The V Programming Language

>Fast compilation
>400 KB compiler with zero dependencies
>C/C++ translation
>Hot code reloading
>Powerful graphics libraries
>Native cross-platform GUI library
>Easy cross compilation
>Painless deployments and dependency management
>Powerful built-in web framework

Attached: efbe78aceb129e60cf61f4853306ebb1.png (420x420, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Gosh, stuff sucks today
>yeah, too complex, too hard to work with..
>I know! lets have another programming language on top of the two dozen we have already!
>Brilliant! Surely that'll fix things right up.

Is V for Vaporware?

The V developer is incompetent.
Use zig instead



>cuck MIT license
no thanks.

Yeah, I looked at all the things he was claiming and thought he was either a genius or a massive fake. Guess we know which it is now.

what do you mean?


>Look, my half-stolen from golang, half-broken compiler with optimizations removed is fast.
>What do you mean it will be slow once it optimizes?
>N-no user, it surely isn't just another "improved C".

>be code goblin
>believe in hype cargo cult
>pure hype driven language emerges
How could this happen?

Honestly, as patreon scams go, this one was unnecessarily complicated to conduct.

You say it as if web 2.0 is not a scam. No, it's just a state of modern programming.

I say this as I could promise much easier or whackier things that look either way more genuine or appeal to the same group of idiots that fall for spam, therefore making more money in the progress.

>more languages that model their memory view after the PDP-11
disgusting, no progress languages.

WIP the language

> Zero dependecies

The networking library is literally invoking curl on the shell.

user it's a troll language. 99% of it depends on libc and it's just calling C functions. Also a real gem:

fn seed() {
# time_t t;
# srand((unsigned) time(&t));

fn next(max int) int {
r := 0
# r = rand(); // TODO parser bug `rand` module name conflict
return r % max

it does generate machine code which is cool but probably not a great choice in this day and age.

Yeah, I like my stuff slow too.