what really happened :^)
What really happened :^)
Nice headcanon, retard. This is what really happened.
lol gallipoli
lol baatan
lol 38000 in 2 months in western front
That looks fake
lol didn't join in until it was all over
we stopped a german push through the collapsing french-anglo front
also we are the only power able to fight on 2 fronts
lol no you didn't
lol pearl harbour
yes we did
the fucking frogs weren't doing enough and the brits were starting to reconsider
germans could have taken paris which would've been great imo
americans supported the French line and only saw action in 1918 in clean up actions
you are having a wewuz episode
nah it was 1917 you uneducated abo
1917 yanks were still in training
you have no idea what your talking about dumbass nigger
june 1917 you shit
that 1918 comment - you're mixing it up with one of the major offensives the U.S. helped the french on - the Aisne offensive which did occur in 1918, although the first U.S. troops saw action in mid-late 1917.
you only entered the war because fucking commonwealth negroes
you only entered the war because it was over
took you a year to get your troops to france and then they got to fight little boys and the elderly because the germans had lost all there real men fighting the commonwealth in the 1918 offensive which the yanks missed because they were safe hiding behind the French
>entered war april 1917
>landed troops june 1917
that's not a year you retard
The germans got their battle-hardened eastern front soldiers because communism in the soviet union and they brought about 500,000-850,000- troops to the western front, and by that time, the french and british army was in tatters. They would not have withstood against a high morale successful german offensive were it not for the fresh and superior U.S. marines
>landed troops
two engineer regiments
us saw none of that offensive since it fell on the northern part of the front and they were in the south
read a history book dumbass
yanks got to play hero cleaning up after the battles
the northern part was already fucked, the germans already raped the belgium area, and the brits and frogs were failing there anyways, and that was the part where the germans had good ground being stationed in hills and swamps being good defensive areas and good stop stations for their troops.
the U.S. sent their first troops there to Nancy, an area in the
part of the front, so the troops DID in fact see part of that offensive, and your troops left galipolli after failing in the desert, where at least the Australian forces would have been trained in, being that at least 70% of the landmass is desert, and yet you failed at desert warfare.
your country sucked balls in ww1
wail loud as you like it won't change that fact
also galipolli was a beach cliff not a desert and the aussies were too good since they were the only ones to take their objectives and got stuck there
if your interested in desert warfare look up rats of tobruk
then look up kessering pass
i know we kinda did, but in the end, we did help the frogs in the northern area stop the germans once we got enough troops and started pushing.
that was the clean up
kasserine pass was in ww2 not ww1
not just the cleanup but the halt of the germans. They were still going through with their desperate push into france, but in nov 1917 some combined forces of mostly US and uk and france managed to cut off some big german divisions from their supply lines in the south near alsace, effectively getting a big chunk of krauts as a prize
you switched to desert war
look up beersheeba if you only want ww1
the fuck is beersheba
i know it's a city but what are you talking about exactly
i don't think i have heard of this
desert warfare in ww1
its almost like you don't have a source of information at your fingertips