/pcbg/ - PC Building General

ATTENTION: The Navi RX 5700XT and RX 5700 will launch alongside Ryzen 3000 series CPUs with PCIe 4.0 on 7/7/2019. Nvidia is releasing a SUPER series with slightly increased specs over the original 20 series. Pricing is looking high. More info on the SUPER series possible on 7/2.

>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming builds and monitor suggestions; click on blue titles to see notes
>How to assemble a PC

Want help?
>State budget & CURRENCY
>Post at least some attempt at a parts list
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

CPUs based on current pricing:
>Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming (can be OC'd on most mobos with the right BIOS)
>R3 2200G - Recommended minimum gaming
>R5 2600 - Good gaming CPU with great value
>R7 1700X - Budget rendering
>For extreme performance in FPS, rendering, or multicore workloads, wait for benchmarks on 7/7.

>Always choose at least a two stick kit; 2x 8GB is recommended
>CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3200CL16 is ideal
>AMD B and X chipsets and Intel Z chipsets support XMP

Graphics cards based on current pricing:
>Used cards can be had for a steal; inquire about warranty
>RX 570 8GB - good performance with great value
>GTX 1660 - standard
>RTX 2060 - high framerates (requires complementary CPU and monitor)
>Wait for benchmarks on 7/7
2160p (4K)
>Wait for benchmarks on 7/7
>RTX 2080Ti - best fit for 4K but expensive

>Don't bother buying a new monitor for gaming unless it's high refresh with adaptive sync
>A 256GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor
>Bottleneck checkers are worthless


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Other urls found in this thread:

newegg.com/p/N82E16813157681?Description=z170 motherboard&cm_re=z170_motherboard-_-13-157-681-_-Product

putting up used pc parts on eBay
how much should I sell a 2600k for along with 2 x 4gb ddr3 ram? I don't think any of the other stuff would sell

Left column, click sold listings. Search for your CPU and look in the mobo cpu combos category if your mobo still works. Otherwise just search for the fucking items you want to sell. Ebay 101

good advice
on that note, how much will a 2400g be when ryzen2 comes out because I want to get rid of mine

Is i7 3770 + RX570 enough to run modern AAA games in 60fps on 1080p resolution?


Is this monitor a good buy? 144hz 1080P VA for $209

Is it overkill for my 1060 6GB as well?

I mostly play stuff maxed at 60fps, even so I should get less tearing on 144hz at 60fps right?

*RX 570 4gb

My R9 390 is running at 90C even with the fan at 100% usage and 4 case fans, how do I fix this piece of shit?

Autism Rebuild user here
>Just got my new case in.
>It was literally the only thing that could cause the short.
>Everything else had been methodically ruled out.
>So I take my new Mobo that I confirmed works, put it in the new case.
>The CPU and RAM both work, so they go in.
>My last old fire prone GPU got trashed.
>Took a brand new one and put it in the case.
>Turn the power on
>Then I realize I forgot to plug in the power switch.
>Plug it in
>Short Circuit.
The ride never ends. I'd be a lot less devastated if this kind of shit didn't happen every day of my life, but it still is a bummer. But what, Good Fucking God, what could be wrong this time? HOW can something be wrong this time?

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Can I get a cheap cooler that has heatpipes and adapt a larger 120mm fan on it?


>>Then I realize I forgot to plug in the power switch.
>>Plug it in
>>Short Circuit.
did you plug it in when you psu was active?

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Usually yes

There's nothing comparable in the Ryzen 3000 lineup yet, so used price probably won't fall much unless a bunch of people dump them

27" is too big for 1080p. Pixel density is too low unless you're sitting far away

>Is it overkill for my 1060 6GB as well?
No, if you're buying a new monitor you want something that'll last you

>so I should get less tearing on 144hz at 60fps right?
The point of variable refresh rate + adaptive sync is that it eliminates screen tearing at all playable framerates without requiring Vsync

You don't, it's a housefire

>Short Circuit.
How though, you must be a larping

Yes, medium-high settings you can achieve 60fps and 1080p

>still no preorders or at least somewhere to put a shopping list together ahead of time
Why is it that the dumbest shit in the world can be preordered months ahead of time but PC hardware is just always a last-minute clusterfuck?

Unscrew the PSU from the case and leave it outside, obviously with the cables all still connected.
Honestly if it's not that I'm lost.

