Best OS in the world
Should we have a template for an emacs general?
Best OS in the world
Should we have a template for an emacs general?
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oh yeah, please do
pic related is my wallpaper
What is your Common Lisp setup, emacsbros?
General you said
> you have visited by the based package
Basically just this but with lispy and rainbow-delimiters.
(use-package slime
:ensure t
:hook (lisp-mode . company-mode)
(setf inferior-lisp-program "sbcl")
(setf org-babel-lisp-eval-fn 'slime-eval))
> Use-Package
I see that you are a man of culture as well.
When I started writing my init file I didn't know about use-package. Even though it's a third party package that shit should be in the manual.
I think there were even talks on merging it into emacs itself.
Isn't it not in core emacs because the license is incompatible or something?
Sly and lispy. Though, I don't know if sly is better than slime or not, just haven't got the time to try it out.
Ah yes, another subreddit. Totally not cancerous at all.
Take your meds.
If I wanted to learn LISP where do I start?
Should I just learn lisp or should I go with a popular dialect like Clojure?
That logo looks old and ugly as fuck and like it hasn't been changed or improved once since 1986
Only way to have some decent content on this board is by making generals.
But we could shill a bit more about why apple sucks or why intelpeople are killing theirselves.
What are some nice non-dark themes?
I used base16-google-light some time, but it's hard to beat dark themes
IDK i'm kinda conflicted on wether i prefer light or darkthemes.
How's this for a shitty pasta?
Emacs general: /emg/
>Programming in Elisp
F1 t (Interactive Tutorial)
>Self Documentation
F1 k (Keybinds)
F1 f (Functions)
F1 v (Variables)
>Premade Distros / Configs
Make your own
>Muh Startup Time
use-package defer
nice pasta
Org-mode seems nice, but is it truly worth it to change from vim? Vanilla Emacs is absolute dogshit, spacemacs is so bloated that learning to fly a 747 is easier.
When will we have multiple threads so when some buffer freezes the whole of Emacs doesn't?
V26 implemented a basic form of threading
I'm not really knowledgeable on this subject but I read it's not really multithreading though.
remacs will save us all
Using rust (instead of C, I presume) will mean multithreading?
Also, I am more excited for Guile Emacs. I would love using Guile instead of Elisp.
I guess the perfect combo would be Rust+Guile Emacs, lol
Hopefully it won't come to using rust. Guile emacs performs better than elisp and is elisp compatible
Yep that's what I like about Guile Emacs. It is not ready yet, isn't it?
Wasn't the last commit for guile emacs from like 2015? Shit's dead jim.
no, it's waiting for guile to mature more, which it's doing pretty quickly. Guix is pushing guile forward quite a lot.
Is it? Damn, Emacs + Guix really sound like a 21st century "lisp machine". I would love to use that.
I do, and develop for guix. It's wonderful.
What do you use to read rss with emacs? I tried Elfeed but I can't get it to work. Maybe I should stick to Newsbeuter, but i'd like to get this part within emacs.
As for the OP, Uncle Dave Youtube channel could be recommended for those liking videos tutorials, pretty good content for a Jow Forumstard desu and dare I say, cozy
stop trying making me chagne distro.
IS it possible at all to use non-free on guix?
Need evil for the vimfags trying to see the light
Add awesome fire extentions:
I do use firmware for my amd gpu. My personal repo for it is here
I'll stop maintaining it if i manage to reverse engineer the binary blob tho
my coworkers are bullying me for using spacemacs instead of vscode like everyone else
your co-workers are plebs
Hey guys, what do you think the future of Emacs is? I don't think it will be disappearing anytime soon (at all) but it being so ancient I wonder when will it begin to need a complete makeover.
It's here to stay forever
What would you change?
the base config is asinine
No it's not. You just have brain damage like all vitards.
nice, some suggestions to add
>Programming in Elisp
these are also good
and the style guide
maybe add
and for org-mode
>Muh Startup Time
increasing garbage collection during startup also helps
(setq startup/gc-cons-threshold gc-cons-threshold)
(setq gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum)
(defun startup/reset-gc () (setq gc-cons-threshold startup/gc-cons-threshold))
(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook 'startup/reset-gc)
showcases, for the vimfags
- Emacs Evil:
- Org Mode:
- C++ IDE:
>Shitty toolbar at the top takes up more space than the usefulness it provides
> splash screen opens *every* time emacs starts
> no line numbers
> no code folding
> no session handling
> retard ignores to thinking of *any* issues with the base config and chooses to launch an argument against composable keybindings
What is actually wrong with you?
So turn that stuff off and / or on if it bothers you. It's designed to be customized.
Complaining about the emacs defaults is like complaining about a default window manager on a Linux distro. Don't like it? Change it.
they are starting to separate code into threads, but the threads themselves are still running synchronously
> what would you change about stock emacs?
> base config
> uhh well it's supposed to be customized
Why make something better by default when you can do the mental gymnastics necessary to justify your own stupid argument?
yes, maybe including the links to the emacs manual and org manual. Also (even if I don't like that guy) a link to Xah Lee tutorials and of course, Spacemacs link.
My emacs rig has no menubar and opens in dired. Most people need the tutorial and the menubar starting off.
I mostly use orgmode, which is centered around folding. I assume there's something like it for code.
I think the key commands need a serious rethink for both ergonomics and memorability, but the moment I just use the vanilla keys rather than the poorly organised offshoots.
(Also, since I didn't make it clear, I'm not that user.)
>Shitty toolbar at the top takes up more space than the usefulness it provides
(mapc (lambda (mode)
(funcall mode -1))
'(menu-bar-mode scroll-bar-mode tool-bar-mode))
> no line numbers
Built-in linum-mode, or
> no code folding
M-x narrow-to-region, M-x widen
> no session handling
The base config is fine, niggers just need to do some reading and searching.
