Why would I need to any languages other than C and Python?
Inb4 Javascript. I'm not a frontend soiboi.
Why would I need to any languages other than C and Python?
Inb4 Javascript. I'm not a frontend soiboi.
You don't.
>implying you even need more than one programming language in the first place
Only need java.
learn some VHDL, an assembly language, and maybe a shell language. you'll be an unstoppable computer wizard
Node should replace python at this point desu.
It is much faster, has syntax that doesn't rely on fucking whitespace, has bunch of solid web frameworks (mostly talking about backend)
Only problem is shitty libraries like electron bogging the whole fucking language down.
also TIL that node has a gtk library
anything based on web technology is a steeaming pile of rube-goldberg-like dog shit. javascript isn't a language, it is a disease
JavaScript should remain in the browser where it can do the least amount of harm. Example:
Because if you are put in a team where they don't use either, you will not be able to do your job.
>Node should replace python
Node will be lucky to just be around in 18 months, to say nothing of replacing Python.
node is here to stay whether you like it or not.
Trust me, by the end of 2020, the webdev boyz will be jerking over the next hawt new JS technology, and node will be a distant memory.
Maybe Go for networking applications where performace matters? Technically you could still use C there but I'd personally rather use a language that is easier to be "safe" in.
>hurrrduurrr whitespace syntax bad
At this point I feel like this is the only complaint that people have about python, and it's a pretty fucking weak was complaint
can't make gaymes
You missed these things after letter C, user.
you literally don't
all of web and js bullshit should've been written in pure C or python for zoomers
>other than C(++) and Python
To actually get a job in a place that isn't a west coast meme.
Java gets shat on by Jow Forums cause it's only used by Pajeets, but if you work in industry you'll realize that it's the only way to guarantee yourself a job without learning useless algorithms and gay autistic meme shit like runtime complexity.
That being said, Scala is the thinking man's Java and the future is functional programming.
>gay autistic meme shit like runtime complexity.
>hurr, writing efficient code is dumb!
You need Go for anything web related and C for everything else. That's all you need.
> the future is functional programming.
> the future is female
None of these is happening. Nice try.
You only need what pays
Every website should be written solely in HTML5
This. Fucking fuck JS and its 39494 frameworks.
nobody cares about shitty web frameworks