/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Do not dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>Which web browser performs best on GNU/Linux?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder to drink water.

Linux sucks

Linus is just a colonel.

Cross posting question related to X11. Any anons have some advice on why Termite windows don't report mouse motion events to xev when xterm and urxvt do?

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GNU doesn't suck though.


Debian is pretty comfy but the outdated packages are kind of annoying sometimes. Arch feels like it should be perfect but everytime I try it I end up just installing Debian again.
Life is hard.

Hyperbola tries to combine it. Didn't try it myself trough.

You could just upgrade to sid.

I actually think the ffmpeg on my Linux is broken.

if I merely try to remove audio track from a while the file size goes fucking up 20%

Even when I set lower bitrate and quality.

Fucking stupid.

Unbelievable garbage. Fuck this entire shitshow.


Welcome to Linux

I'm installing some GNU softwares on some old Amiga.
Launching dhclient complains, requesting to access to /etc/dhclient.leases for writing

There is no /etc/, I can assign ETC:

it's weird, anyone got clue on that ?

Attached: ShadowOfTheBeast2.jpg (1023x615, 169K)

How would I get Shutter for Arch Linux running i3? It seems like I need to download a shitton of AUR packages which seem too much of a hassle
Are there any easy way to do it?

Attached: 1447767921010.gif (400x286, 1.55M)

import pic.png

I did the thing!

Attached: Screenshot_20190624_232615.png (2560x1440, 379K)

> 2019
> still no thumbnails in file picker

Honestly why


Is it possible to enable G-/FreeSync on a Linux distro?


>quits Arch for Debian
>doesn't use Sid

oh ok, I was confused for a second

Attached: Screenshot_20190624_233516.png (1308x813, 218K)

It doesn't look really clever.
How would you extract it?
wget -qO- www.asciiartfarts.com/random.cgi | sed -n '//,//p' | sed -n '/

You can enable g-sync in the nvidia control panel if you use their proprietary drivers.

In recent years, has Ubuntu ever had any trouble with its interim releases being released too early? There's no way that you can have a new release on a strict timer of "every six months" and not have periodic fuck ups, but I've seen no evidence of such fuck ups.

wget -qO- www.asciiartfarts.com/random.cgi | grep -Pzo '(?

Attached: 1467576697848.png (530x530, 18K)

How do I go about finding out which of any two distributions is the most stable? I'm wondering how Debian Testing compares to mainline Ubuntu, but I've not got much further than "mainline Ubuntu looks pretty unstable for the first week or so after a new release, but you should be ok for the 6-8 months that follow that".


What are you talking about?

What are you talking about?

Jow Forums in a nutshell

Plugged in a new graphics card and now my computer won't boot.
Just gives me "PKCS#7 signature not signed with a trusted key"
Googling around shows this to be an Ubuntu bug introduced with 18.xx affecting Nvidia cards, but it's an AMD 570
Suggested solution for nvdia cards is to disable secureboot in the uefi, but I've done that and still no dice.

I feel like I should just wipe my drive and install a new OS, but would that work? Should I try something else first?

Running Ubuntu Mate and clearly I don't know what I'm doing

Attached: serveimage (3).jpg (894x502, 73K)

Where do you download pictures named serveimage (3)?


Why does Debian get praised for being easy to customise/rice, but everything derived from it (e.g. Mint, *buntu) never does?

Thanks. Nice numbers.

i use terminus for both my console font as well as my urxvt font

why is it that some characters will work in urxvt not but in console? i installed oh my zsh and the default prompt has an arrow that shows as a block in console before i startx

First, the correct Meme is that Arch is easy to rice.
Second, all distros are easy to rice.

Is openSUSE pronounced soo-say or soose?

Nobody pronounces it.

Weird how I never see that said about Ubuntu. Is that just a consequence of their shitty gnome?