Again how does this justify the choices made for the default config? Actual brain damage.
already there user
Edit it vim so you don't get carpal tunnel.
The toolbar and splash screen are a relic from the days when emacs was intended to be picked up by anyone and used as a wysiwyg text editor. No one who makes the concious decision to use emacs now has a use for them.
It would be helpful for them to shift to a more focused target demographic and include things like line numbers, code folding and session handling in the base config. I think the base keybinds are a little arbitrary, but they definitely shouldn't change now that they've become a defacto standard.
The choices hardly matter, it's Emacs, you can change everything. If you're so hung up on defaults go use something with supposedly "good" defaults, i.e choices that have been made for you that you can't change. Have fun.
>Built-in linum-mode
linum-mode is deprecated, use global-display-line-numbers-mode
Do you geniunely think I'm wasting my time on these brainlet replies because I'm using stock emacs? Why do you keep arguing against an improvement to emacs that has geniunely no consequences to existing configs and only a positive impact on new users? Keep backtracking user, you've come a long way from your vitard argument
Yes, emacs is highly configurable and can be molded to your exact needs.
But at the same time having sane defaults should be expected and does no harm, and certainly makes it less intimidating for newer users. Let's be honest, something like ring bell is an annyoing fucking relic and shouldn't be enabled by default.
That said, the same menubar user is complaining about literally has an options section for easily configuring some of the more common settings.
This. Though I was complaining about the presenece of the menubar rather than it being inflexible
The fuck are good defaults? You can only assume so much about what a user wants. The default tool bar for example is good for exploring modes etc without knowing specific command names at first. What exactly should we change? AND WHY?
> Uh everything is just preference anyway
Imagine being this desperate for footing
its like, just all, relative, man~
I guess most people wanting to try Emacs are programmers and/or extremely curious people. So I guess good defaults will be something that gives you the tools to do common stuff at the begining. That said, you MUST learn about common Emacs workflow and words like windows, frames, splitting windows, buffers, ido, etc. After that the sky is the limit. For example, I don't use line numbers and take out most menu, status and scroll bars, I also use helm, I like to use only one buffer at the time but I am not a programmer.
Name five things emacs can do that more specialized software doesn't already do better
Come up with better arguments, unixbabby.
That's 0/5.
You mom is also 0/5
A "Re:macs" would probably benefit from some sort of poll of users about what features they use the most and in connection with each other. You can't just hijack a decades-old piece of software with a dedicated userbase and do whatever you want with it, unless you're explicitly making a fork.
Navigating buffers could really do with a revamp. A quickly accessible dired page that displays current buffers (maybe as temp files in an emacs.d subdirectory) might do, with a command like M-x b.
(There's a ranger mode for dired, and it is beautiful.)
I think there should be a clearer distinction between killing and deleting. M-backspace cuts the word rather than deleting it, displacing whatever was in the killring. I know there's some kind of yank-previous-kill command but at that stage things are getting a bit convoluted.
Have you considered Gnus? It can handle email too.
What couldnt you setup with Elfeed? There's an extension called elfeed-org that can help you organize your rss feeds with an org-file.
I would fucking bully you too for using this bloated garbage. I use my own config and all my coworkers admire me.
A lot of people don't have function keys, either because they're using Macs (different default mapping) or autistic keyboard layouts that don't have them. I'd just use C-h instead of F1
>sane defaults
No such thing.
>using outdated garbage from the 90s which hangs all the time.
Nah, I'm staying with VSCode.
Emacs is from the ‘60s.
does emacs in cli loses some functionality present in gui?
gnu emacs is from the 80s
EMACS is a great operating system, lacking only a decent editor.
>lacking only a decent editor
Why don't you write one then?
That's why evil exists.
I just think using all of these modifier keys is stupid. I prefer modes.
Five year vim user here. I've looked at Emacs before but always scared away by C-M-S-soup because I worked on a laptop. I knew about evil, but saw no point in switching if I was only emulating vim.
After noticing the huge amount of configuration I had built up spread over different applications, including a 400 line vimrc, I decided it was time to give Emacs a real shot.
For common daily tasks, Emacs is now my text editor, shell, file manager, version control interface, mail client, rss reader, pdf and image viewer, and I haven't even looked at some of the more advanced things.
The power is incredible and comfy. The versatility is a huge win because I can do do much from one application in whatever way I wish. I started with evil but am now using god-mode for a better idea of Emacs-style workflow. There are still annoyances, but I want to make the switch permanent.
post your vimrc bro
Then use evil dummy. Also vim uses modifier keys as well.
I spent several hours troubleshooting this and the problem was actually coming from elfeed-org : Elfeed refused to load feeds from the file until I tried to tag the main section with :elfeed:. It's not documented anywhere (unless I missed it) but now it works and it's great, I made several bindings to use it like Newsbeuter.
I will look at Gnus again to see if it fits my need for email, now that I start to get a grasp at Elisp syntax
i need orgmode, i tried vim-orgmode but it's dead. i'm just starting out with spacemacs now and it's not too complicated. check this out it explains it pretty well
so in emacs commands are typed, there's a text type, an orgmode type etc?
>A quickly accessible dired page that displays current buffers
you mean this?
(global-set-key (kbd "M-x b") 'ibuffer)
Well, you press M-x to run, well, commands, but you can map most of it to hotkeys.
Also, there are many modes on emacs. When you're editing an org file, it interprets it as an org file and runs org-mode, which is just a bunch of grouped hotkeys useful for the mode you're on (besides the colouring and spacing).
The major mode is the file-specific mode, and only one at a time can be active, and the minor modes are auxiliary commands you can turn on at any given major mode.