Does this guy just feed off misery?
He has no excuse. He lives in NYC. There are hoards of hot women. Literally there is a SHORTAGE of men on that island.
Does this guy just feed off misery?
He has no excuse. He lives in NYC. There are hoards of hot women. Literally there is a SHORTAGE of men on that island.
She’s pretty cute desu. Is she like filipino?
I would say he did better than Linux Sebastian desu
Really don't care if he wants to piss away his 114IQ genes with a fob senpai. His kids will be less likely to work for the destruction of the west that way.
he has very obvious issues my man. Look at his mannerisms, his cringe humor, the way he carries out entire conversations with himself, manual blinking etc.
The homely wife is the least of his problems
How does it feel that tech influencers have asian wife?
>jew york city
>There are hoards of hot women
Isn't he the guy who created BSD?
Yes he's into BDSM
Hes pizza american
Better than der8bauer I guess, he's sharing a pornstar:
You can actually see his apartment in a few videos lmao.
He's an ugly manlet.
>In Manhattan, the numbers are even more dire, with 38 percent more young female college grads than male. Birger says the imbalance is also exacerbated by New York’s large population of gay males. Some 9 to 12 percent of men in Manhattan are gay, according to Gary Gates, a demographics expert at UCLA’s Williams Institute.
swap "hot women" with "corporate dollar dolls"
> New York’s large population of gay males
thanks god I don't live in jew york citaids
asians are disgusting
>Does this guy just feed off misery?
Yes just like every other Apple hater out there.
Why the fuck are you pathetic betas making this thread for the 10,000th time? Why do you give a fuck which woman Louis puts his dick into? That's a tad bit gay. Fucking beta orbiters, I swear.
Fucking have sex, incels
she's not ugly, post your super hot gf or stfu
his father is German, his mother is Italian
are you retarded /pol?
(rhetorical questions)
>shortage of men
>hot women
have you even been there lately
Less azn pusspuss for us = bad
The worst part of this is that loser will have kids
>hoards of hot women
too bad every single fucking one of them is batshit insane
I have one myself so it doesn't really make me feel anything.
She seems cute
This. There are actually a ton of attractive girls but they're all crazy or too career focused.
> Thinly veiled attempt at a Jow Forums, and a retarded one at that.
Go back to your containment board.
She's Hawaiian
This. He's actually lucky not to be a FOREVER ALONE
He's basically a Jow Forumsentooman that managed to score a girl.
any white passing autist can get an asian girl in 2019
Where's yours?
germans are sexually fucked up in general, i wonder if she poops on him as well
And if it's so easy, where's your asian fuck hole?
He's smart and relatively successful, she's cute and seems to like him. Why exactly shouldn't they be together, Jow Forums? Is it a big conspiracy from [[[then]]]]]]]]]]]?
so basically pilipino
in the living room
Why not order pizza to his shop on livestream?
Women don’t mind sharing the same men if the alternative is having someone they perceive below their worth to themselves.
>he fell for the Asian meme
>tfw date an asian girl but feel guilty about it and can see judgemental looks from everybody
She is legit cute, a little chunky and obviously fun sized
What the fuck would Louise go for? He is a literal angry manlet fixing computers for a living and complaining about some returned chink displays on YouTube
He is doing pretty well IMO, and she looks enthusiastic and fun
cringe @ the Jow Forumsfags itt hating on the dude, most of you probably have no gf at all
look at yourself before you shittalk others you lowlives
fuck the memes and fuck what others might think, if you love her then it's great
>almost 23 years old
>fit physique
>was considered quite attractive at school
>full hairline
>clear and pale skin (no acne)
>never had a girlfriend
>don't know a single non-relative female
spend less time on your computer, it's actually hard to never get into a relationship if you are actually out and being social
Hawaiians don't look like that, fucking dumb haoles.
