Filthy Australian here, what is it like to have faster internet and a stable ping?
Even for Australian standards, I've had shitty luck, being in a black spot for both home / mobile broadband, having seen 13mbps at best on my HSDPA Telstra Phone.
I quit online gaming when I was 16, due to rage and anger from lag. I picked it up again at 21 when I found HSDPA was stable enough to game with.
Usually YouTube will buffer at least once at 480p.
I'm 26 and will be moving out of home this year... Hopefully I will get a decent NBN connection with at least 50mbps.
But you have cucked censored internet. At least I can watch the shooting video all I want.
Camden Murphy
>Filthy Australian here, what is it like to have faster internet and a stable ping?
25 year old american here.
I've had stable internet most of my adult life. Before 2003 we had shitty dialup, but in 2003 we had 5mbps cable, then in 2005 we upgraded to 15mbps, in 2008 we got 25mbps fiber, which we upgraded to 50mbps in 2010. In 2012 we upgraded again to 150mbps, in 2017 we upgraded again to 1gbps.
With fiber my ping has consistently been sub 10ms to pretty much anything major, steam, google, etc.
With cable back in 2003 we had pretty shitty ping at around 20-30ms (shitty in comparison to fiber)
That makes me sad man. I've had ~3mbps since 2004 when we got Broadband, up from Dialup. In 2010 had a 12gb data cap 2011 25gb data cap We are truly upside down here. I wish Labour Government won in 2013 and the NBN rollout went as planned.
Jason Hughes
Australian here On a 50 megabit plan with 4ms ping. Speed is eh cant complain though.
Adam Martin
Yeah, from what I remember, the original FTTH NBN plan was actually modeled after my ISPs own FTTH rollout in the mid to late 2000s.
Ryder Bailey
aussie here, i get 45-50mbit. 50 i can get a night easily. during the day, 46 or so is the best I can do. I didn't want to pay for faster access, I don't need it and for the price of $100/m for 100mbit, my isp and the australian government can go fuck themselves.
Used to live in Australia when I was small, first time I experienced internet was there. Then I moved out, everyone in this country complains about how slow it is, but I legit am grateful if I can get a steady 100Kbps. I have 100Mbps now so life's good. Aussie internet legit made me the most patient person ever.
Jaxson Richardson
play old school runescape aussie, this shit was made for dial up connections
Joseph Brown
Stability I more of the issue though, dropping down to less than 1mbps, dropping packets or disconnecting entirely. Multiple times a day and you can forget doing anything latency dependant, such as gaming.
Thomas Clark
I used to back in the day, 2006/7 and died several times due to dropping out... The connection is even worse than it was then. Who has time for that shit these days and the game / company itself is shit now.
Aaron Morales
No you can't. Also Telstra is still blocking Jow Forums and 4channel. We are the ones being cucked.
Benjamin King
Telstra legacy cable. 115mbps all day, no peak slowdowns but have to go over to NBN in October. Have had maybe 5 outages in the 9 years living at current property that weren't storm/planned maintenance, has been reliable which feels ironic to say about Telstra. I'll like the higher upload but just hope it stays reliable and doesn't have lots of dropouts, its HFC NBN as well.
i was on telstra cable for 5 years before nbn. i use to get 122mbps with ~25ms to server.
nbn was cheaper - but i've had tons of problems... plus the arris cable box they give people is 10/100 base. so there is no way to get over 100mbps. you can't even replace it yourself from what i can tell.
Brody Smith
I lived in rural Canada most of my life with 1 Mbps (35Kbps until I was 14), I moved to the city for uni and had 150 Mbps at my place. It felt like I finally had unlimited access to the internet. Now I'm back to 10Mbps. I need to get out of here
Nathaniel Nelson
I've heard due to overhead NBN usually caps out at around 94-96Mbps down, and 34-38Mbps up. As long as it's consistent and at least somewhat reliable then i'd be happy. If evening speeds stay close to around 80 or so Mbps that'd be pretty good. Getting cable internet was a blessing as the previous house I lived in was 3g only (10gb a month for $140 as Telstra was the only one operating off of the tower). Moved to this house and could get 200GB of quota and initially 30/1 on cable (was more like ~34 down due to the way telstra provisions network), massive increase over the 3g internet which was round 300KB/s on a good day. Honestly anything over 25mbps is pretty usable nowadays, but i'm just grateful for what I have currently.
Austin Scott
you need a better antenna, like a 4G MIMO one
Charles Mitchell
Fuck, this makes me jealous too and I'm an American living in a major city. We only JUST got 100mbps cable around a year ago here and fiber isn't even on the horizon. I fucking hate this monopoly shit where there's only one viable ISP in the whole area and so they have no incentive to upgrade anything.
Dylan Perry
>I wish Labour Government won in 2013 and the NBN rollout went as planned. that was never going to happen. t. insider with experience with teh clowns running NBN
Robert Stewart
the are replacing the HFC with fibre in my area.. i spoke to the installers on friday. they explained that 1gbps wouldn't be even possible given how old the tech is at the exchange. it would cost millions to upgrade it.
