Why does Jow Forums have such an overwhelming hate boner for Apple products?

Why does Jow Forums have such an overwhelming hate boner for Apple products?

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Macintosh Operating System 10 actually is decent software. so is most of Apple's software.
their hardware however has always been shit.
Apple can program but they cant build.

it's an inferior product sold at a markup that acts more like a fashion statement than technology

Like the Microsoft Surface line, many Apple products are fragile and difficult to repair. However, macOS is a decent OS.

>informal•North American
>noun: flack; plural noun: flacks
> 1.
> a publicity agent.
>verb: flack; 3rd person present: flacks; past tense: flacked; past participle: flacked; gerund or present participle: flacking
> 1.
> publicize or promote.
> "each author is flacking his ‘exclusive’ account of the whole mess"
What did faggot mean by this?

Google and Microsoft shills, basically. Too much sponsored content on Jow Forums. We're gonna stop it.

flak meaning criticism

But he didn't say flak.


Why does Apple have such an overwhelming hate boner for actually making good products?

But he meant flak.

>But he meant flak.
Then why did he write flack, eh?

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It's a luxury brand really
It's like most of your luxury brand cars, yeah they are nice and fancy with lots of features but they are really shit where it counts which is reliability

The new company I work for sent me a MacBook Pro about a week ago, I told them I didn't need one, I run Debian on a Lenovo G50 and I've been doing it for a while now.
They told me everyone uses a Mac on the office and it should make things easier and keep things consistent, also privacy shit, I guess they think the contract I signed means nothing.

Any way, after a week using the apple device I can firmly say it is a waste of money, to develop you don't need a powerful device and even then there are 'gaming laptops' with way better specs than the macbook pro.

> Something good for you and won't give you problems any day of the week

setting the company's software on my Lenovo broke a package, I did a fresh OS install without loosing any data then spent a setting up everything. Comparing that to the 3 days setting up on the Mac, and having to create apple cloud accounts and useless shit.

Owning a macbook is just a fucking badge california companies like their drones having so they can feel immportant, I would've preferred the money spent on the brick I currently use just to watch Netflix go straight to my pocket. Not everything sucks tho, I use it to watch movies and porn, it has nice screen resolution.

Depends on the cars, BMW, Audi, Jaguar, and Land Rover are all bottom of the barrel turkshit
Mercedes and Porsche tend to be more reliable

Actually, bad as it is, eating MacDonal is probably healthier than trying to live on just fruits. Man is not meant to live on only sugar and fiber. A MagDonl diet will make you a fat abomination, but a frutarian diet will make you dead.

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They're overpriced and literally designed for stupid people. They are also catered to artists and designers.

Basically their market is faggots, retards and women.

Because he's retarded, which is a quality he clearly demonstrated with this comic.


MacOS is a good os on shit hardware.

porsches aren't reliable, that's a meme. the 911 and 718 etc are "reliable" because they aren't driven, they tend to be extremely low mileage and completely babied by owners who never really use them. you see it in many sports car brands. porsches are better than exotics, but they are in no way remotely as reliable as the truly reliable brands like toyota or lexus, they're quite far away from that.
if you look at the porsche vehicles that are actually driven, the suvs, you can see that they are well below average in terms of reliability and their resale is among the worst in it's class due to having such low reliability and high repair costs.
you can see this by looking at average mileage for each type of car. the porsche sports cars simply aren't driven very much. the suvs are driven and they have garbage reliability and terrible resale.
mercedes is about average. the brand that stands out for reliability in the luxury segment is lexus, which is perhaps the most reliable car you can get.

Because dobson is a dumbass

Attached: downloadfile-1.jpg (1200x899, 168K)

overpriced, underengineered and aside from workstations completely pointless

want a laptop? want to do photos/DJ/editing stuff on it? don't want ekhm ekhm that shitty windows? Hackintosh

>Power Chords

Because 7 years ago, Apple sold you an underspecced machine with a great OS for the price. Now they straight up sell you a broken piece of trash for even more money and expect you to accept it for the privilege of using their OS

>t. 2012 MBP user


maybe this is not the most expensive meme in financial history

Porsche's SUVs are just Audis

And their sports cars are reliable: porscheboost.com/content.php?4436-50-back-to-back-Porsche-991-Turbo-S-launch-control-launches-putting-the-PDK-gearbox-durability-to-the-test
They're incredibly over-engineered to not break, even if you neglect and abuse them

well im an autist that cares about efficiency, and an apple machine usually has medium performance and no upgradeability, let alone the extremely high price tags, isn't efficient at all, although I havent used an apple product since 2010 Im guessing its still the same.

So since this board is full of autists like me I guess thats why

>food analogy
do people from a certain country really?

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I don't understand mutt measurements, but isn't that midget size? Is that's what's called "humble bragging"?



That's like 167cm

>likes: eating
>power "chords"
and what kind of sicko doesn't like mayonnaise?

