A Minnesota hacker that prosecutors described as a "depraved criminal" was handed an 18-year prison term Tuesday for unleashing a vendetta of cyberterror that turned his neighbors' lives into a living nightmare.
A Minnesota hacker that prosecutors described as a "depraved criminal" was handed an 18-year prison term Tuesday for unleashing a vendetta of cyberterror that turned his neighbors' lives into a living nightmare.
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>Barry Ardolf, 46, repeatedly hacked into his next-door neighbors' Wi-Fi network in 2009, and used it to try and frame them for child pornography, sexual harassment, various kinds of professional misconduct and to send threatening e-mail to politicians, including Vice President Joe Biden.
>His motive was to get back at his new neighbors after they told the police he'd kissed their 4-year-old son on the lips.
This guy's a fucking retard. Holy shit.
Literally Jow Forums
>also an actual fucking pedo
to be fair, it was 8 years ago.
Still outdated, but it was still out there.
>frame them for child pornography
Which implies he accessed child pornography for his scheme. What a fucking degenerate retard. Good riddance.
Wtf based
The Brooklyn Park family told the FBI they believed Ardolf was upset that their personal care attendants, who looked after their two disabled twin daughters, parked their car in front of his house.
man this guy is going to get it bad in prison and he deserves it
Holy fuck i want to shake this mans hand. based and redpilled
Based Adolf
"Over months and months, he inflicted unfathomable psychic damage, making the victims feel vulnerable in their own home, while avoiding detection."
The dude is also a fucking esper, holy shit.
oh fug
Lmao what a fucking retard
The headline made it seem like it was just from hacking into the WiFi
made me read
>A forensics computer investigator working for Kostolnik's law firm examined the packet logs, and found the e-mail sessions sending the threats. In the data surrounding the threatening traffic, they found traffic containing Ardolf's name and Comcast account .
Pretty much
Holy shit. My fucking sides.
>containing Ardolf's name and Comcast account
so this guy managed to hack his neighbor's wifi but was so much of a dumbass he didnt think to use a vpn or tor to mask his activities.
I'm guessing he googled 'how 2 hack wifi' and mindlessly installed some tools and they did everything for him.
>In the data surrounding the threatening traffic, they found traffic containing Ardolf's name and Comcast account.
Wait, so he also used their network for personal shit? Whoops
What is it with these middle aged incels? This must be what the LARPing edgelords are like.
can we have based ardolf as new sticky
The FBI got a search warrant for Ardolf's house and computer, and found reams of evidence, including copies of data swiped from the Kostolniks' computer, and hacking manuals with titles such as Cracking WEP Using Backtrack: A Beginner's Guide; Tutorial: Simple WEP Crack Aircracking and Cracking WEP with BackTrack 3 -- Step-by-Step instructions. They also found handwritten notes laying out Ardolf's revenge plans, and a cache of postal mail that Ardolf had apparently stolen from the Kostolniks' mailbox and stashed under his bed.
Lmao, I didn';t read the article because they usually never go in depth, but holy shit I didn't think this would literally be the case
Yes. Absolutely. obviously he was retard.
The dude is fucking psychic?!
They deserved it.
There's a guy within wireless range of me right now using WEP.
and a few people with open "guest" networks, though presumably that's intentional
It should be illegal for ISP's to have WEP as default
use a vpn to connect to the open networks and scan them
>OP family literally was being stalked by someone inflicting psychic damage and framing them for crimes
It must be like being a schizo but the hallucinations are real
Article is dated 2011 so it's reasonable to assume a bunch of boomers back then still rocked WEP
Why isn't this the headline?
how do you connect to them with a VPN?
kys faggot
Oh God, what kind of retard are you?
I have hacked my neighbors wifi on numerous occasions and I made sure I didn't do anything that would get myself noticed. On the last one that was fully on defaults the only other device I ever saw connect to it was an Android tablet. Pretty easy to guess they're not technology literate and would never notice. I still didn't do dumb shit like torrent 24/7.
They don't anymore. The old AT&T 2wire modems had it. Some WPA keys used as defaults by providers are easily crackable though. Even though I don't have a gaymen PC rig with a nice graphics card when I would capture handshakes I passed them to my friends online that did along with the appropriate wordlist and hashcat. Always cracked them in minutes.
2019 - 2009 = 10 years ago
We got a calculus major over here
yeh thx bud, I done some division in my day too.
You will never inflict phycic damage on someone
We don't tell people to commit crimes using the WIFI you gained access to, though.
...you seeing this??