"System und Software Entwicklung"

What the fuck is the point of Debian Testing? If you want new packages you'll use Sid and if you want something new but stable then you wouldn't use a rolling release distribution - you'd use something like Ubuntu non-LTS.

I often hear soo-za.

What's the equivalent for this on OpenSUSE ? (firewalld?)
sudo ufw allow from to any
And I haven't changed anything else I assume it's already blocking incoming connections as it should.

What are some good Linux Youtubers along the line of DistroTube but who aren't complete spergs like that guy is? I've only found TuxDigital so far

There are no good youtubers.

Linux is a kernel.

And you have autism

no u

What is the best distro?

When can I say that I'm done with Ubuntu? LTS is very different from the mainline and there's so many different flavours of the fucking thing. How does anyone start on Ubuntu and transition away from it? There's so much choice that I feel like I'm going to be stuck for another few years.


are there any good guides for setting things up post-installation? I was trying to setup arch with just bspwm and no DE but getting things like sound, trackpad, and laptop hotkeys working is proving difficult for my small brain

Has anyone here ever used freebsd? How does it compare to Linux distros? Is it harder or easier than Arch, Debian, Fedora etc, and what does it feel like, a minimal/rolling Linux distro? how hard is ZFS to configure on a desktop?

you'll have to set your init system whichever it is, to start those services at startup, or start them manually as needed

Why do you want to switch? Ubuntu (and its family) just work and they are not bad distros.


The Linux kernel

I don't understand why Ubuntu LTS keeps on getting updates, their GNOME sucks, I never use the official repos, it seems terrible at containing freezes (i.e. crash one programme and you crash almost everything), you can install things and still have a hard time getting them to appear in places like your dash or file manager, and I'm curious about Debian.

actually he's speaking the truth, it's you who are being autistic.

Why you don't want to update tho? You can disable the updates or change to a distro that updates less often like Debian.
GNOME sucks for all distros desu. Install KDE or Xfce or whatever other DE.
Debian is also a good distro. Fewer update (on stable branch) if that is your thing and fucking stable. But their apps are old af and it's a little harder than Ubuntu when you want to config things imo. If I were you, I would wait for Debian 10.

>Why you don't want to update tho?
It's not that I'm not updating, it's that I don't like the confusion.

It seems to get better every time that I switch to a distro that has a new version.

I'm tempted, but it's so hard to pick between its three version, Ubuntu, Ubuntu LTS, and all the *buntus.

what is Jow Forums's pdf viewer of choice

what are some cool sysctls

I'm running Debian Testing (10) with KDE, and I'm trying to remove some of the bloatware, Konqueror, in this case, however, running apt remove on it also wants to remove the entire desktop. How do I just remove Konqueror?

Wait. What confusion? You meant the app updates or when newer version of ubuntu come out?

I am pretty sure you can install newer version of gnome via ppa.

Xubuntu LTS and Kubuntu LTS are my favorite. Non-LTSs only support of 9 months. All *buntus are just ubuntu + another DEs tho. Install many DEs or try them in VM, when you found what you like, then install that *ubuntu.

damn this is crazy i need some help guys, I have no sound whatsoever out of my fresh install of manjaro i3, I am talking about I installed manjaro i3 like 5minutes, didn't even do the software updates nothing, touched nothing and audio for me does not work at all. I really really have no idea why.

When I am in a terminal though, and hit the backspace key a bunch of times too many, my speakers do play an audible beep which assures me that sound must be working somewhat. However when I play a youtube video or anything else really there is no sound at all, what can I check to see what I have to do to fix this?


I enabled firefox's ubuntu apparmor profile and it's missing tons of things like you can't even print or open the save dialog, lots of dbus denials
where can I find updated profiles?

