Fuck capitalism
Fuck capitalism
Why do you hate it?
I hate it for alot of reason
Damages ecology
Causes techonological growth which then causes society and traditionalism to degrade.
Wealth inequality
you hate it because you're poor and lazy
Nice ad hominem
Under communism, everyone has a job.
please let's conquer this demon cesspit and make it human for once
So are worker cooperatives within a market economy technically socialist enterprises?
>not 4th positionist
I have a ride to get this breaking news back to Jow Forums for you.
Fuck you, go back. At least I keep it apolitical.
while trying to set up and spread co-operatives and unions is definitely a socialist project, the ultimate goal of socialism is to abolish the market, and dismantle/wither the state.
what we do with the state reflects the principles of your school, and your definition of the state.
if you're a marxist, you hold that the state is more or less an agregate will of a particular class, be it bourgeois, or proletarian, therefore, marxists believe that the dictatoriship of the bourgeoisie can only be dismantled by the dictatorship of the proletariat. and the dictatorship of the proletariat can only wither once class antagonisms under the proletarians have been eliminated.
if you're an anarchist, you hold that the state is a combination of 3 things: a governing body that holds a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence, a constituency upon whom that violence is committed, and a marked territory where this violence, by such a body and upon such a constituency is ordained as legitimate, and anarchists reject the notion that the state's violence is any more legitimate than the violence of the individual or class.
anarchists therefore believe that the market and the state must be abolished, simultaneously if possible, if not, pretty close to being simultaneous.
i happen to be an anarchist.
some anarchists and marxists agree that both schools, under the right circumstances, may successfully implement what marx called "FULL COMMUNISM", understood by all socialists to be the final and permanent triumph of the left
Fuck the state, and any commies that try to implement it
Ah nice. Guess I'm still in socdem terriority.
if you're an ancap, you're not an anarchist.
you don't want to abolish the state, you merely want to privatize its faculties.
that does not eliminate the state under clause of "legitimate use of violence", it only redines its structure to suit your idea of how it would be legitimate.
remember, the state's violence is no more legitimate than that of the individual or rather, the violence of the burgher class is no more legitimate than that of the working class
How does it not eliminate the state if privatization eliminates the monopoly? Also wouldn't "monopoly on the arbitration of violence" be a better definition than "monoploy on the legitimate use of violence"?
Based and redpilled
>Damages ecology
Can't argue with that
>Causes techonological growth which then causes society and traditionalism to degrade.
Get off your computer then, stop making use of modern medicine. Stop enjoying literally all the luxuries you take for granted. Traditions have historically been in a constant state of erosion/change anyway, this is nothing new. Your "traditional values" were once radical.
>Wealth inequality
True but everyone is wealthier overall, and those who put more effort in are typically the ones who get more out.
I have no position one way or the other on this
did i not read what i just typed?
if you think the structures for any kind of ownership over the legitimate use of violence, you hold that it is more legitimate than the violence of the individual, regardless of whether or not it's a monopoly.
come to think of it, murray rothbard never indicated that market monopolies are impossible or even unethical under ancapism.
furthermore, it is monopolization BY CLASS.
your CLASS is defined by your relationship to the means of production and/or the faculties of the state, and if you privately own the means of production AND the faculties of the state, then congratulations, dipshit, you just ressurected feudalism
Id gladly fuck off into the woods if uncle sam didnt want to bulldoze it in the forest to make room for mcwalmart.
Beyond based.
Fuck loafers with no job.
Good thread. Down with the Rothschild controlled banks, down with Soros and down with any offshoots off their families having any influence at all.
yup, so far, as an ancom, that is about the only statement out of your mouth that i agree with.
soros is a real sneaky kinda guy.
he funds leftist projects in his attempts to infiltrate them, and those catch on and stop it in time, they end up having soros-funded police trying to dismantle it.
knowing the ruling class, this is definitely in-character.
but honestly dude, you sympathize with literal nazis and neoliberals.
you glib flirtations with with evil ideologies that give people like soros power whilst claiming to despise them is disgusting
tell that to the communists
as long as everyone else is actually working with me and my coworkers, instead of extracting the value we produce, i'm a happy camper
I think you misunderstood my epic maymay my dude
I don't. I advocate individual soveignity. Nothing less. People aren't ready to hear that yet, much less the times I subtly assert it.
sort of hard to believe if you're making posts referring us to Jow Forums, but i'll believe it.
tone it down, and you'd be great friend for egoists.
egoism's aight
Hubris. I only seek to create a better world for those to inherit it after me. My life is not my own.
Most of that is not being nukes, the other half is freedom still being a choice somewhere or everywhere in the world.
Leave you with a meme b4 I go.
I'll read them, more a fan of Ayn Rand and Aldous Huxley tho..
then i guess in that sense, we are kindred spirits.
but seriously, stirner wrote some neat stuff about the individualism and even criticized the market, and the egoist union is cool as long as everyone is willing to speak to their own will and die on a hill for it. he was a pretty cool guy.
that's my guy
ayn rand. ugh
Along ghandi in her time..
Off the computer with you then, hypocrite.