Is the Open Insulin Project a meme?

Is the Open Insulin Project a meme?

One of my friends has type 1 diabetes. Fortunately we live in Europe so he doesn't have to pay anything for his insulin, but I know this is different in other countries.
I wish there was a way for people to make their own insulin at home.
Is it even possible with the current state of tech?

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I think we should look toward eradicating congenital diseases so that nobody ever has to suffer from a lifetime of medical treatment and slavery to life-saving medication.
But of course, you'll call me a nazi for advocating eugenics and compulsory sterilization.

>diabetics cannot survive without insulin
wrong. the vast majority, type 2's, just need to stop eating carbs.

just eat less lmao


Attached: William_Shockley,_Stanford_University.jpg (200x250, 31K)

>bay area
>tech start up
>promising the moon and/or something just flat out dumb
Reads like your typical California tech scam looking for VC funding and a quick cash out.
If it even has a shred of genuine sincerity then its being spearheaded by a hopeless retard with no chance of accomplishing anything.

Type 2 diabetics are virtually always just fat fucks who should be forced to fast for a month. Type 1s are genetic cases that can't be fixed. They'd die without it.

in the western world, they're fat. but there are many asians that don't look very fat, but still got diabetes from eating too much carbs + fat.
fasting is probably the fastest/best way to reverse t2, but don't forget that many t2's are fat because they never feel full / are always hungry because of their diet.

>Bay area
>Money pl0x
Yeah, nah.

Eugenics is bad! But its totally cool to let deformed retarded people fuck like rabbits and then gene edit all their kids with CRISPR.
t. modern leftism

I'm actually aware of that, but in the case of Asians they tend to max out their visceral organ fat before they gain massive amounts of visible subcutaneous fat. The incidence of obesity in Japan vs their rate of diabetes is very telling.
This difference in how they store fat is fairly well studied.

yeah, that's what I've read too. just wanted to point out that when most people think of "fat people", they don't think of normal weight people with a lot of organ fat.

>I personally would not pay for a certain medical treatment for myself or my children therefore everyone else doesn't deserve basic human rights!
t. modern conservatards

>passing up this exciting opportunity to get in on the ground floor of funding
But I'm sure they'd send you a really cool thank you card for believing

>encourage society to make better choices with the net result being less people being born with incurable diseases
>encourage society to absolutely shun the concept of responsibility then halfassedly treat hundreds of millions of broken genetic dead end people
Pick one and only one, you hapless moron.

dude just buy insulin from walmart

We live in Europe. He doesn't have to buy insulin.

Call me a radical, or maybe just an American patriot, but I do believe that there are many things that should never be within the lawful authority of the government, among which include the right to have a child.

It would be quicker for the US to enter the civilized world and get an actual healthcare system

based and redpilled.

Thats a great way to think about things if you absolutely love the way things are in the world today.

How do you expect us to afford any kind of socialized medicine when we're being tasked with financially supporting the entirety of Mexico and Central America as well?
Our urban black population was bad enough on its own.

Still though
People whine about muh $500 insulin but it's cheap and readily available at Walmart, yes it's not the best but if you honestly need it, it's there

false dichotomy, enjoy being purged yourself when your repressive gubmint decides your chance of having an autism baby is 0.001% too high, and having the baby would be too risky because funding to all autism programs has been cut and reinvested in breast enlargement research


No, that isn't a false dichotomy. The options literally are eugenic outcome, or dysgenic outcome. There is no middle ground. It doesn't take an all powerful government program purging people to simply encourage responsibly decisions with regards to child rearing, you infantile retard.

I'm not a fan of the way things are today, but I don't think *more* government is necessarily the solution to many of our problems.

Only leftists think eugenics means killing people. Its probably just projection.

>you can't foster a culture that encourages good breeding without the government forcing it!
Its kind of amazing that you retards actually live and breathe without help.

Go ahead and do it then if you don't need the government's help

I'm ok with tech to modify existing humans or genetically modifying new ones to make superpeople.
Not ok with forced sterilization.

>The options literally are eugenic outcome, or dysgenic outcome
and neither of those are the gubmint's business
private medical companies educating parents on issues relating to their genetics is one thing, compulsory sterilization and state-enforced birth rates is what is wrong, you shitbrained poltard

the only problem i have with the state of the world is that parents could have even more freedom in deciding whether they should have children

I never said you couldn't. YOU were the one who said you wanted *compulsory* sterilization. You are free to try to change the culture as you see fit. I doubt you would succeed much in, say, the US, as we tend to follow a guilt-based, rather than shame-based method of social control.

I agree, we're already turning around 50 years of diseugenics in a vigilante matter lately... well with some people.
Why do you think black people want to come to the west so much?

