Google cought redhanded

Did you get your programming today?

Explanation from the employee:
>she disabled comments on the medium article, since people started calling her out

>google also deleted the project veritas video (with over 1 mil views yesterday)


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Other urls found in this thread:

>deleted comments on the medium article

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>implying that I use jewgle shit
The only reason I don't buy a pass to avoid the captchas is because Hiro is a faggot snake.

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we here at Jow Forums prefer to gargle google's cum, thank you very much

You are a good man lol

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speak for yourself, the poll says you are the minority

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>nobody actually agrees with her lol

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video is mirrored on bitch

this is beyond a point of anything acceptable, corporation which controls most of the global ionosphere is actively sabotaging democracy

as an aside, did you know that men can have periods?

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better we, than the russians, no?

>banned by reddit

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Pretty sure involving yourself in politics is usually against work visa rules. Has anyone reported her to ICE?

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she has bigger problems than dealing with ICE now..

>"data are"
>not "data is" or "datums are"
Anyone who still says "data" like a regular plural will always sound like a fucking moron. You don't fucking say "The work are difficult" like a retard. "Data" is already used as both plural and singular, so it should be used as such or else you'll sound like a dumbass.

Oy vey. >>>>pol>>>
Google is good goym. This is conspiracy. You don't need to hide anything if you are not criminal. Also do not wory about us manipulating you who to elect. After all good goym do not care. Anyhow this is fake conspiracy hypothesis.

best post in the thread

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Google doesn't program you, it's algorithms are based around creating personalized bubbles. They basically cater to your beliefs, no matter how stupid they are.
That's the exact opposite of being programmed.

Here are some things that have programmed you since early age
>Your nation's religion
>Your nation's cultural and political agenda
>Your genes
>Russian state backed media and internet agents like Project Veritas

I woted
>Yes, they are a private company and can do whatever they want
Because I believe this is problem of people.being sheep. We need to fix people to be resistant to such manipulations.

what are your data on that?

maybe not you, maybe not me, but the boomer next door

>They basically cater to your beliefs
That's bullshit, type "men can " in google. Everyone gets the same results.

t. npc programmed by google

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kek, what was their justification?

they really should get the death penalty

that's because none of us have "personalized" this result yet. It's very specific
People (like us on Jow Forums) are programmed. Just not by fucking google. See my post above.

Terrible bait. Even putting aside the fact they showed the entire interview here, google personalizes content for you but skews trends to manufacture agreement.
Whenever someone contests something like google search recommendations or youtube trending, their answer is always "that's what people are watching", since they're the only ones who have that data, you can't argue.

Witch-hunting coming soon to a Chan near you

You think people normally google "men can " other than trolls.

>35 k views on bitchute
>0 dislikes

how is that even possible? bitchute is fake news?

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Retarded fake and gay just like you OP.

They don't need any justification. They can remove things from their service for any reason.

because that's what people are watching you buffoon
Do you expect the majority of people to like the same things as Jow Forums shitposters?
Youtube also personalities content, literally on the home page. I've never seen YT pushing any kind of agenda to me. It recycles topics I've searched or watched before. Where's the "evil programming" exactly?

Who gives a fuck? Already there has been more than enough evidence brought out against these companies to savage them in an antitrust suit. But nobody does anything because republicans are spineless and Democrats are evil.

>Retarded fake and gay just like you OP.
too bad you guys can't just delete this thread, like you deleted the youtube videos?

The people who'd dislike are probably too scared to open the link for fear of being labelled altright

There used to be a time when Jow Forums called out shoops... Before Jow Forums

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YouTube tries to feed me propaganda all the time no matter how many times I click not interested on them

that it doesnt push their "facts".

>Who gives a fuck?
Donald Trump Jr. gives a fuck, and his dad probably too, just give it time...

Tucker will report on this as well.

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The only thing russians are able to sabotage is their own empire, twice in the last century.

Tucker is a millionaire funded by billionaires. Do you think he has the best interests of the people in mind or is he just a distraction?

also, everybody else is probably scared to report on it...

>google blacklists your site
>youtube deletes your channel

this is the problem with monopolies....

someone post video sauce so i can show this to people.

>Tucker is a millionaire funded by billionaires. Do you think he has the best interests of the people in mind or is he just a distraction?
nice ad hominem you got there...

One millionaire backed by billionaires vs other billionaires is how it always goes you fucking retard, and right now those other billionaires (progressive tech sphere) are the most cancerous pieces of shit in history, so I'll take anything.
When have us peons ever had the chance to stand up against millionaires and billionaires anyway, it's always that game, one vs the other, monopoly vs another monopoly etc. we're just the collateral as usual.

Are you dumb? They push things like data bias and algorithmic unfairness. Since youtube has such a larger user base, they're using ml to curate content. Put 2 and 2 together you moron. Do you think they're not catering their ml models to introduce certain kinds of videos? At this point, saying that google doesn't manipulate trends is willful ignorance.

Google employee here. How fucked am I from 1-10? I have nothing to do with this shit for the record. Is this going to effect the share price?

So it is still true. He isnt a good guy.

So is this what everyone is doomsday prepping for?

Being neutral and apolitical is impossible, there will forever be a biais.
I see right wing and conservative propaganda on national TV and newspapers in my country all day long. I think it's a fair game.
But, that being said, Google should be totally honest and transparent about it. If they are so sure about how good and "fair" and "ethical" their ideas are they shouldn't hide their biased algorithms.

