intel still gayming king. AMD BTFO
intel still gayming king. AMD BTFO
intel doesn't compete in price, only performance.
>mid range 6-core @3.6 is slower than top end 8-core @5.0
Nice improvement from last gen.
You're comparing different tiers
That's my boy!
>21% difference, by paying over 100% more
this is funny.
The 3900x, the top bin until September, only clocks like 9% higher for max boost. It's not a huge jump. So the 9900k will remain about 15% faster
The 3900X also has double the cache, yes?
This dude seems to know everything.
Not sure how much that will help seeing as how it also has double the cores
You don't see how having double the L3 (the type of cache that's shared among all the cores unlike L1 and L2) would help games?
Rip Intel
If a 4.2ghz 3600 reviews this well Intel are absolutely fucked. Good riddance though, will be nice to see them sit in the gutter for the next few years
>stock settings, where the 3600 has just a 4.2 GHz boost clock.
Intel shills are so tech-illiterate that they show a mid-range CPU nearly matching an Intel High-End and call it a win.
It's shared per ccx
They specifically say per ccx and not any l3 cache to any core. Seeing as how CCXs haven't changed their should be little if any benefit from cache going from a 6 core to 12 core
The 3900X is 9.5% higher max boost and the 3950X is 11.9% higher max boost.
3900X also comes out in two weeks.
The 3600 is literally the weakest Zen 2 processor that's been announced.
Looks pretty good for a 65W $200 CPU using unnamed memory
>does not choke GPU's and trades blows with the 9900K
>this is the entry level Ryzen 3000 SKU.
Inturds really are dumb.
>Going AMD makes you lose 38 FPS
Oh no no no
>Brand new ryzen cpu matches a 4c/8t intel from 4 years ago
>3600 that close to a 2700x in multithreaded
Holy shit
Oh no no no no
Means they're using 2666mhz
3600X will be the best value for gaming.
Wait for Zen 3
Who would be behind this post?
more like 3200cl14 as they say if you read lol
The ddr4 doesnt have tight timings nor is it 3733
There is something really fucky going on with memory writes
The topology chipset driver isnt out yet
This is the lowest clocked zen 2 part
The latency is high enough to make a new friend for Athlon 200ge
This entry level sample is borderline broken in less than optimal conditions and its still keeping pace with the 8700k, on a scale of monopoly to holocaust, how fucked is intel as of this moment?
>6 cores beats last gen 8 cores
>65w doesn't beat 225w part
I'm ok with this. Would buy
oh damn the 3600 beats the 2700x, i'd imagine the 3700x to be around 120-130fps. Intel is worried enough to drop their prices by 15%
Show the CPU-Z. 80.5ns is the typical score for 2666MHz.
chipset probably has BIOS issues. This will probably improve with time.
But yeah, I'm convinced to buy a 3600. Will fit right in with my VM usage.
>on a scale of monopoly to holocaust, how fucked is intel as of this moment?
we fourth Reich on 7th of the 7th.
Heil Lisa.
You forgot to mention that they're using a pre-release BIOS that doesn't work properly. The review outright says that the system froze up when they tried to change certain things (including overclocking the CPU).
It's time
Google translate
It is true that we have been able to configure everything without problems and that the operation seems correct, although later we will see that the problems of the first generation of Ryzen processors with the memories seem to reproduce in latencies and copies. It will play wait to see if this is repeated with a motherboard with AMD X570 chipset.
this is highly likely that the Flare-X was the 3200 variant, underclocked to 2666.
There were problems overclocking the processor, so this is likely the case.
Wtf with latency?
Jesus imagine all those wait fags actually falling for that meme
All this coping is hilarious
intel is going to slash prices by 10-15%
>slowest sixcore is 20% faster than previous gen's fastest eightcore
This is a huge step forward.
because memory support on boards running beta BIOS have never been fucked before. I'll wait for review sites that know what they're doing before bemoaning the increased latency
Yeah, but I'm sure they'll be able to sell their Intel chips on Ebay for a decent price. There's a sucker born every minute, as they say!
>doesn't realize that this is a $200 CPU that keeps in pace with a $500 CPU, and is the lowest-clocked of the bunch.
your delusion level is above flat-earther now.
AMD never again *sigh*
>dogshit is better than bullshit
call the press
>slowest 6 core that high on a game that's terrible for Zen
This looks like a win to me desu. It's even challenging the 2700x on multithreaded workloads, it's fucking over. That memory latency is sus however, I wonder if AMD fucked up or there's something else entirely.
>Ubi shit
Unironically kys
thread theme
>homeland is known for this
Where did everything go so wrong.
>that latency
what the show? or you talking about mexico?
here have this english translation archive
user, are you OK?
>Daddy Yankee, is a Puerto Rican singer, songwriter, rapper, actor, and record producer.
>and despite that, it still keeps up like an AE86 to the 9900K's RX-7
Is this confirmed the non x 3600?
oh I always thought it was from mexico
It's in the article, user. Stock 3600 with 3200MHz DRAM.
>Out of all reviewed games, Far Cry 5 is the only one where intel still has a significant advantage
>A 500$ CPU vs a 200$ one
>this is somehaw bad for AMD
The excuses are starting already and they're not even out yet.
If you're not trolling, then you are an absolute retard. There's nothing else you could be.
>wPrime monohilo
6700k still going very strong.
What excuse? I'm calling you a retard for comparing a $200 65W processor to a $500 housefire.
so 200usd cpu, literally weakest from whole 3000 lineup, with 65w tdp and max of 4,2ghz boost is up there with top of the line 500usd housefire that boost to 5ghz
here it is
the (You) you were looking for
yup. the 3600 Invalidates the 9900K by shoving that pricepoint, and literally pacing with it, with less cores, and power.
>memory write cut in half from last gen
Something's not right with their setup.
>it's never amd's fault!
>processors get slower each generation, it's totally not like this mexican has no idea what he's doing
Intel shill spotted.
the only time where a newer cpu was actually worse was when intel released the first mobile 10nm cpu, so yeah this is probably because of some weird bug
price doesn't matter!
>memory write cut in half for some reason
>200usd cpu still up there with 500usd housefire in performance
>*testing was done without security patches for intel cpus
perfect thread theme my sides
tfw you will never work in the industry when these levels were acceptable and now everyone has competitive standards and socialising is the only path to success
they're probably running awful timings or something in their bios might be broken
>r5 3600
lmao this is how low intel shills have to go
>Pa los q acaban d llegar, la buena review con la bios F41A con OC y x570 sera maƱana
>Translation: tomorrow we will use a motherboard x570 and the bios F41A + OC
Ok so they compete then?
>compare a ryzen 5 against a core i9
>why is everybody laughing at me
>matching the 1700x in multithreaded
Jesus fuck that's a nice improvement.
Memory is definitely fucked though.
250 dollar cpu doesnt perform as well as a 500 dollar cpu, what a surprise, keep seething nigger
> This review we could have published a few weeks ago, but we prefer to wait to have a final BIOS for the motherboard X470 and the X570, but for now the overclock does not work on the chosen motherboard, freezing the system just touch the multiplier.
If overclocking does not work on the current, non-final X470 BIOS, how does that affect the turbo boost clock?
yeah i misread it as the 3600x
>six gorillion cores
oy vey
inb4 the page of intel "everything doesn't matter" pasta