 7? I started noticing unusal glitches in the files Explorer, VLC and Onedrive today.
How long do you think we have until we need to upgrade?
>win10 ltsc with some privacy tweaks
if it's owned by microsoft they can own you, use linux if you want to play paranoid delusional disorder
>not 8.1 Industry Embedded
Upgrade to Windows 10. Only cringy kids use linux.
Mac hardware is pretty bad across the board these days, though
>what is hackintoshing
There needs to be a competitor to Windows OS. And iOS on a PC doesn't count, it's a glorified tablet