I don't want to testdrive a bunch of different DEs, just tell me which one "just werks" and provides GUIs for managing networking/sound/display/power

xfce just werx and is traditional desktop metaphor so no surprises or "why's it like that?" moments


Is LXQt any good? I’ve used mostly LXDE if I have a choice when I need X and it’s fine I guess. Just wondering.

zathura or okular depending on how much you feel like being a bloatnigger.


how can i do this in my non kde system?

luke smith

anyway to get better performance out of my browser? particularly when scrolling? using firefox with intel graphics and scrolling feels very laggy compared to the rest of my system

btw i have smooth scrolling on and i'd rather keep it on if at all possible

I’m on Debian Sid, using an NVIDIA card with proprietary drivers from the Sid repos. I want to enable hardware encoding on OBS - however, the ffmpeg and obs-studio packages currently in the Sid repos were not compiled with NVENC support. This led me to trying the flatpak and snap releases of OBS, but both gave me different issues in detecting my GPU. So I took to compiling it myself with the nvenc flag. I was helped along a great deal by this script from Strider in the Lutris community , but I seem to have hit a brick wall at the last stage. This is why I come asking for help.

I successfully compiled FFMPEG with NVENC support, and confirmed it works as intended. I also compiled OBS with NVENC support, but I noticed I had problems whenever trying to record or stream anything with the hardware encoder - the muxer couldn’t be initialized, no file output would be created, and the only way to stop the “recording” or “streaming” was to kill the process. I discovered that selecting the “Custom Output (FFMPEG)” option in the Advanced Recording tab, choosing h264_nvenc manually and recording actually worked as expected! But there is still the problem of streaming. Since there is no “Custom Output” option for streaming, I’m stuck with just choosing NVENC in the Encoder menu, and not getting any data actually streamed to twitch because the muxer couldn’t be initialized.

What do you think is going on here, and how could I debug the issue? Clearly we’ve established the custom built ffmpeg w/nvenc support works, and we’ve established that OBS recording with custom output works, but the act of OBS calling on obs-ffmpeg-mux is what seems to cause the freeze. I suspect this is caused by a mismatched encoder name, but I’m not sure.

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Forgot to link the mentioned script like a dummy

literally Gentoo, most other options are either dumbed-down look-and-feel debris on top of a frankenstein'd system or proving grounds for big corporations. Or both.

Is the clamor for spyware on Linux in the form of anti-cheat for videogames the most retarded push for (((desktop Linux))) of all time?



Attached: open_pepe.png (2000x1433, 120K)

>Debian get praised for being easy to customise
who said this?

Attached: Untitlеd.png (474x336, 184K)

openANUS (from corporate cock)


Anti-cheat is spyware
Gamers want Linux ports of multiplayer games that would include working Linux spyware

Anti-cheat does most or all of the following:
Runs as root
Runs even when games are not
Sends home arbitrary files
Sends home process lists
Sends home memory snapshots of any running process
Sends home keyboard and mouse logs
Sends home full desktop screenshots

install Gentoo

>paying for proprietary software
I don't even know where to start.

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How would i run a program in a folder and it looks at all the files and if it is x264 it moves it to a folder x264 and if it is x265 it moves it to a x265 folder, all relative to where the command is being run from

fuckers deprecated/removed ifstat, what's the replacement for this? I need to get the value without root in a single call, not in a loop that runs continuosly like psutil or dstat
ifstat -a -n -q -S -T 0.5 1 | tail -1 | awk '{ printf(\"%d\", $4) }
it's for my panel that shows download and upload speed, it calls each indicator every second to get the output

Just setup manjaro on a virtual box. I'm completely incompetent at everything from setting up my GPU drivers to using the command line. Are there any good guides or videos to get me started. Everything I've found so far is from some pajeet I can barely understand.

uh, no thanks
excuse me?
ah, now that's a file manager

>wants to install an assload of programs for it's own defaults
>doesn't do networking because it's "bloat"
no thanks

if i want to get started with STM32 nucleo boards, can I do so with Linux or should I install Windows?
Actually I know I *can* but I can't find brainlet friendly resources, and I'm a beginner when it comes to embedded stuff.