Carrier pigeons are non-free, proprietary software and you should avoid using them as much as possible. While you can read or examine the object delivered by them, you can't read the firmware, aka the pigeon's brain. You don't know if the bird is good, or was trained by the NSA/CIA to stop at their location before yours.
Carrier pigeons are non-free, proprietary software and you should avoid using them as much as possible...
based & birdpilled
What if I put a GPS tracker in it?
Wow you should add this to spyware watchdog
The bird can be trained to remove the tracker.
Birds are technology
you can read the firmware, retard.
>He thinks he can read what's on a bird's mind
About as much as looking at the PC internal parts when running proprietary software.
IPoAC has better throughtput than what is available for me
I can idiot. I can read bird minds, intentions of pineapples and certain species of onion
>Being unironically schizo
And maybe a bit of for you since you're a cock mongler.
It's fine, I encrypt my messages with rot13 twice for extra security, doesn't matter if the medium carrying the message is compromised
>999 reply thread
The postman is non-free propriety software and you should avoid using them as much as possible. while you can read or examine the object delivered by them, you can't read the firmware, aka the postal delivery route. You don't know if the post office is good, or was instructed by the NSA/CIA to stop at their location before yours.
>Implying that the post office isn't actually an NSA/CIA information processing plant
you have a point
Birdbrain here, Can confirm I don't know what NSA or CIA even stand for
Hate to tell you this boomerbro but they've been reading your mail since before you were born.
>rot13 twice
>not 4 times
step it up
Good idea.
>huge wealth of offline metadata that can be used to build character profiles of people of interest/potential people of interest
>Intelligence agencies not exploiting this source of data
When was the last Dear John you received from a girl? I bet the NSA had loads of fun reading that.
Oh, wait...
have sex
>Implying you ever had
>Implying you know me personally
Hello NSA
That's why you should only use ravens to send messages.
No, they are hardware, not software.
So are intel chips