>Rape children
>Get 5 years in prison
>"Hack" neighbor's Wi-Fi
>Get 18 years
18 Years? It's clown world I say!
Not necessarily. He could have just tried to frame them with tons of google searches.
Actual murderers (not manslaughter) sometimes get less than that. Not to say the guy isn't a dumbass deserving of prison time.
Only 18 years?
Why does the government coddle hackers? Make an actual example of them.
He's based.
Wait a sec didn't this guy post on /b/ or on Jow Forums? I remember this, and I remember telling him he would get caught thanks to the access logs
Based retard
>spent two weeks cracking the Kostolnik's WEP encryption
would you hire him?
I've got a son So yes
>examined the packet logs,
What did they mean by this?
Kill yourself.
>want to hack Wi-Fi, which has a limited range
>"I better connect to my Russian VPN and somehow log into this Wi-Fi from over there"
Why are you so stupid man?
This was 2009ish so browsing /b/ would get he job done as well
This fucking guy lmao.
>he didnt think to use a vpn or tor to mask his activities
>to hack a wireless router
are you literally retarded?
Can't make this crap up
How do I hack into a WiFi with my phone?
YouTube has a bunch of tutorials with apps that can get it done pretty quickly
>be Russian
>live in a huge commieblock
>neighbor hacks my wifi
>I hack his in return and send him death threats and dick pics
Not even joking
Context matters. He did way more than simply get in their network.
that's a man on a mission. i respect that
Lmao so if he had used a throwaway laptop and never used personal stuff from there, he could have gotten away with it. Oh well, no one ever said pedos were smart.
it's still out there. It's a lot rarer than it was even 5 years ago but it's still out there. I see it all the time when I'm bored and go wardriving through nice subdivisions around town.
Truthfully I'm not surprised. A lot of people are of the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality and just keep using their old wireless routers until they stop working.
When I was 10 or so years old I thought WEP just looked for 8 to 16 characters or whatever the limit was and could be hacked by typing in 12345678 as the password.
It turns out that almost every secure wireless network I knew of in my town just used 12345678 as the password. WPA existed at the time but the only other networks were all open.
Humans were a mistake.
epic meme frog /b/ro
ISPs keep logs of every single thing you do, in the USA they keep logs for years, which is why VPN usage for privacy purposes is dubious
All vpns log too
I bet that fucker actually posted on Jow Forums for advice.
Are his victims Jews because that sound exactly something a Jew would say.
Won't the persecution of conservatives ever end?
>Posting a CNN link on Jow Forums
He found the one actual news story on that website, so it's probably fine.
>a line of hair in the middle of all that bald
Lel. He might have literally been a retard.
Can someone ID the magazine/colander in the background? He might have been into black chicks.
THIS.... A democrat would have gotten off with probation
Well to be fair, if it was post-transition porn he probably would have gotten a slap on the wrist.
Yes, I'm implying conservatives are pedophiles.
>Also discovered in Ardolf's possession was the pornographic image posted on MySpace and sent to the husband's co-worker, and evidence that he'd secretly staged a similar harassment campaign against a neighbor at Ardolf's previous home in Brooklyn Park, another Minneapolis suburb. Among other things, he sent that family a postal-mail message consisting of a one-page, color print-out of the family's "TurboTax" return with personally identifying information, in addition to several skull images.
>"I told you about a year ago that you should be very afraid. I can destroy you at will, you sorry-ass excuse for a human," the letter said.
>The Brooklyn Park family told the FBI they believed Ardolf was upset that their personal care attendants, who looked after their two disabled twin daughters, parked their car in front of his house.
There are a lot of conservative pedophiles but they aren't all pedophiles. They are all into fucked up shit though. It manifests itself because of severe repression. Whenever you see one of them shouting about trannies you know for sure they are a chaser for example. All that anger and rage against those things eventually comes out in their sexual expressions.
We need Barry again man. Biden cant win
So he wasn't given 18 years for hacking his neighbor's wifi... he was given 18 years for hacking his neighbor's wifi AND committing a bunch of other crimes while doing so.
>he would get caught thanks to the access logs
all he had to do was spoof the mac..
There was a fucking guy claiming to do this shit a while ago
Literally 1 week ago kek
>and found the e-mail sessions sending the threats
well this is confusing because the article also says the dude sent bad emails while impersonating the victim, aka using his account.
what IP session data would have his email?
edit: to clarify, what about this guys email was tied to the IP? if he didnt use a VPN he would have had the same IP as the target, but that wouldnt necessarily blame the attacker. he could say the victim is making it up
kys pussy bitch
found the pedos LOL