Gaming and porn have been thriving and pushing technological progress just like work and science

>Gaming and porn have been thriving and pushing technological progress just like work and science
>The Gentooman still hates gaming and porn with a passion

Attached: 0.png (493x360, 211K)

Other urls found in this thread:

women are NOT technology!!

war drives progress more than anything but it doesn't mean people have to love war, you can have a bad thing do some good things but still be much more bad than good

Post sauce

>gaming is bad
Lol did someone really just say this?

it is technologically hard to understand them.

porn is degenerate and rots your brain
video games are a waste of time

its less that Jow Forums hates vidya games and more that Jow Forums hates the kind of people that frequent /v/

I'm going to need the source for this.


>wanting to see some white whore get fucked by another man
you cucks are gross

She has an ugly cunt too, just saying.

Thank you, good user.

both are hedonism.
It encourage you to be ultra-individualism and selfish.
In another word, posting on Jow Forums or even wasting your time here is just the same but much smaller magnitude.

>It encourage you to be ultra-individualism and selfish.
I don't want to go too deep into a philosophical rabbit hole, but what exactly is the problem with being selfish? Altruism is overrated.

t. Rand faggot.

no problem at all, there is no right or wrong exists in this world, everything is just concept we made for purposes.
If individualism works for you and harms no one, then it is perfectly OK and society should not intervene.

>imagine having that dva on your team.
God damn it, woman, I want to win!!!

this would be better if she was playing mercy.

>there is no right or wrong exists in this world,
I disagree with this but I'm not sure enough in my own fundamentals that I could succinctly summarize human morality. How did you come to this conclusion? How is a concept different than a crime that one commits against another human? How do you reconcile saying that wrong/right don't exist but then mention harm in your last sentence?

Because there is actually no right or wrong in what I have said. Just concepts that were already made.

The 1st phrase is what the absolute truth is. The 2nd phrase is my/our relative truth is.
the 2nd one can change any moment, but the 1st one does not.

noblesse oblige

Attached: thomas-carlyle.jpg (402x402, 25K)

Nice but


Ahh yes I haven't had it explained that way before but yes, I see your point. There is *objectively* no right/wrong as far as the inanimate universe is concerned. I guess what I was talking about without realizing it was moral objectivity/relativism. I honestly don't know for myself yet but I live my life as though it's the latter.

Please demonstrate your rationality. I don't see a direct correlation between those who can, should. First time I've really looked into the meaning of 'noblesse oblige' so please correct me if I don't understand it.

If I try to think about it.
Why there are less priviledge and more priviledge people?
If you believe human have common origin.

The harder your ancestor selflessly sacrifice themselves and work really hard to build a future for their children. The more priviledges you have.

While those who lazy with incompentent mindset live selfishly for themselves make their children miserable and lack of priviledges.

IMO, It is not about having priviledges or not, it is about deserve to have them or not.
so noblesse oblige is something wonderful.
But nowadays, people are take it for granted that they will be treated with noblesse oblige and become more and more incompentent.
Even to the point of making hard workers work harder so they can be lazier and incompentent.

Linshitters say this only because they are extremely bitter and jealous that they can't play them on their shitty, slow, autistic OS. They yearn for the day they can play games without Windows or Mac--a day that will never come.

I see child conception as entirely selfish so I don't see why I should be altruistic for children I'm not going to have or for anyone else or their children I didn't agree to care for.

Can you demonstrate how having children is altruistic?

There will always be a bigger fish. Have your moment and then realize someone will do the same.
Depends on the situation which will be more effective in the end. Currently when there is so much to improve I see alturism (more cores) as more effective approach. My goal is to level the playing field.

So let's assume you've got your modern equivalents of Henry Rearden and Eddie, except Eddie is a lot more of an idiot than he was portrayed in the book. There's a massive agency gap between these two people. In the interest of stability, Henry should recognize that what makes him great comes from being compared to Eddie rather than some 'true' inherent trait he possesses (like the sun being bigger than the Earth). In the interest of stability, Henry should not try to fuck over Eddie any more than what the disparity in their abilities would normally allow, despite the temptation being there because it might be trivially easy. Basically, it's better to be CEO of a company where your subordinates have some kind of comparable lifestyle than God of the Apocalypse Now village.