There is no fucking tldr for this shit. There is only a loaded gun I'm digging around for so I can put an end to this.

I'm just telling you that I didn't read

No, I turned it off and unplugged it. I swear I'm not that retarded.

Why you'd want to get rid of vsync so much

I just bought a 4K UHD capable Blu-ray drive. I currently have a regular Blu-ray drive and a non Blu-ray drive in storage. I have a very big movie/anime/music physical media collection that I rip. Would it be better to have all 3 drives in the same PC for their own use cases so I don't overwork a single drive?

cool, I hope I can get a £80 - £100 for it
money from that + the intlel 2600 should pay for my upgrade more or less

Just did and nada. I don't know what the fuck to do anymore. There's nothing else I can replace. There's nothing I can fix. I just don't fucking get why it refuses to work.

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wait whats your issue? short circuiting all the time?

Take it all out of the case and try again. If it works just set up a makeshift box to hold it all and use it like that.

Does Micro Center always have a 4th of July sale?

>4k gpu
>wait for 7/7


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List all of the parts you have, specific model and everything. There might be an incompatibility.
What country do you live in (for the sake of current and plugs), and where did you buy the parts from?

Warning to bros interested in PS3 emulation


The latest microcode update that ships with windows 10 build 1903 gimps TSX which makes it literally unusable for rpcs3.

I faced sound dropout issues and shader compilation lockups that never complete with the mcu. The only way to regain the performance is to disable the included microcode update (if you have an older bios) and never to update your bios.

>intlel cucked again

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>MSI Z390
>Fuck IDK 2x8GB DDR4
>Corsair 650W PSU
>Corsair 275R case
>Rx580 GPU
>i7 8700 CPU
And that's about it.


Doesn't sound like it should be troublesome, but if you're really stumped, try firing it up with just one ram stick

Why the hell does logicalincrements.com recommend such shitty slow memories? 2400/2666MHz, CL fucking 19? Even with Ryzen builds??

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Why the hell are you visiting that site, that is the real question.
It was sold to an advertising company years ago.

Is LI no longer Jow Forums approved?

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Already done that. This is Rebuild 3.0 I'm on my fourth motherboard, my third GPU, second CPU and PSU, second case, and 2 set of RAM. Shit just keeps going wrong.

Am I on the right track in thinking that I don't need to buy a HDD when my long-term storage needs are at most 250GB and I already have an NVME of 1tb lined up? I'm thinking I might just get a 1tb SSD (or 2tb if it's cheap enough) instead of the 2tb HDD I was thinking of, and enjoy faster load times all round.
If I were to do that, would it be better to install the OS on the NVME or just on a regular SSD?

Well it sounds like the only other constants would be your monitor and your wall plug. Mouse and keyboard too perhaps.

>my long-term storage needs are at most 250GB
>I already have an NVME of 1tb lined up

Why would you need another disk?

Did you try everything in the case EXCEPT the PSU, just have it outside case with cables connected up?

They aren't even plugged in and the wall socket isn't an issue, Ive tested multiple and this one worked with an out of case build.

I should have clarified, long term non-gaming storage. I'd use the NVME for the gaming (and the drive if it's significantly faster than SSD, although youtube benchmarking hasn't suggested that to me), while the standard SSD would store general documents, files, and so on.
It just seems a bit of a milestone not to have any HDDs on my computer at all, and I was wondering if that's viable or commonly done these days.

may i suggest a radical alternative?

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Gammaxx 400, Thermaltake Contac Silent 12 or Cooler Master Hyper 212??

My 2200G is reaching 86c on games with undervolted CPU and overclocked iGPU.i want to max both's clocks at good temperatures

i've had a 212 evo for 5 years now because back then it was the best budget cooler for around £25 and it's served me well even with an overclocked i5 from 3.5 to 4.3 ghz. not sure about any of the other ones but the 212 has served me well.

get 212 evo back in the day and enjoy great bang for your buck
get 1080ti back in the day and enjoy not needing to upgrade your gpu for years

Evo is better than regular 212

Chinkshit is getting pricier than it needs to be. Trade wars n sheit

Spend the extra $5 and get the RGB cancer version or Black edition. The stock fan that comes on the regular EVO is garbage. Any other version other than the plain EVO has a far superior fan.

Disregard, I didn't read the chain. Increments is just not nuanced enough because stagnation hardware development means it's harder to describe what is bang for your buck.

