Sudan: Only One Person Has Internet

What would you do if you were the only person in your country able to access the internet?

Attached: sudan internet.jpg (257x241, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

rent that shit out and make bank on people needing porn

download porn, order cigars and whiskey and have myself a good evening

I'd make a lot of money.

Do you think the authorities would be monitoring his every move?

Install a TOR Exit Node

Attached: 1506232798022.jpg (525x429, 62K)

start an ISP

download A LOOOOOT of porn and then sell it to thirsty guys. i'm already pumping my hard drives with porn so once commies come again i'll have good to exchange for services.

dubya dubya dubya
b l a c k e d

Attached: 1561229381307.gif (286x258, 2.51M)

>Sudan: Only One Person Has Internet
he must be running some sort of proxy server or exit node or something, there's no other way that I could have their flag then in my collection

Attached: 4chan_flags.png (3036x2398, 483K)

Probably just the only person who legally has internet.

The internet was recently (since June 3rd give or take) blocked due to Sudan massacres and other shit going on in their country, it's not like this is the only person to get internet in past 10 years lol.

would post memes

Attached: posting.jpg (1000x800, 61K)


this is new zealand tier thinking

At least NZ only blocked the video and certain sites hosting the video, and was just a DNS based ban. This is a full internet/mobile data and I even believe telephone blackout. I don't condone either, but nz wasn't nearly as retarded as this.

Browse Jow Forums and make my country look even dumber with nobody to stop me

get him permanently ip banned on Jow Forums

> only blocked the video and certain sites hosting the video
And certain individuals distributing the video, for ten years each.

I like your flag map, do you just save the images when you see a new one and paste them on a map?

Doesn't extra flags defeat the purpose/

thanks, yeah if you click on the flag on a post it redirects you to the image, which I copy and paste on the map. bulk of my flags were captured on /sp/ during the world cup last year.

how would extra flags defeat the purpose, exactly?

Attached: 1560483860729.gif (607x609, 821K)

Attached: image.jpg (620x465, 98K)

> a lawyer in sudan
a winner of life's lottery
>What would you do if you were the only person in your country able to access the internet?
so.. it's the late 80s, early 90s? been there, done that. I was using the internet via an ANSI terminal called NComm and an old amiga before most people in this state heard of the internet. bulletin board scene was still hot then and internet access was restricted to universities, gov departments etc. friends with hacked and borrowed accounts located interstate via a university's unix system was my lifeline for a time. i would get stuff from the internet and add to the bulletin boards I used to help run. maximum dialup speed: 14.4kbps, later upgraded to 28.8kbps. I can relate to this Sudanese jew in the picture.

The internet has changed and evolved so much since then it's really not the same. Todays internet offers so much more.

Is this Tampon?

in some ways it's advanced tremendously, in other ways things have stayed the same for decades. i still have to log into ssh every day and do most of my work via text, which doesn't appear to me to be any different than what i experienced back then. (I dialled the university, connect and it's a unix login, where i did the same shit then as I do now - but faster and with better software!). ftp still exists, irc still exists, telnet still exists, etc. WWW was really shitty early on but it's now the lifeline for billions and imho, still really shitty. it just looks prettier but underneath are layers of fucking cancer wrapped in aids that make today's experience, even with a very fast connection, seem like you're downloading via 56kbps modem. there's been no excuse for the bloat or the never ending cancerous javascripts that add very little to the user experience or functionality.

shut up, kiwicuck. you incompetent fucking morons were jailing people for just sharing a video and cops harassing people for sharing memes about the killings. your country is a fucking disaster and i hope a volcano consumes both of your 99% deforested islands full of fascist intellectual retards.

and no, you can't come to australia. fuck off, we're full.

I'm just saying the possibilities the internet offers today are so much greater that being the only one with it in your area today puts you in a more powerful possition.
And thank god for ublock origin and umatrix to make the modern web usable. I barely need to allow scripts.

>I'm just saying the possibilities the internet offers today are so much greater that being the only one with it in your area today puts you in a more powerful possition.
ah. i see. i misread. yeah, you're right.
>And thank god for ublock origin and umatrix to make the modern web usable. I barely need to allow scripts.
thank god indeed. the internet would be far more painful without them (and noscript too, glorious addon).

Exactly this, though I'm not letting anyone fap there. Just set a restore point and let people download what they want to flashdrives (which I'll also be a greedy twat and sell) and use the restore point in between users to clear viruses and other shit they 100% acquired

I'll probably be murdered by some jealous fuck within a week though


That seems hard to believe, I googled "sudan internet cafe" and got several results. If a small business can afford a connection there's no reason why wealthier individuals in that country wouldn't be able to afford one too.


The internet was blocked across the country three weeks ago after the miltary took control of it and killed 189 protesters. Its not like the country is too poor for internet connections.