Love isn't Real. In fact, it's gay

You fucking betas need to get over your "feelings" if you still have any. No woman will ever love you because women are and always have been incapable of deep emotional attachments. Think of all those generations of foreign conquest and the ensuing rape that follows after one tribe wars another. You want the final redpill on women? Women are disloyal sex objects, and if they think they can do better, they will. So remember, YOU are the prize. YOU are the success object. Once you accept this, no matter how ugly or fat you are, you will see just how easy it is to seduce them and submit to your will. You want someone to be by your side unconditionally and love you for who you are -- get a dog -- or better yet, just cut the chase and start fucking your homies, because no woman would ever give you the satisfaction of deluding yourself into thinking she cares.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I feel bad for you that your mom didn't hug you

This. only women and fags falling in love. True men don’t feel they think.

Yea that’s all she has are those fake plastic balloons her face is a train wreck that looks like anerimutt mixes with el goblina and a side of horse face. Sort yourself out.

>OPs pic

festivals like these are the places where the literal sewage of society congregates, surprised that there wasn't any shooting at these degenerate events...

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t. roastie

True love isnt real but goddamn the lizard brain is powerful like fuck my shit sempai


>and fags falling in love
Homosexuals are incapable of love

au contraire, my mother absorbed me with affection my entire life and would constantly say how much she loved me. this made it all the more confusing and damaging to my developing sexuality when I learned no woman would ever 'love' me the same.

>just cut the chase and start fucking your homies


The majority of your ancestors were concieved by rape. Deal with it.

>No woman will ever love you because women are and always have been incapable of deep emotional attachments.
>au contraire, my mother absorbed me with affection my entire life and would constantly say how much she loved me. this made it all the more confusing and damaging to my developing sexuality when I learned no woman would ever 'love' me the same.
So a woman did love you
Try finding a girl that is similar to your mom in character

t. friendless virgin

sad but true, there is only fucking, only betas fall for the love retarded shit

>women lose virginity before 16s
>women abort
>women cheat with chads, criminals and violent males
>women culture is about sex and rampant promiscuity
>women hate man openly
>women abuse drugs
>women divorce rape as a sport

>man still try to find excuses to love them

you are blind
women are for fucking, not for loving
women are not human beings, just the receptive and reproductive negative spectrum of the male, the true active representative part of humanity

>The majority of your ancestors were concieved by rape. Deal with it.
>Implying the Stockholm syndrome doesn't exist
>Also implying that women cant fall in love with their rapists

The real redpill is that rape is the natural state of interaction between men and women. "Rape" as civilizationally defined was simply a way of saying "you have stolen my property," as raping a taken woman was theft. You cannot rape a single woman.

Yes. Women "fall in love" with you no matter what you do as soon as you put your dick in them. As soon as an "upgrade" is available tho, they leave you and forget about you in a week.

motherly affection is not love. it's role is to protect, not acquire. ironically, the only time a woman feels REAL love is when she's a mother and even that's fucked, especially when the father is absent, then that protective form of "love" turns into a lust used to fill a deeper emotional void that comes with not having more children
>t.only child

Based and roastpilled

>As soon as an "upgrade" is available tho, they leave you and forget about you in a week.
Make sure there's no upgrades around by either killing or neutering the competition or by living in a house in the middle of nowhere, or by being the ultimate alpha

op is right. only faggots catch feelings for women.

Its not that women CAN'T love, but they most certainly will fall out of love with you eventually..

>then that protective form of "love" turns into a lust used to fill a deeper emotional void that comes with not having more children
What the fuck is this incest shit
>t.only child
Ah that explains why your family is all fucked up

>What the fuck is this incest shit
correct, it's emotional incest and rape against the son to have an overbearing mother. prove me wrong:
>pro tip: you can't

i had a gf that basically took care of me for years while i flopped around being a mentally ill alcoholic. idk why she would do that if not for love. In the end i left her too because i couldnt stop cheating on her and i couldnt deal with living with her anymore so i went back to my mom's

OP is correct

Waman are objects

>>pro tip: you can't
I wasnt a single child and I had a father who was around
Maybe try having parents who aren't insane

Aww poor guy. Who hurt you? Must really suck not to know what love is.

It hurt me a lot when I found out about the true nature of women the hard way.

