Post books and authors Everyone likes but you hate

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Other urls found in this thread: Mccarthy - The Blood Meridian.pdf

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Every book that isn’t serious literature

The Lord of Flies
Anything written by that cunt Joyce
Nineteee Eighteee fooor
Any fantasy/sci-fi work
Infinite Autism
Anything with zombie trash
Anything by prizes winners after the 70s
Anything that doesn't remind me life is shit
Retarded YA faggotry
No Longer Chad
Any erotica shit
Anything written by women except Frankenstein and Villette

>Anything written by that cunt Joyce
>Anything by prizes winners after the 70s
How about Cormac McCarthy?

Also, Emily Dickinson is a very good female poet.


What the fuck are you plotting this time?

>Emily Dickinson
"Uuuuh my life sucks i hate men because chad doesn't want me and i hate life because i don't have chad" - astounding, remarkable poetry

Literally who

Literally the pioneer of hipster trash and the most overrated cunt ever. Bragged about being able to learn by heart the divine comedy. Basically the cunt who gets the best grades in your class and clings to his academic success to foster his own ego.

This. I think the loss of Christianity really destroyed literature. The market chose trash and promoted trash. Anything after the 70s is terrible. Anything American is terrible. I'm patriotic but I recognize Dickens is better than anything we made.

Dickens would be even better if he had condensed his works because they take a lot of time to finish

Cormac McCarthy Mccarthy - The Blood Meridian.pdf

Do you even hate Dubliners and a portrait of the artist as a young man?

I hate self-help books and those are popular
Rupi Kaur
I DESPISE A Seperate Peace
Charles Bukowski
Stephen King
Joseph Conrad
R**dy Pl*yer O**
>anything written by women except Vilette & Frankenstein
blue nyquil’d

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Yeah though Ulysses is the epicenter of cancer

>poetic writing is good
>overly negative nihilism
>lack of greater meaning
>empty and depressing

I had a Victorian women phase

Holy shit that's like a /lit/ favorite
Sonya confirmed prime example of NPC

Can't stand Steven King or Bukowski

Bukowski is boss though extremely degenerate and hypocritical

I like Gothic stuff ok? The Gothic is my thing

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Gothic is pretty gay desu

King’s books always fall off in quality by the halfway mark, Bukowski is nihilistic ranting
Empty and boring for me, hes very repetitive and I don’t understand his superiority complex over being a depressed loser. Some of his indivdual stories are interesting but I hate his overall themes

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As if you can talk desu

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There's all the anger a robot needs in his works and all the voice of injustice of the modern world
Life is repetitive, especially the life of a lonely boozer. Did you expect an odyssey? Too bad it's just life.
At least i didn't hide it desu

Has Korbo ever read Marquis De Sade?


For the good of humanity, don’t do it. If I ever find out about a string of sexual murders in Italy then I will know you have read him.

Its cynicism, it doesn’t interest me. I didn’t know what to expect but thats what it is. Bukowski gets treated like a great and respectable author by hipsters and uni profs but hes just entry-level nihilism to me

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The ones with happy endings

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Umineko isn't happy desu

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Uni teachers prefer joyce or some other pussy
Bukowski is the polar opposite of intellectual

Fuck i meant to say without happy endings lmao
Its either retarded autocorrct on my phone what fucked that up or my brain farted somehow

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Get more sleep dear

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