This guy posted footage of Skyrim playing at around 8-10fps on his mac and didn't see anything wrong with it.

He's such a generic nu-male that it makes me wonder why he even bothered wasting his time drawing this image when he could just have went on Reddit and copy and pasted someone else's version.

>apple PCs are allowed to be shits because 1 rival is shit too
>btw both are shits but Mac OS is better so you better buy the MacBook Pro™ Retina© with Touchbar℗ fellow consumers
Nice try shill


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>OP asking about Apple
>b-but Surface and Windows
living in your head rent free

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This shit is why people hate food analogies.
>thing i dislike is like food i dislike
>thing i like is like food i like
It doesn't actually express anything

Food analogies are like food, it all depends on the chef.

food analogies are like tomatoes

I agree. Food analogies are like eating fucking asparagus. I hate that shit.

Attached: imagine being so fat you look at computers and see food.jpg (357x141, 16K)


>imagine being at computers
>so fat you look and see food

because apple inhibits the performance of their products for the sake of aesthetics, and they dumb down software to appeal to the lowest common denominator


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ITT: pranked by Dope's Son

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This thread smelled like shit so Satania decided to come and take a dump in it

Attached: dumps2.png (883x1088, 694K)

More like he realized how much cringe that was so he turned it into a "bait" post factum.

800 dollar aluminum stand

>implying all of their other products aren't fuckhueg ripoffs too with forced obsolescence

Imagine being such a garbage pea-brained person that you make food analogies when comparing computers.

Imagine being so dumb and low-IQ that you compare a computer where each and every part can be handpicked like a buffet ranging from trash to healthy food with freedom of choice, while appropriating healthy food as being only possible on a closed down overheating pile of garbage running on inferior and buggy BSD code that is Appleshit.

it all makes sense now

fagOS is a shit os on shit hardware.

Filthy Americans hate mayonez for whatever reason blyat, I don't get it.

and i will take a piss on her

Attached: pissing on satania shorter looped.gif (480x286, 2.57M)


maybe their mayo is just really badly made or something


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Another one.

this is a board for discussing technology. Fashion has its own board.

Not even ironic, I'm given to understand.

what does it even mean?
who does the face belong to?
what does pizza mean in this context?

>tfw own a mac mini
>it's okay when it's just on at idle
>low power draw overall
>when it is in use it kicks in it's fans around the 75c mark and moves them slowly to 100c as it's CPU nearly hits tjmax
>starts throttling and becoming so loud that it's a pain to be in the same room as it
>can adjust the fancurve with third party software
>don't have any control over the clockspeed/voltage other than disabling turbo boost
>disabling turbo still gives me a nice toasty 82-95c cpu and fan on full blast
>can't replace the fan with a quieter and larger fan and keep it's low profile and sff design
>no way to make the system run cool in any way
>no way to have a quiet system when it's under load
If I want the benefits of it's low power draw I also have to move the system to an entirely different room so I can tolerate using it for more than 10 minutes. At least I can tolerate having my PC in the same room as me when I want to use it and if I want to max the fans on my PC it runs fairly cool and quieter than the mac.
I have a hate boner for Apple products because some of them are incredibly poorly designed.

while i would expect to be able to run any machine at full speed continuously, i would not expect to run a miniature or laptop computer at full speed for long periods and have them be quiet or cool at the same time

this is a board for discussing technology. LGBTShit has its own board.

>Basically their market is faggots, retards and women.

This, pretty much.

stop projecting

apple products are jewelry, not technology. discussion of apple should be banned on this board and redirected to /fa/

this, unironically

reply to this post or your mother will do
in your sleep

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Cant risk


She will look at my computer and see food?

>marketing team makes a thread with known artist as OP image
>thread dead on arrival

A mix of ignorance and poverty

Imagine being this delusional kek


Standard x86 PC hardware for massively inflated prices.

I usually ignore these things

Damn i feel bad for this guy

Does this fat prick actually make a living drawing these shitty comics?

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>Apple can program

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I'd be amazed if he does. Barely anyone even knows who he is and he's only got 16 people on his Patreon.


What an entitled cunt.

This man is an enigma. He doesn't like nerdy things, he doesn't like mainstream things, he can't handle criticism, yet he's an artist. He doesn't work out, but he doesn't even seem to make up for it in intellect or introspection. He just.. is. People like this can't exist, right?

Dobson is a retarded lolcow.

what a surprise, also
>likes eating,sleeping
wow nigga, you're going to tell me you like breathing next?

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you literal manchild

Jow Forums is contrarian by nature. Hot white girls using iphones and macbooks is the polar opposite of overweight neckbeards using Linux.

he spelled "flack" wrong in this context.

my gfs roommate has a poster with that exact face and caption on it so I too would like to know

This is fucking stupid.

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>shit reliability
your brain is shit