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bruh you need Jesus

Let's say you have a girlfriend. Let's say after a while another girl; someone hotter, smarter and overall more compatible was into you. Are you telling me you wouldn't try to break off your first relationship to get with this other person? (I'm talking in general here, try not to be influenced by personal bias)

>No woman will ever love you
Your mother is the only woman that will ever love you.

it's quite simple, she felt she couldn't do better and women need companionship (or if you're a simp; a monkey to entertain them). it's kinda fucked up how in today's world the most insecure women make the most submissive gfs.

Just find a white woman in a rural country village that are loyal and old fashioned to make babies.

Mgtow is a fucking kike scheme to make you goys stop having white babies.

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you'll never know how beautiful those events are u fuckin faggot

>Mgtow is a fucking kike scheme to make you goys stop having white babies.
This times six million

>Maybe try having parents who aren't insane
my parents were self absorbed boomers and I was an accident that they kept because "jesus". It's already too late for me but maybe if I can wake someone up with this thread I'll be rewarded for it in Valhalla after I kms

t. sewage rat

>>women cheat with chads, criminals and violent males
>>women culture is about sex and rampant promiscuity

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>start fucking your homies

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an honorable man of integrity would stay by his wife's side no matter what. with that being said, you're talking about girlfriends -- which should be treated as being expendable. never settle for less lads.

Lol> pilled raver enlightened by drugs and unemployment

Suck my dick bitch.

My parents were very loving religious parents and I'm Millennial. I also had very close neighbors and extended family. My experiences show me love is real but I'm supposed to think it doesn't exist just because some people are too stupid or sociopathic to get it. No wonder this generation is so cold. They had bad parents and expect me to adopt their fucked up views.

>Womans will leave you if you don't provide benifits
And you wouldn't leave this if she wasn't providing benefits?

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Why would you stay with your wife if you could "trade up" so to speak?

>Hur dur heterosexual love is sissy and gay hur dur.

>They had bad parents and expect me to adopt their fucked up views.
This user understands

>women cheat with chads, criminals and violent males
nu Jow Forums pretending they don't like bad girls

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because she wouldn't be my wife unless I knew she was perfect

>because she wouldn't be my wife unless I knew she was perfect
>Why do women leave me for better males!?!

Imagine being this sad

>pagan hedonism
>sexual hierarchy where the most attractive and fit are most valued
>90% white people
>music genre invented by working class white Europeans and Americans
user, if that's not redpilled i don't know what is

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>The real redpill is that rape is the natural state of interaction between men and women. "Rape" as civilizationally defined was simply a way of saying "you have stolen my property," as raping a taken woman was theft. You cannot rape a single woman.
Fuck off, Spencer. Rape is fucking painful and demoralizing. Just ask anyone in prison.

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Yeah I saw your posts and agree. They expect us to have fucked up views just because their moms railed every guy in town bringing them home each night. We came from loving families and they can't conceive of that. Anything good must be unable to be real or else you aren't "red pilled".

That's from a feminist rally in Argentina tho

You obviously have no real experience with either women nor love. Love isn't "to acquire"; love is understanding and acceptance.

For men, yes. But we're talking about women.

>pagan hedonism
Christian/Jew occultism

I myself am married and life is awesome.

>For men, yes. But we're talking about women.
It rips and tears... And it's fucking demoralizing

>an honorable man of integrity would stay by his wife's side no matter what.
Not if she's fucking up your life

This might be one of the few times it's legitimate to accuse OP of being an incel.

Laugh at the nihilist fag's failed recruitment effort

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Once you realize that "love" is just a product of the human condition meant to bond you with a mate just long enough to reproduce and raise a child until it's old enough to walk, before you move on, you start to realize the stupidity in placing so much emphasis and faith on a chemical reaction. But most people would rather believe a convenient lie than an inconvenient truth, so the myth that love exist is perpetuated.

That's the same as ignoring the question. I'm saying hypothetically, if you could trade up, why shouldn't you?

if you read the OP it is fairly obvious he's actually gay, not an incel

>just be gay bro
yeah you sure showed us you big faggot

>That's from a feminist rally in Argentina tho
Are there more Argie milkers out there?

then tell me oh enlightened one, where do I find a woman willing to understand and accept all my fucked up idiosyncrasies that come from a lifetime of abuse? It seems like men are told day in and day out that we should accept all women no matter how damaged she is. I don't see that sentiment being reciprocated.