>waaah waaaah we waz providers and shit!
Every country in SA has fee healthcare. You're no supporting any of them though. Fix your shithole. Ironically, gringos cross the border to buy insulin here.

>insulin and glucose autism
why not just sprinkle fructose over your shit? it's almost twice as sweet as sugar and it just werks™

>$500 Monthly + test strips + lancets = "cheap"

I live in the UK. My sister lived in the US with type 1. Her medication was over $1000 a month if she got the stuff she needs to have a long and healthy life.

Just the insulin was about $500

She used to buy the insulin herself and I would smuggle all the other bits for her :)

By the way (as this is incredibly relevant at this point in American politics)

The cost of a pack of insulin cartridges to the NHS (UK's single-payer healthcare)(5xnovorapid, 5x levemir) = less than £100

Cost in US to private users = $500 (according to this poster, actually it's more)

Just adopt single payer lads and stop wasting money :)

As it's also relevant -

I come from a poor family (I am well off now)

I pay about £250 a month in NI (National Insurance for healthcare + our social security equivalent)

Without getting that insulin for free, I would've died as a child / young adult (diagnosed at 16). Now I am paying in more to the system than I am taking out (net profit for taxpayers).

Also needed to be said. I'm out

I think they should open source a way to make fatfags to slim down. This is a nice project, thought.

>be a retard
>get free money for being a retard

nah, I prefer eugenics

uhhh...indeed. Governments can't have children. That doesn't make any sense.

>be too retarded to figure out how to get your own free money in a society where any retard gets free money
>get mad about it and shitpost online about eugenics
you Jow Forumsshits are the lowest scum

>Governments can't have children.
>tfw no govt waifu to have genetically modified catchildren with
Feels bad man.

Attached: 1549552276032.jpg (337x340, 41K)

Free money isn't money when everybody get's it, it's just paper then.

imagine being this retarded.

To add, money loses it's nexus with the real value of things it is used to purchased if this arrangement happens. This is due the arrangement precipitating increases in inflation that is caused by it.

>We're a team of Bay Area biohackers

>he doesn't have to pay anything for his insulin
eurotards literally believe this

faking being retarded or disable is not a sign of intelligence, it's a sign of being a conartist.

you are retarded and should be banned from the internet. Modern genetic techniques like CRISPR can edit the DNA of any cell, including embryos, and remove any genetic disease. This is how a chinese scientist removed the HIV genes from 2 babies. I urge you to learn more before posting.

fortunately for you, you don't have to fake being retarded

How am I supposed to interpret what he wrote as anything other than "governments should not have the authority to have children?"

If you can gene edit the problems away then what exactly is the problem?

yeah, I prefer to be call retarded than being called commie.

Dilate, please.

A lot of it has to do with prohibitive setups. Modern insulin is made using bacteria and it is produced in bulk. Now you might ask why aren't there generic insulins? Well mostly because there are two major insulin manufacturers and while thanks to patent law there exists insulin "anyone" can make what both manufacturers do is "update" the formula every few years to patent the new product. Now here's where it gets funny, globally there are more diabetics than ever (mostly type 2s, but type 1s still exist in large numbers). Insulin is actually in a shortage (as in current production does not meet current full demand), and the rate of diabetics is increasing as obesity finally trickles down to the 2nd and 3rd worlds, so it is pretty likely there will be a diabetic medicine shortage worldwide within 2 decades.

You buy insulin through taxes, most Americans are insured through their workers/spouse/family and don't have to pay for insulin as it is covered 100% by insurance.

>Bay Area

guaranteed snake oil mixed with bullshit

>Without getting that insulin for free
It's not free, learn economics/tax law or don't make blanket statements without understanding. It's paid for, by you, by everyone. Not free.

>lmao paying taxes is commie
>everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny
all Jow Forums posters should be euthanized, prove me wrong

>all Jow Forums posters should be euthanized
I bet you are going to do it when you create your gulags. Chill and put on your programming socks, tranny.

>programming socks
keep your sexual fantasies to yourself thanks, no need to project them onto me

How did the government know I was going to vaccinate?

>Problem: Your body is insulin resistant.
>Solution: Inject yourself with even more insulin.

>Problem: Your car's engine is burning oil.
>Solution: Add more oil.

Don't stop eating. Don't fast. You weigh 300 lbs and have type 2 diabetes but you must continue purchasing Nestle and Mondelez products. It tastes good. It's nutritious. Eat 3 square meals a day. Your body has a natural way to produce and store fat but it's dangerous to use that fat.

>How do you expect us to afford
because it would be cheaper

yeah sure, tranny. Just take it easy and don't kill yourself.

You would help more diabetics, or just people in general, by telling them to just stop eating carbs.

Every person in my country has access to insulin.
Better yet, researchers here have made headway in removng the need for insulin injections. Early tests show that Diabetes can be cured with a simple treatment.