Because love.
I read it somewhere that there is a research regarding this matter by Richard J. Davidson, by showing children image and video about helping others or using other as stepping stones. Most of the children subjects choose helping other over selfish image/video which suggest that we might all born to be good.

It is like in vajrayana (diamond/secret vehicle) Buddhism, which believe in the path of the fruit, it means everyone born a perfect human like a diamond,
In life we get smeared by muds and dust and lost in samsara which means born, sickness (get smeared by muds) and die then reborn after completely realize who we really are.
In absolute truth, perhaps we are not at all that selfish, like mother to her babies, like brother and sister in family we all originally nonconceptually loves each other.
Maybe being selfish is just a concept that we were taught.

Without Porn the state of online selling would be much reduced. It took porn merchants to promote safe and secure online credit card use. Video games are noted to be the major pusher for 386s to 486s and consumer graphics cards.

the absolute state of zoomers

Are genetically enginyared catgirls technology?

What you responded with was very poetic (although I don't care for poetry as a justification for moral/ethical problems). Unfortunately it didn't come close to the subject I have a problem with.

My question was in response to where problems of duty and privilege continue to exist due to procreation.

Expanding on , I see procreation as a very selfish thing, primarily intended for the benefit of the parent (maybe as a source of income or a caretaker when they lay on their deathbed or simply to have someone to love and companionship). The child didn't consent to any of life, and nor did their parents.

If no one consents to life in the first place (let alone the class they come into) how can we demand for people to be altruistic? They didn't consent. How can you say life should be altruistic for your children when having the child in the first place was selfish?

Games have merit but are objectively a waste of time. Most things are waste of time if you get my drift.

>I see child conception as entirely selfish
Imagine being so utterly rejected by the opposite sex that you start thinking that giving life to someone, contributing to the economy, and continuing the human race is an entirely selfish action.

Technological progress is degeneracy

I see your example as altruism for the sake of selfishness, not the other way around. I see the golden rule as the best example we have for how selfishness is ideal. "Treat others as you want to be treated."

You can have a partner (or partners) without having children. Also you're still going back to equating conception of children with altruism without demonstrating how that's actually the case,or if altruism is even "good" to begin with.

The problem for me is the question of consent. How do you get the consent of the child for them to exist before you conceive them? It's a paradox, you can't. My conclusion therefore is that you should not have children.

Sexual reproduction is just a way for life to avoid cancer. There is no morality involved.

Almost everything we do that isn't related to food or sex is technically waste of time. Does not make them objectively bad though.

>Gentooman hates porn with a passion
They hate their only outlet for sexual release?

>just the same but much smaller magnitude.
So, I'd say it's even worse since this rots your brain even more.


No, life could avoid cancer in other ways, we have creatures, both asexual and sexual that reproduce but can't get cancer. Sexual reproduction is a way to adopt and continue.
Nothing actually has meaning when it comes to life.

The problem here is actually that you think your inane ramblings make any logical sense whatsoever. You demand other people defend themselves, yet immediately follow it with such pseudo-intellectual tripe as "you can't get consent from a being that doesn't exist, therefore you can never have children." You actually thought that this sentence follows some train of logic, and I have no doubt in my mind any "explanation" you give will only be more circular fallacies. You have no right to even attempt to ask people to have a discussion with you when your entire point is based around illogical, flowery nonsense.
Get absolutely fucked, kid. I'm glad your defective genetic line ends with you.

So hentai, then?

I don't think I disagree with the what you're saying at the bottom as it relates to today. But what you said about ancestors selflessly sacrificing (i.e. earned privilege) as an important factor in explaining the inconsistent levels of privilege that we see today, I think is overstated. The result of who conquered who or who fucked who was a lot more random.

Give war a chance

You typed all that and yet your post doesn't contain any refutations of his logic.

Peak degeneracy

based user

Degeneracy is extremely profitable.

Oh wow no way, please do tell more. Or don't, I really don't care that you don't actually know what logical reasoning is.

>How do you get the consent of the child for them to exist before you conceive them?

