Install using manjaro-architect-cli (the only installer available for non-mainline WM like awesome and BSPWM)

>install using manjaro-architect-cli (the only installer available for non-mainline WM like awesome and BSPWM)
>AUR is completely fucking broken on first boot

everyone share your reasons not to use this retarded distro

Attached: 256px-Manjaro-logo.svg.png (256x256, 379)

Other urls found in this thread:

>AUR is completely fucking broken on first boot
umm isn't AUR an external repository?

I had a similar problem recently

what does it mean when you get "Failed to parse JSON" when starting an AUR upgrade?

with an option to enable during manjaro's installer. If it's offered in the installer, it should be functional on first boot, end of story.

Antergos doesn't have this problem

Don't use achitech, you're obviously a retard

>don't use manjaro

Manjaro is based, you're just a retard. Stick to macOS, retard.

>don't use the installer
how else is one supposed to install it, dogfucker

manjaro is broken dogshit maintained by idiots who have no gameplan other than to LARP debian

>don't use the installer
so every manjaro offering that isn't xfce, gnome, or kde is depreciated? good to know

>muh games
back to windows

>with an option to enable
lol enable what exactly?
you simply download package builds from the aur

Architect is not for the mentally challenged. Stick with macOS and Windows.

Antergos is dead

generally pamac is supposed to work

nigger learn to English

Oh yeah, guess I'll just go back to using windows because I don't want to fix Manjaro's repolist for them.

Oh wait, absolutely not. I'm just going to go back to a functional distro, like Arch or Fedora

also Dial 8


Don't use manjaro-architect, it's depreciated garbage

also, don't use manjaro, especially community editions, they're depreciated garbage

If you're going to use manjaro, just use whatever DE is the first on their website, anything else is going to be an absolute clusterfuck

don't use manjaro architect. I don't know why it's been moved to 'official' on their website, but its a clusterfuck

>absolute state

was good while it lasted

>there are girls on Jow Forums that can't install arch

what a fucking tragedy, that shit was leagues beyond manjaro

Installing arch from on CLI is unironically far easier and faster than it is to install a manjaro system that actually works. going so far as to partition your disk beforehand makes it dead simple

cfdisk is dead simple too

>everyone share your reasons not to use this retarded distro
Here is the long list of reasons:

use anarchy linux

Why do people run this toy OS?

We use it on all company computers because when Arch goes bad again we can't afford spending half a day re-installing two dozen computers.

No problem so far. Will keep using it until the installer goofs

Attached: Screenshot_20190625_203031.png (636x420, 53K)

>manjaro on all company computers
Do you work in hell?

Heaven, actually.

Sorry your pea brain can't handle anything but McOS.

>Not running Debian/Ubuntu/Red Hat
What do you do this in this company?
And manjaro breaks much more than arch, so I think this is bait but whatever.

I have used both, and Manjaro gave us way more trouble than Arch, now all the development machines run Arch and never had any issue in years.

>using GUI for packaging stuff
Stick to ubuntu you assclown.

Attached: 1558986086507.gif (200x200, 2.75M)

Nobody with an IQ above 70 uses that garbage.

>all the development machines run Arch and never had any issue in years.
How often do you update?

/v/g/ loser here, Manjaro has terrible compatibility issues with USB controllers and the like, sticking to Ubuntu MATE 18.04 until everything goes to hell there.

>Manjaro has terrible compatibility issues with USB controllers
Say it ain't so. I've been using the PS4 controller almost exclusively for a while now. Gamecube controller for its games, touchpad plus keyboard for some DS games, and wiimote for those titles. Fucking hell Nintendo.

You shouldn't call yourself a loser user

Weird, all my DS3s, my DS4 and my no-name $3 usb shit work basically perfectly.

Why does it look like the imprint of a penis on an egg?

have dilate

It's a kernel problem not on the distro. Try to update it or change the kernel. I had this problem the first time on Manjaro, turns out i was using a more recent kernel that didn't recognized my USB controller properly

Installed Manjaro with BSPWM this way, no problems for me.

>no problems for me.
For now

>an egg
It looks more like an Onigiri to me.

modifying their ugly rice is more work than it's worth

Neofetch uses really disgusting colours for Antergos. Screenfetch looks nicer

Attached: Screenshot_20190626_070524.png (637x504, 59K)

What is onigiri?

shitty mirros

I have nothing against it i just feel openSUSE Tumbleweed is developed more professional, and a more stable rolling release.

seems alright to me
enjoy the first class manjaro experience™


user, we need to talk...