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>user, if that's not redpilled i don't know what is
Auschwitz tier degenerate bisexual drugdealers are at the top of the sexual pyramid
Yeah this is fucking degenerate

I hate whores

Either pump & dump, stay alone or pay the toll for dealing with whores

Red pill for you: Love is actually real.

>Once you realize that "love" is just a product of the human condition meant to bond you with a mate just long enough to reproduce and raise a child until it's old enough to walk, before you move on, you start to realize the stupidity in placing so much emphasis and faith on a chemical reaction.
The "chemical reaction" meme... You fucking NPCs didn't realize that, you were taught to repeat it.

You're looking backwards in evolution, but evolution moves forwards. It was a chemical reaction for tiny chemical based creatures in the ocean but it moved forward. And became complex and more hardwired in the mammal brains. I've seen male cats (no homo) morn other male cats who died for months. I've seen a finch morn another finch and hide under the paper in his cage for months.
Now you could say that's projection but I'd say it's a common reaction that is observable.


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You want nothing a woman offers. You are homosexual and defective.

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Nobody is asking for more pictures of this titcow?

>where do I find a woman willing to understand and accept all my fucked up idiosyncrasies that come from a lifetime of abuse?
I dont know
You might as well an hero
But don't come here claiming all women are trash because no normal and sane women are willing to be in a relationship with you

>I hate whores
You only hate whores because modern whores were infected with (((feminism))). Old whores are cherry.

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im pretty sure what happened is what they refer to as 'pairbonding'. I imagine she would have eventually left me for some superior guy but that stuff is pretty powerful at least for a few years

gay and bluepilled

eventually you have to settle down. at least that's what my christian upbringings (that I can't seem to completely abandon) teach me. so hypothetically speaking, you're supposed to do all your trading up while you're dating around. If you're still looking for other options after marriage you probably have some deeper pathological frustration against being a man who is in charge of his family

>where do I find a woman willing to understand and accept all my fucked up idiosyncrasies that come from a lifetime of abuse? It seems like men are told day in and day out that we should accept all women no matter how damaged she is. I don't see that sentiment being reciprocated.
Social norms are not for the higher man. They're for NPCs

Those are some big milkers man, share more

No, faggot, long term love exists and is built over time. Love of a wife or your family is different than lust.

Hmm, let's see

Wife is obviously loyal enough to stay around, we have a history together, she wants to be with me as much as I want to be with her

New gf is exotic and interesting and new, but we have no history and it could end as quickly as it starts

A lot of retarded men have thrown away good women just because the "new girl" is briefly interesting. Long-term thinking skills will tell you that it's almost always better to stick with what you've got because you obviously went through some serious work for it. Why throw away all of that work just to start over with someone else that may or may not be as good as the one you have?

>eventually you have to settle down. at least that's what my christian upbringings (that I can't seem to completely abandon) teach me.
Every white tradition teaches that, Christianity teaches you to not get married and dedicate yourself to spreading the words of Rabbi Jesus. Stop lying, you're not a Christian, you're a white man who adopted it.

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Same thing.
Gay sex isn't actually sex it's masturbation. You can't lose your "virginity" by letting a man fuck you up the ass, you may no longer be carnally innocent but you're still a virgin.

I dont know any women who are bad girls. You mean bad girls like they do bad stuff, rob a bank, kill people? Or your mean girls that are sluts and give their pussy for stuff?

>"im emotionally unstable"
>"why won't women deal with that?"
>"fuck women waaahh"
get your fucking shit in order, Jesus Christ, see a fucking behavioral therapist (>inb4 behavioral therapy is a meme) or something, get those fucked up and antisocial idiosyncrasies in order, you'll not only be happier with yourself, but other people, not just women, will be happier being around you.

Love only flows in one direction.

Men love women the way women need to be loved.

Women love children the way children need to be loved.

Children love dogs the way dogs need to be loved.

Dogs love men the way men need to be loved.

Expecting any different directional flow of love is bluepilled and naive.

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>Social norms are not for the higher man. They're for NPCs
t. degenerate individualist

Then you haven't looked hard enough or long enough. Most people are wounded in some way and in search of acceptance; you just don't see it. Keep looking my dude

Jesus Christ I would drop such a load in her.

filename checks out

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