Windows exploit is found

>windows exploit is found
>gets patched in a few weeks on patch tuesday

>linux exploit is found
>gets patched in a few weeks by some neckbeard

>macos exploit is found

Attached: 1551749994644.png (663x721, 302K)

>>linux exploit is found
>>gets patched in a few minutes by some neckbeard and you can already manually apply it when you hear about the bug existing


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wdym i just run patch and make install then im safe???

>mac exploit found. it's patched out remotely by apple on the same day with no need to install any updates


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>patched out
>no need to install any updates
what the hell is an update?

nice botnet

No it's more like
>windows exploit is found
>gets patched in 1 week

>linux exploit is found
>gets patched in 1 day

>mac OS X exploit is found
>there are no viruses on a mac, what is a computer?

Press Windows + r keys, copy the following code in Run, and press the Enter key for the needful.
sudo emerge -auDNe @world

>>>linux exploit is found
>>>never gets patched

osx is shit as usual

i just installed an obnoxious program that makes my keyboard super loud

can osx do that? i think not faggots

Based and kekpilled




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reminder that iOS and OSX used to have a vulnerability that made it stupidly easy to man in the middle any WPA/WPA2 network and devices logging in to it by broadcasting a network with the same ssid and auth settings. iOS/OSX would just automatically connect to the bad network without making sure the cert matched and in the process give your credentials to the attacker in plain text if they set it up to use a non-encrypted protocol for authentication. the official response from apple when they were told about it was something along the lines of "not our problem, this is the expected behavior of WPA authentication and people need to be more careful about what networks they connect to"

Reminder that Apple has the best support and customer service out of everyone in the market for their products. The Chinese won't help you when your windows computer fucks up for the 100th time because you edited some shitty registry thing so you can change the color of the recycling bin :)

Also there's a reason macs' are famous for being secure and you're taking these exploits and over exaggerating the impact. Nothing has ever happened and the macs are as safe as they've always been.

I'm happy to have a failsafe workstation macbook pro with the best specs and screen available but that's what I need with my graphics heavy work. Sure I pay a slight markup for the best service and not having to worry that anything will ever randomly fail. But the price of that sense of security is worth it in my eyes.

Reminder that Apple has the worst support and customer service out of everyone in the market for their products. The Gay Bar Pajeets won't help you when your Fagbook explodes for the 100th time because it throttled and overheated by design.

Also there's a reason macs' are infamous for being insecure and you're taking these exploits and handwaving the impact. Millions of mactoddlers have been BTFO in fappening waves and the macs are as unsafe as they've always been.

I'm extremely unhappy to have a failure pseudo-workstation macbook pro with the worse performance available but that's what I get from working in SJW valley. I pay a massive markup for the worst service and constantly having to worry that anything will ever randomly fail. The price of that sense of insecurity is not worth it in my eyes.

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Remember when we all thought the fappening was the thing that brought the most trash people to this site, not knowing the horrors that awaited us a mere two years later? We were so young, so innocent...

Now it's not even interesting if there'd be another fappening-like event because every girl's nudes are already posted by them online somewhere if you look hard enough

Funny :)

Throttling and overheating only happens to the latest generation and when Apple readjusts and fixes the problem you chinks claim they're slowing down the hardware, even though with every firmware update the apple products perform better than before.

Mac users who get caught in fappening waves are because of bad password usage, not apple's fault. There's a reason not every apple user is affected and only famous people are. Oh and all celebrities use apple products, I wonder why :)

People flock to apple products because of stability and ease of use without sacrificing everything else. Top tier performance and you can do everything that you can on every other OS without sacrificing top tier hardware performance.

Or yes you can build your own PC where you have to rebuy components 3 times over because you it's the wrong socket generation even though that's what they recommended at the store. Also enjoy installing arch when you want unix and only having it break 15 times before you start to get the gist of it

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Spotted the iJeet.


like which ones?

like the ones OpenBSD fixed in 2005

>Throttling and overheating only happens to the latest generation
It has been happening since the very first Apple computers. They want to sacrifice thermals for looks.
>Mac users who get caught in fappening waves are because of bad password usage, not apple's fault. There's a reason not every apple user is affected and only famous people are. Oh and all celebrities use apple products, I wonder why :)
Every celebrity out there was just holding it wrong, not Apple's fault. Maybe the reason only famous people were affected is because they were the ones that anyone even tried to hack.
>People flock to apple products because of stability and ease of use without sacrificing everything else. Top tier performance and you can do everything that you can on every other OS without sacrificing top tier hardware performance.
You're not getting top tier performance because Apple sacrifices decent thermals for thinness and looks. The OS performs okay but it's not as good as GNU/Linux.
>Or yes you can build your own PC where you have to rebuy components 3 times over because you it's the wrong socket generation even though that's what they recommended at the store. Also enjoy installing arch when you want unix and only having it break 15 times before you start to get the gist of it
Or you can build a Ryzen computer where the socket stays the same for multiple generations. Also Arch isn't the only distro out there, if you want it to be more stable than Arch you have tons of options for that.

I'm pretty sure I fell for the bait but I don't care.


so what are the chances of my mum's macbook getting fucked over by this
she's too used to macos to use anything else
Apple MacBook Pro "Core i5" 2.5 13" Mid-2012 btw


how does my mum not being able to use windows make me a tranny
were you dropped as a child

you don't need a program for that, just visit /mkg/

>>windows exploit is found
>>gets patched in a few weeks on patch tuesday
Somewhat true, but it can also go like this.
>no exploit or bugs, everything is working fine
>random update appears for some retarded non-essential service
>"whatever... Have to take a shit anyway"
>come back, system's bricked
I don't get how they manage to fuck up on basic levels like this. Is it because the serious shit is handled by the US/EU teams and the stupid crap by the pajeet squad?


What's the exploit?

>Reminder that Apple has the best support and customer service out of everyone in the market for their products.
>if the customer complains, replace it

>Is it because the serious shit is handled by the US/EU teams and the stupid crap by the pajeet squad?
It's because they are having to write for billions of possible hardware configurations on top of hacky code that no one would want to rewrite from scratch.

Nothing like that has ever happened to me, nor have I heard it happening to anyone I know. Things like this happening must be fairly rare and likely can be mitigated by being on the non-targeted update branch (you get security updates but non-important updates are delayed six months).
Though, if you want to be fair, similar things have happened on Linux and MacOS/iOS.

seeth more