Greetings from Normieville faggots

Greetings from Normieville faggots.
I got bitches son. What you got?

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good taste

I got a str8 flush

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There's another girl in the morning squad but she's a hood og negress.
Well hot damn motherfucker you win any money?

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Is that Reddit....i no it not me

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A tumorless ass.

no tp came back up

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>obviously a white girl
Nah this is just some Texas bred white bitch I work with who's hopping ship this weekend.
When a girl has a new phone she lets everyone know.
>tp came back up

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Oh ya, Reddit black so she leaveing waiting work this week. Juat so not upset just wired see you take a photo of a girl and it being a norime photo. You got the duck face going on you bases bitch.

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you don't flush tp?
oh forgot America sharts in the mart

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Would you rather this one? My morning smoke squad was small today.
How the hell do you flush a toilet upside down? Must have some NASA toilets over there.

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Oh my god that so fuck basic it hurt to look at. Who the back girl she a little bit so I no I not reddit. Frist one was better you look cute with the ear on.

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normie is a cuck lol

all shit is magnetically attracted to America so it flow towards it

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just get the fuck off Jow Forums cunt

Don’t worry, he WON’T cheat on you

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What the fuck is wrong with her mouth and forehead? Like seriously even for Jow Forums standards she looks terrible.

Why did you get bitch's son?

bitches dad was unavailable

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But I won't doe.
Based heaven at it again.
Because I'm a cool dood. If I want bitches I get them. She's one of my orbiters so it's kinda weak game but whatever.

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I got tendies bitch

You got honey mustard?

No he juat a basic bitch.

What's it like in Normievill?

You know all the stereotypes people whine about? Yeah that's like 98% of the population of Normieville. It's pretty fucking great. Like a constant party that only stops for sleep.

Strange. I almost never get to interact with that type of stuff.
Is it enjoyable?

>She's one of my orbiters

That pic makes me cringe. I hate seeing duck faces.

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fuck off to you fucking faggots

arent you supposed to be gay

In real life is lie 90% into women and 10% into men

you're enough woman for 1 man

This is just sad
Le Im in my 40's but I have severe emotional disorders so I only interact with people at least 10 years younger than me XD

Oh god
All of his friends are like this

>I'm in my 40's
Nigga what?
Not all of them. Most are normies though.

idk what to make of it honestly
Should I offer my condolences my poor sir?

Why the hell would you do that? Life as a normie fucking rocks. I drink for free, smoke weed for free, get to flirt with hot ass babes and at the end of the day I pretty much get paid to do all this. Meet ups at the bar are "after work meetings", after lunch everyone on the floor is dank asf (myself included) but nobody gives a shit and there's almost no pressure for me to perform as the new favorite.
Dusu fampai I feel worse for bant. The highlight of their week is busting a nut to another shad trap comic.

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I dread the day you will die this board will be too happy for my tastes

The way it's looking you might be stuck with me. I've shown no symptoms for 2 months now. My doc said if I had cancer I'd experience bleeding and changes in regular activity but I haven't so if I do have cancer it would be very slow moving and not aggressive enough to kill me in 20 years.
Careful what you wish for meatball.

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I wish you would stop posting your shit face but it's too late now since everyone on here associates your name with the fucking ugly monkey you look like

Find the user who said I don't post any pictures. He sparked this. I'm gonna post normie ass pictures like this is my fucking kikebook son.
It only gets worse from here.
>ugly monkey
Still got bitches.
Do (you) have bitches? Because from where I'm standing my face doesn't seem to be a hindrance.

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I don't get bitches but i sure am not a narcissistic faggot who posts his ugly monkey face on an underage gay board

>no bitches
>sperging at another's success
>intentionally misrepresenting the board
>unironically supporting the subversive normie ugly agenda

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>Asian/South American bragging about how he sticks his dick into std infested hoes

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Jesus fucking Christ, this is a new level of cringe. You are actually surpassing yourself by every post, you can’t even get more cringe and autistic at this point, congratulations you singlehanded won the cringe compilation.
You did it, reddit.

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Will you be my bf

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No, I have a wonderful girlfriend. Sorry Korbo.

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Norime what have i told you about harassing women on the street

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based and redpilled


He don't know too harass women to get them, bitches just want him

Thank you that really nice of you.

if you're not married and have white children your opinion is invalid

You wish.
That's not my mix goy.
>does exactly what everyone else does but it's wrong
Stop projecting Gayboy.
Married and a white daughter.

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