I hate my life

i hate my life

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nothing good ever happens to me
its all shit

said everyone ever

That's because you're surrounded by Finns.
Pic related.

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Me too bro
Often I start daydreaming about how I could be a different person,
Everytime when I'm in bed I hope to wake up and be another person, I want to escape from this prison, this hell
The only thing I could do is to kill myself but I'm too scared to do it, and I don't want to make my mom cry.
I'm locked here in this not so eternal hell.
I always wish that I had a cute girl to hug and cuddle with but that's impossible for me since I am not man enough to ask a girl to a date or even talk to them.
I hate myself
I hate my life
I'm tired

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wow what an uncommon thing to hate

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haha I dont relate to this at all

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Then do something about it. Become one that has not one that has not

Oh is that so? Me too!
How bout a suicide pact?
Livestream your suicide and then I do too

I don't think Ivan might follow suit I mean if one person commits no life could you trust yo other nigga to do same. A deep question indeed.

Does it count toward your KD if you convince someone else to an hero?

Turan str0nk. This is how we conquered Europe in the past

But then the Swedes conquered your Mongolian infested lands.

What a silly thing to say really, have you never done a suicide pact before you dummy dum dum?
It automatically offs you within 24 hours from first participant death

And then we(Karelian tribes) raided Sweden for centuries with Novgorodians forcing Sweden to build the fort city of Stockholm. Later on sent over 1 million Finnugees in search of work to Sweden and YELLOWED the whole country before Blacks and Arabs had even heard of mama Sverige

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Yeah also op do make up your mind already.
My current plan's to cut the jugular and run down a street for as long as I can
Hurry up, otherwise you might get left behind to live out the rest of your fucking loser life

then go kys faggot and stop making the same thread every day

I do too.

>just bee yourself lol
I wish it was that easy

I started liking life recently, but it is likely just cope for my shitty affairs