Fuck I just want to suck a long white feminine cock and get a salty treat in my mouth mmmmmmmmmm

fuck I just want to suck a long white feminine cock and get a salty treat in my mouth mmmmmmmmmm.....

Attached: cartoon for gay children .jpg (229x220, 8K)

i repent this faggotry

hi from the philippines we accept gays

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strange name for a credit card

I suggest suicide.

Honestly same

thats a bit rude

But not wrong

I'm pretty sure being rude is wrong kangaroo man

Just keep yourself in check m8. I have same cravings but at least I don't make a threads about it.

Say it with me Jow Forums:

Attached: 3622.png (122x275, 41K)


I want to be a pet!

Attached: me_14.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

Based and redpilled. We need to keep this kind of gayposting in check.
t. gay
I recommend shots of testosterone via needle.

Attached: Doktor Chen prepares treatment.png (700x700, 28K)

Shoot me with your testosterone!

Why would I want to do that?

Attached: 3557.png (145x278, 53K)

I would cure my cocklust



Feminine cocks arent long
Feminine cocks are small and thin and move all over the place when getting pounded

you seem to be an expert on this

its not gay if ur the one poundin em
just givin those stupid soft fruits what they deserve

>its not gay to be aroused by a man enough to fuck him
keep telling yourself that

I went to college for this

There is a degree on feminine dicks in europe. God you people are gay.

>There is a degree on feminine dicks in europe. God you people are gay.
I wish I was European

very gay