Forgot my damned pic.

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Can someone tell me a good motherboard that fits an i5 6600k for gaming? I was given one and I dont really know what motherboard features I'm supposed to want.

Hell no.


>"slashing" prices

For a fairly budget solution the 5700XT will probably be decent. We'll have to see

Vsync is garbage. If your frametime drops below 16.6ms you'll get stutter

Rgb is literally twice the price of regular h212 in Brazil

Cursed confirmed.

But serously; i don't think that it is possible to have all those shorts circuits while building a modern system. Just pay someone else to build it for you, it's only $30 - $50, honestly this shit ain't for you senpai and it's not worth all this pain.

I use vsync to limit my frame rate and thus prevent CPU from getting hot

Ah nvm. Thought you were Burger or Euro. Get what's cheapest then

Advice for my build?
Cooler will be stock intel fan because no more dosh.

Depends on whether you're overclocking. If you are, Z170. If not, B150

>drops below 16.6ms you'll get stutter
or tearing*, depending on whether you have an AMD or Nvidia graphics card

Out of these 3?

This is just how things go in my life. I only wanted this as some cold comfort. Building it the first time was the only time in my life I felt like I had accomplished something worthwhile. And now it's been systematically destroyed and I get a front row seat for watching all my desperate attempts at some modicum of happiness crumble away. C'est la vie, non?

>For a fairly budget solution the 5700XT will probably be decent.
>450$ for BLOWER, probably 500$ for anything decent
>budget solution
FUCK OFFFF, chirst, nvidia puts those prices everybody shits on them for being jews
AMD puts out those prices and suddenly it's great budget value gaming!

You can do the same thing using adaptive sync

I assume you're buying used? It's really not worth it to buy an old platform. It'll cost you more in the long run for less performance in the near term. Post the prices you're getting everything for and your budget

not the tard you are talking to, but use Riva tuner server to cap the fps to what ever you wish with 0.0001 precision.

In that context, budget just means "a minimum standard" rather than paying out the ass for a 2080 or 2080Ti. I agree that AMD's pricing is shit. I'm considering starting a boycott in the OP until prices come down

You just had to read a quick tips page to learn you should fuckin turn the PC off before connecting or disconnecting parts

Yeah all used parts except PSU.
i7 3770 - $100
RX 570 4GB - $78
P8H77 motherboard - $50
RAM - $25
PSU - $46

all of them are overpriced. But worst of all there are no excuses this time
they had "muh HBM2 16GB" excuse for radeon 7.
Ray tracing for nvidia.
What the fuck does a GGDR6 memory using, small die size, blower have an excuse for being so expensive?
Honestly fuck both companies.

Attached: prices for 5700XT.jpg (666x174, 58K)

>be me, pic related, chillin
>wake up from nappy nap
>go to furless cat's room
>see new hanging shit
best time of my life until dude yelled at me for breaking a few strings

Attached: yeow.jpg (1024x1004, 60K)

I never touched the damn thing without having it turned off and unplugged, fuck off.

Guys I'll get the thermaltake because it's rated 2 decibels quieter. Should I be fine?
There's no other way you could have shorted it, get over it faggot


So subtle. Some might even fall for it.

Do semi passive PSU's react to temps or are they only controlled by power consumption? I heard about someone who fried their Seasonic PSU after activating the fanless mode and since the power consumption was at low levels it didn't activate the fan and fried. AFAIK Seasonic is the only brand that has such a button but regardless of brand, shouldn't the PSU's fans activate by temps by default?

>There's no other way you could have shorted it
Clearly there is because again, I never touch the damn thing unless it's off and unplugged. I've spent so fucking long trying to fix this goddamn thing, do you really think I'd fuck it all up because I forgot to unplug it?

>prices are mostly based on costs
Hello commie

Would this be a suitable z170 to go with my 6600k?

newegg.com/p/N82E16813157681?Description=z170 motherboard&cm_re=z170_motherboard-_-13-157-681-_-Product

The 2400G is just as good as the i7 3770, and approximately the same price if you buy used

You can get a B450 mobo for $65 new. The only thing you'll have to pay double for is the DDR4 RAM, but all in all it's worth it to have a warranty and a current platform. You can just drop in a new CPU later if you have AM4

>Honestly fuck both companies.
Yup. AMD is just matching Nvidia's monopolistic pricing. It's unspoken collusion, similar to the DRAM pricing schemes last year

Fuck cats

>do you really think I'd fuck it all up because I forgot to unplug it?
The worst that happened to me while taking apart a computer that was plugged in was that the monitor got a line of broken pixels. It shouldn't happen. Maybe you are an electromaster.