Brayden Thomas
Shut the fuck up Malcolm.
Christopher Jones
>Was meant to receive HFC a week ago >Delayed to 2020 >Originally was meant to get NBN in 2017 Fuck.
Charles White
On Hellstra here, easy HOSTS file add for boards.*, sys.* and is2.*.
Joseph Wood
>I wish Labour Government won in ANY_YEAR Neck yourself trannycommie piece of shit. In fact, do your entire family.
>actually using telstra >"we" are being cucked No, you're the stupid fucking cuck.
Wyatt Lewis
>finally get NBN in all white suburb the correct side of wanneroo road >get almost all the 50mbps im supposed to get >can't pirate shit fast enough to keep up with the speed What do I do with it now? Seems such a waste to let it sit idle....
Ethan Anderson
>Aussie internet legit made me the most patient person ever.
I feel the same way but I can't say it worked on people I know.
John Jackson
Imagine having to fly all the fucking way over here just to get a job earning enough money to live there.
Jack Sanders
Telstra offers the best coverage and for $40 a month I get everything I want and need, but I don't like being forced to use a DNS block ( to access my freedom of speech and expression. I called to lodge a complaint and did, but there was no follow up. Might need to go to the ombudsman or call again and threaten a human rights violation.
Easton Sullivan
Then use opendns, google or any other DNS provider
Caleb Russell
i'm serious. they were trying to roll out NBN with Telstra 4GX. a nationalised broadband network is ridiculously expensive, and by the time the pollies get their act together to actually fund the thing the technology is going to be out of date, and we'll be stuck with the bill. the last conservative estimates of the price said australian tax payers won't have paid it off in 30 years
Jackson Lewis
I do, I use, but the point of my post was that I shouldn't have to.
Jordan Richardson
Thats cloudflare and untrustworthy as fuck. More importantly Telstra DNS isnt secure. Also dont presume you have the right to free speech, you don't.
Luke Nelson
what they should be doing (and what they may have finally started tacitly doing) is let the private companies duke it out to deliver the best coverage at the lowest prices to the customers. the big guys and little wisps will have everyone covered, especially with 5G coming.
did we really need fiber to the building when we have limitless gigabit mobile coverage right around the corner?
Landon Evans
>He didn't switch to Aussie Broadband Haven't spoken to a single pajeet on their line, it's perfect apart from price.
Nathaniel King
? It was planned to be all FttB/P wasn't it? Fibre isn't going to be out of data any time soon. As it is now, we'll have to replace the NBN almost entirely within the next 10 years if want to be competitive in the international market.
I'll take a look at those other DNS options you mentioned, thanks.We have a fundamental human right to freedom of speech and expression as outlined under the UN ICCPR that we signed and Human Rights Act and High Court rulings.
Get ~80mbps peak down in Aus on Telstra 90+ off peak
Get 130mbps on 4G Optus at home
retarded. I've honestly considered getting Telstra's $199 unlimited 4GX shit. Get top end phone and then people put the sim into a compatible router
Gabriel Anderson
dude, 5G
Austin Turner
TPG was planning to roll out their own mobile network but when Australia blocked Huawei after once again sucking American cock, it was scrapped. Optus tried to compete with HFC over a decade(?) ago and was completely shat on by Telstra with undercutting all over the board to teh point that they were unprofitable just to stifle out competition. Competition simply can't happen when rolling out your own network costs 10s of billions of dollars, the only option was the NBN but that has been fucked and can't be salvaged.
Ian Myers
just because telstra wants to go bankrupt (protip: they don't) doesn't mean the consumer loses in the long run. it was a political ploy to get voters to hand absolute control over the internet to the government
Michael Bennett
>it was a political ploy to get voters to hand absolute control over the internet to the government Are you implying that the NBN won't be sold off to a private company in the future after tens of billions of tax payer money was spent on it?
Ryan Lopez
only if you're on some shit-tier garbage network.. like vodafone or some similar cancer. use dnscrypt, dumb asses.
Colton Gonzalez
>Optus tried to compete with HFC over a decade(?) ago try over two decades ago. telstra didn't make it easy for them but they weren't undercutting anyone. optus wanted a fortune for basic access. they didn't even try to compete. nobody was interested due to the costs. optus spent a fortune on it and made massive losses.
Levi Walker
I do but thanks for the obvious suggestion.
Grayson Bell
I wish they'd do that too. I'm still pissed because they ripped up my street for weeks to lay fiber a couple of years ago and it wasn't actually for any of us, instead it was going to a cell tower up the hill or something. I was told a few weeks ago that they're planning some pretty major upgrades for my area, at least, but by the time those are in I'll hopefully be out of this house.
James Collins
The upgrade can be rather painful. I was put down to 50kbs for about 3 months when FTTH was being installed.
James Rogers
Hm i'm in western europa and i have about the same stats (pic related). A little better for ADSL 2+. Optical fiber is coming, but they are not in a hurry. ADSL really is a shit technology. Cable internet access was better than ADSL from the begining.
Hunter Johnson
>unlimited 4G i bet it's not so unlimited if you read the contract