Well, we think we are selfish because for most human the "me" part is so strong. selfish is just a concept built upon concepts.

If you look outside to the animal world which is nature and usually completely lack of concepts, why do bacterial procreate? why does plants, birds, fish, even smallest thing like red worms they procreate?
By instinct they do what benefits their whole specie.
Human is just like that, by instinct we give birth to children, believe that working together as clan/family would improve everyone living condition while getting closer to finding the reason/meaning of our existence.
So it is not selfish at all to have children if it not benefits just you and yourself but all human beings.
And even then, children can off themselves at any moment they see fits if they ever feel like they shouldn't exists, so it is not really question of consent. In a more relatively sense, by law age of competence is usually over 12 years old. So they can choose whatever they want after that.

Adaptation plasticity is a mechanic that literally relies on the same functions that are likely to cause cancer when they are damaged. Sexual reproduction is quite literally the only way to mitigate this evolutionary advantage.

Plants and animals that reproduce with clones are unable to adapt and are evolutionary dead ends effectively immortalized.

Read the post again. Just because you say so does not make it so.

They simply can't accept the fact they can only afford CPUs/GPUs because games are a thing. It's funny to see

wtf, she's actually playing and she's pretty decent

Attached: 1464919765350.jpg (400x400, 128K)

War is unironically good. I can't wait for WWIII so we can redraw the map. Peace time allows for uncontrolled faggotry like feminism and other leftist hedonistic horseshit.

Me on the left

both and are correct
there are too many NPCs here for which everything ultimately revolves around video games, all they do is play video games and only really discuss technology in the context of how it can better enable them to play video games. those people really do need to fuck off and just learn to use google or go to reddit, they don't belong on a technology forum because they don't actually like technology, they like easy consumer advice and seeking attention in consumer flexing generals like speccy/guts/battlestation threads (don't get me wrong, we all do this in our own realms but at least others here actually appreciate something related to the board topic.)

there are also indeed a lot of freetards and *nix users in general who are just bitter hipsters and/or cultists who spend more time flexing and talking about their trivial technology preferences than actually doing anything with their technology, they don't belong anywhere and really should just kill themselves.

but if you enjoy both technology and video games and know what discussion belongs where and at what time, there is no problem.

I barely see any games discussed here.
But how dare you bring up high end GPU, Ryzen for games or console hardware, it's suddenly all "" even though hardware is Jow Forums and games are /v/.

you're just an incel

Attached: 1552051618519.png (1024x616, 151K)

trannies aren't women, incel

for being degenerate

that's because, as I said in my post you apparently didn't read, they are only discussing that hardware in the context of how good it is at playing video games

few people on Jow Forums are lusting after high-end GPUs for GPGPU or CAD work, even fewer are lusting over Ryzen for their home servers or embarrassingly parallel compute workloads, nobody's discussing console architecture or anything actually technology-related about them

those threads belong on /v/ because their denizens are only talk about it in the context of /v/ shit and as a result the discussion is terrible quality, mostly just meme spouting and shills (professional and volunteer) literally just regurgitating from marketing press kits trying to sell shit or appease various consumer cults

>get fucked, kid
Still referring to RAM as MHz instead of MT/s, autist?

i think it's a vid

It's not, she's clearly playing

She fucks up when she moans, so I'm pretty sure she's playing.

It's like she wanna be ostracized from our tiny commie society

But they do, that's the problem.You're comfortablely ignoring that.

>Oh no you mentioned Nami in the new Xbox???
>How dare you!!! reee
Etc, etc.

Ostracized for what? For being a strong woman doing whatever she wants, not caring about social norms? You bigot, racist, misogynistic, anti immigration literal nazi

every time I go into a ryzen/GPU/whatever thread it's pretty much 90% retards crawling all over each other in a competition to see who remembers the most acronyms from the last major press release/keynote of the given corporation being "discussed" and who is best at stringing them together in the most condescending way possible to make themselves feel smarter

nobody in those threads really appears to appreciate or have a genuine interest in technology, they're more excited about how much cheaper it will be to play video games fast or re-encode their porn collection for the 20th time this month or whatever