You are out of your mind if you don't accept the fact that both nvidia and amd are overpricing their shit to kindgom come.
What's even worse that AMD R&D costs were covered by microsoft and sony for the consoles.
While Nvidia has to pay for their own R&D.

>it's okay to charge for something at 84% profit margin because because because, AMD needs money too!
>4000$ GPUS are fine, because fuck commies!

Well looks like yourself can't believe you did that
I'm an ape and even pressed my gpu with the PC working once and it still didn't fuckin short

>Yup. AMD is just matching Nvidia's monopolistic pricing. It's unspoken collusion, similar to the DRAM pricing schemes last year
Yeah, but without ray tracing.
Where do they get the balls, to overprice their shit so hard?

Already happened, - 10-15% so basically same price as Ryzen or still slightly above for less cores.

They're full of themselves now just because they made a cpu that isn't a fucking bomb

>nvidia marks up their cards 1000% because they just can
>*crickets chirp*
>amd marks up their yet to be unreleased cards by 45%

Free market baby!¡!

>pricing should be set in the absence of competition
And you probably think you're advocating for "muh free market"

Any Z170 will work with your chip, but you want to make sure it has features you want and will fit in your case

>things that never happened

Are you mounting your motherboard properly? As in, using the mounting screws and standoffs? You'll likely short the fucker without 'em. Learned that the hard way back before you were born.
>*cracks open soda*
That reminds me, boy, of the time a few years later I tried upgrading the fucker I shorted. Bought me a shitty Pentium 4+mobo to replace that Pentium II cartridge. Fucker lasted all of 1.6 years, just like its clockspeed/a billion. Turns out it shorted itself out for no good reason as far as I could tell. The motherboard? MSI. Never again, MSI. Replaced that piece of shit with a 478 2.4 that lasted ~6 years. The motherboard? Some chink company that no longer exists. Imagine that. These days I've been rocking a gigabyte that's pushing 9.5 years and planning on another gigabyte next month.

Moral of the story? Change that MSI mobo for another brand, perhaps. If you are mounting her properly, then you might want to consider being thorough, since you claim to be autistic, and try a different PSU as well. Remember to ground yourself constantly, and I do mean constantly, and maybe even invest in an old-school wrist-worn anti-static bracelet that you attach to the metal part of your case to stay grounded.

Matter of fact, I can't stress this enough given your circumstances. Stay. Grounded.

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are we still doing the capitalism meme
>dude fuck immigrants
>we need capitalism though so we need to import low skilled workers
>dude shit is overpriced
>we need capitalism though so we can't regulate stuff like this outside of price fixing which didn't help at all
>dude taxation is theft
>wtf I can't afford healthcare because my job is shit and we don't have single payer healthcare like the NHS
lets not turn into commies or socialist cucks right though

>>nvidia marks up their cards 1000% because they just can
>>*crickets chirp*
Nice history rewriting dipshit, Except in reality land, everybody shit on them for it.

>>amd marks up their yet to be unreleased cards by 45%
They mark up their cards by 84% EIGHTY FOUR PERCENT
and people equally shit on them, heck they got less flak than nvidia, because AMD are muh good guys regardless of price and performance.

But see, with CPUS they did it right, they first released better priced CPUS and then as they gained market share and dominance they started raising prices.
But GPUS? They are behind as fuck, yet boldy overprice their cards. Honestly it makes no sense.

If only I was black I could be Static Shock.

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how's this

Attached: Build.jpg (1061x536, 66K)


Wait till the 7th. AMD is releasing 3600x and it'll drive down 2600x prices/provide a better item for the price. Same as the GPU since the 5700T / GTX super cards will drive down prices of 2070s, possibly to your price point.

>tfw for £600 last year I got the same build except with a 2400g and no gpu
fucking kill me

I hope you buy the 470 board with the intent of upgrading to a zen 2 or something.

No sir, AMD gpus are faaar cheaper than the Nvidia equivalents

That's how stuff works isn't it? People buy overpriced Nvidia stuff but complain about it in the internet, so Nvidia is suffering from not lowering their prices