Get out while you can



You'll be hung from lampposts like nazis were, fascist piece of shit.

it's not even being reported as far as I can see

I don't know about Tucker specifically. But Fox is controlled opposition funded by the Saudis and big Pharma. I assure you they do not have your best interest at heart. Lesser of two evils at best.
Tucker will call out jihadis so I think they allow some of their hosts to get away with the truth just to maintain the illusion.

Liquidate assets and escape to the developing world as soon as possible. Never look back.

Or just don't since nothing will happen. If the government does break up your monopoly you'll just have stock in each of the children companies (and possibly get richer).

>it's not even being reported as far as I can see
would you write negative articles against the company that provides all the traffic to your site?

Or would you make a video against the company that monetizes your videos and provides you a platform, and can delete your account without having to justify it.

Difference is you know what you're getting from TV and newspaper. Google et al like to show themselves as neutral service providers to get passed regulatory bullshit when it comes to that.
Either they stop the bullshit and admit to being mouthpieces for a certain agenda or they die.

Because it is propaganda. Not true.

Trump jr. Isn't even in the government. Trump is one man. Congress is nothing but lackeys bought and sold and they have the most power in the government. The whole system is fucked. But it won't be long now before its purged. If you look at history when a society has become as degenerate as Western Civilization has it always collapses.

Pretty sure everyone understood that google is using it's algorithms to manipulate people. Same with all internet platforms.
How would you get away with banning people for voicing opinions without it getting political anyways?

>not being reported
well geee... I wonder why

>10 anal beads have been deposited in your GDrive.

>Because it is propaganda. Not true.
lol, the shilling is real

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This guy. You make the best points that are out there. Good for you.

As usual when there's a video that (((they))) want to take down, it's available on and always will be.

What dragon dildo you gonna buy for yourself now that your social score allows you one?

Based google exercising free speech

>Being neutral and apolitical is impossible, there will forever be a biais.
>I see right wing and conservative propaganda on national TV and newspapers in my country all day long
Notice how this little Jew will first take a middle position and then immediately throw the accusation in the opposite direction.

Sauce on the tied up qt

Companies are people too my friends.

Anyone else wonder how pathetic one must be to run that "Forever Logical" account on twitter? It responds to all of the president's posts with like 16 tweets basically outline their conspiritard liberal manifesto or some shit with rag-tier newsites as sources.

Like, they aren't all the same or anything. There's someone actively updating and researching their nonsense, convinced they're changing the world by fighting the President of the united states on twitter.

The higher ups design it for profit. The lower ups delude themselves with social power to cope with the lack of financial reward, and the consumers eat that shit up anyway. And so it has been and so it always will be.


so the tldr is googles manipulating everyones search data to be anti trump? havent we known google is exceedingly liberal for decades? like typing criminal in images would deliberately filter out anyone whos not white

>he has money therefore can't be trusted

Maybe try even once critical thinking. Your sources are one sided. In your world there is right side and the wrong side. Trump Jr. and others are right and everybody else is against. This is not true. You are on the side of grifters, opposition also has grifters but not all of them are grifters unlike the herd you are part of.

>go-guys look, this Israeli shill is on our side see!??

Project more. If you think that is the only reason then you know nothing.


Only difference is that now we hear it straight from the employee themselves and it's not a alt-frogposter conspiracy anymore


Show us then if you're so great.

They're fine. If it's not on youtube, it doesn't exist.

Yeh but drumpf

like with every other conspiracy that turns out to be true noone will care in two weeks.
from the top of my head
panama papers
5 eyes 27 eyes
literally everything on wiki leaks
utah data center
everything involving jews
asange. nearly everyone i know doesnt know what he did or barely understands the weight of it.

same thing happens with shooters, terrorists, climate change facts, dropping sperm counts, etc

well, the Don will tweet about it.. Tucker will make a show about it.

everybody else is scared, since they don't want to loose the traffic generated by google.

tough times we live in...

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Fuck off fbi

Donny tweets a lot of shit.
Tucker will make another hackers on steroids report no one gives a fuck about.
No one cares. Even if normies finally realize google is fucking with search results, they'll probably let it slide because they don't know better.

Ok. See this picture? If you think a Google internal document looks like this, then you're retarded.

Is it supposed to be a powerpoint? Then why is the logotype gigantic and why is it this much text? No one does ppts like this.

Is it supposed to be a word document? Then what the fuck is the fuckhuge compression artifacted logotype doing there?

And so on...

Attached: Screen-Shot-2019-06-23-at-10.37.28-PM.png (1498x826, 688K)


You hung pictures, you hanged people

well, trump being the president and having the power of executive orders, wont let this slide for sure...

They are literally at war with him now.

If I were him, there would be...
>commission to analise bias
>IRS investigations
>revoke their platform status
>send Ted Cruz after them

There are probably grounds for treachery as well, since they are meddling in democratic elections.

That's clearly just an internal document reader with a static logo above the scrolling zone.

also, revoke HB1 visas and send all their employees back to India.

>i-i-it's a Google internal document reader
>no controls, navigation or scrollbars
>veritas claim it's part of 'documents' leaked to them by a Google mole

A faggot wrote some shit into his copy of MS Word, screencapped it and added a giant Google logo in MS Paint. Minimal effort, 5 minutes at most