"This" doesn't even come close to describing my agreement.
imagine that gets confusing for his hackathons
>no, I said "BSD"
Hawaiians can look like anything, they have a high asian/white/native population and are mixed as hell.
I dont believe you
Hawaiian implies people of Hawaiian descent. More than half of Hawaii is Japanese or Filipino, with the rest being other Asian ethnicities, Caucasian, or mixed. People with Hawaiian ancestry are not common, like 5% or so of the population.
>western guy with asian gf
sure is Jow Forums in here.
>Hawaiian implies people of Hawaiian descent
No, it implies being born and raised in Hawaii. "Real" native Hawaiians are a minor part of their population like you already mentioned.
You have a shit personality.
Believe, he just described me but one inch taller.
go to HS parties and fuck young teen girls
I'm not american, this isn't really a thing here.
Yo wtf this dudes videos get recommended to me every once in a while
What's wrong with manual blinking? Do you stare in conversations?
senpai look at the dude's face, she's out of his league
Based WMAF. Nothing worse than racist Asian males complaining about it.
No, but if you are normal you would not have to manually blink when having a conversation.
wonder what the coming generation of elliot rodgers will be like
That's not much of a compliment user
Not for long. Did you saw how he berated her for the entire video? As much as I likes his rants and hate for Apple that was a cringe video 97% of the time. Bitch not gonna stick around for long.
post pic
You mean a generation of Nathan Adrians and hot hapa women? White men are just passing the torch to hapas who will be the next master race. Kind of like when Indo-Aryans became the rulers of India and Iran. Or WASPs in Europe. Hapas will rule the planet in 2100.
What if you're talking to a social outcast? You have to cue the socially inept not to keep the stare longer than a few seconds.
I stopped watching Louise a while back
It's the same rambling all the time
I still follow his stuff but to just know how he is doing
Linus does the same with his wife
It's like the nerd thing to do to women or something
>all these assmad white roasties
Asian women are literally meant for being bred by big white cock.
>linus does the same
I watch him far and in between but does he even puts hos wife on video? I thought it was a sporadic thing
asian girls are shit tier that only beta males settle for
I don't know what you are talking about, that might be because I have ASD though.
Let's see you hold on to that opinion while the world becomes increasingly more mulattofied. :)
Face it, hapas will be the new white upper class in Asia.
>literally who dating literally who
Go watch The View
so basically middle eastern
this image reeks of roastie seethe
very accurate
Let him do what he wants.
He's a mutt anyways.
Plus she's kind cute in a youthful way.
Why can't he find a white girl?
white girls hate autistic nerds, but asians are so status and money driven that they don't mind
>why doesn't the jewish mutt get a white GF
>live in NYC
>see white men with Asian girls and black men with white women all the damn time
>laugh internally whenever I see a white woman with her half-black baby and no man around while the hapa kids ALWAYS have their white daddy around.
Seriously white women, just because he makes your vagene fill full does not mean you should let the nigga nut in you.
He's not Jewish. He has a Nazi surname.
Yeah, but you'll never have a white son, so what's the point? Women are useless, their only purpose is to birth white men.
I was on the train in england with my asian gf and there was a white woman around our age with 2 black babies next to her and no dad in sight, the entire train ride she was glaring at the two of us to an uncomfortable degree
reminder that asian women produce asian children who then resent their fathers.
he's 100% jewish. he even looks like your typical NYC jewish manlet male.
The view is about politics more than fox or CNN is
elliot would have been a chad if he wasn't autistic
His surname is still German. Can you find one Jew with the surname Rossmann?
>elliot would have been a chad if he wasn't autistic
he's a typical HAPA. just hang around them and you'll realize they're all the same when it comes to hating their life.
I mean that his personality was his problem, he was rich and hot
>with 38 percent more young female college grads than male
Ok, but how many of these ladies are marriage material. Sure, it might be fun to have 128 flings, but how many of these CAREER ladies are actually worth investing in?
german jewish name.
You first you pathetic beta