Me and my friend just ate a 12 inch pizza each after workout. What’s my punishment Jow Forums ?

Me and my friend just ate a 12 inch pizza each after workout. What’s my punishment Jow Forums ?

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your punishment is posting this again on a different board, do /y/. post results.

Install gentoo

Do squats for the entire duration it takes for Gentoo to compile when you install it.

your punishment is going to be try to roast Linus Torvalds without getting fucked cunt

Do a 4 thinkpad bench for 100 reps

Strange... I didn't know we had a /y/.

I was wondering why a Jow Forumspost was getting so much Jow Forums attention, but then I checked... it *is* Jow Forums.


this is Jow Forums not Jow Forums you plebian

Suck each other cocks

Eat another pizza

seriously though why is Jow Forums getting all this /soc/ shit


>owning iShit
You and your gay friend can go back to and blow each other.

>What’s my punishment Jow Forums ?
fucking suicide for posting in the wrong board, you dangerously incompetent FATTY.

>not eating the whole thing by yourself
You don't belong here. You need to go back.

How is it people are confusing Jow Forums and Jow Forums? They're not even near each other on the board list remotely. Also, drink a laxative shake and you'll be good.

this fag better not polluted /mythread/ with this shit

thank fuck. What a fucking faggot honestly

He's cute. Is he your bf?

I eat that shit by myself without working out.

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>having friends
your punishment is deleting ALL your social accounts, also delete you imaginary fuckboi/friends accounts