all hail the T440p
the Jow Forums computing device
>unusable 16:9 shit
>Jow Forums
go fuck yourself retard
Nice keyboard user
>implying everyone here uses 4:3
go to /tpg/ and see for your eyes nigger
>>unusable 16:9 shit
talk about retards lmao
>No physical trackpoint buttons
>Zoomer doesn't know what T420/X220s are
>no express card slot
>Tfw using my X220 to post this
Still works fine once you get used to it. You can replace the trackpad with a T450 one that has the buttons, but I prefer the larger trackpad and the ability to press down anywhere on it.
>No classic keyboard
>That trackpad
T480s masater race reporting in...
When the HELL does the new generation X1 Extreme come out? The Dell XPS 15 is coming in a few days and it's going to be tempting
Got a refurbished one in 2014 for half price
>quad core i7 4400MQ
>16 GB RAM
>1080p IPS screen
>extended battery that sticks out the back and got 10 hours when it was new
>DVD drive switched for HDD but made hot swappable with the DVD drive
Still plenty fast in 2019. Only thing about it that I regret is the GT730M. It's faster than the integrated graphics but not by as much as I would have hoped. At least it lets me run the CUDA version of waifu2x.
I got this for my wife last summer. Put a kingsenner battery in it and an ssd. She loves it.
t450p costs the same and is so much better. Actual trackpoint buttons for instance.
u r rarted op
It's shit
I have one at work.
You can just install the T450 mouse on a T440p and retain your ability to upgrade to quad core.
It's alright. It has a better keyboard than the T430 chicklet. I don't like that I can't suspend to ram without it black screening when I wake it up in linux.
This. What the fuck is with zoomers shilling for 16:9 cancer while pretending to be Jow Forums?
>no numpad
>no trackpoint buttons
T550 masterrace reporting in
T440p bros rise up. What are your upgrades? Anyone install an IPS panel successfully?
Based. It's pretty nice since you can make custom shortcuts for touches and presses with up to 4 fingers, so in total 8 custom shortcuts. I don't use the trackpoint so more space in the touchpad is very welcome
Old pic I took for /tpg/ btw
>with a japanese keyboard even
very based
t440p here
What's this YDFS thing?? What is Some Jow Forums thing I should know about?
Bunch of elitist pricks, subgroup of Jow Forums which hates pretty much everything other than boring server shit.
I have a high spec t440s and it can barely run 1080p YT videos without destroying the CPU. Old ThinkPads may be good for running some hobbyist Linux distro but for adults who need their stuff to actually work it doesn't suffice.
Lol that's not true
its a sticker from
pretty neat server
Into the trash it goes
How do I join??
>adults who need their stuff to actually work
Yes, because not being able to watch jewtube at 1080p is such an adult criteria and all.
You don't.
Everything is botnet, everything's a security hole, and you have to point it all out to everyone all the time
i specifically didn't install an ips because it draws more power than the stock screen.
it's a laptop, i sit in one position and adjust the screen accordingly.
>4.7 lbs
Who pissed you off at YDFS lol?
Is that fucking vista
she broke
I have 2 of these. Very nice computer.
autists in the shortbus, thanks
you fell for the modern thinkpad meme
Both my t440p have been equiped with core i7-4800mq (replaceing the dualcores). They're quite fast tbhfamlolwtfbbq