Work at S&P500 pharma company

>work at S&P500 pharma company
>just diddling around in R with no/little programming experience
>made R/Shiny application to streamline workflow
>everyone's blown away
>giving multiple inter-departmental presentations showing this off directors and VPs
>won an award for it
>IT wants to integrate with existing software developed and maintained by actual developers
>soon leaving my lab position for a full time coding job

Can I keep faking it while making it or does it actually get harder at some point?

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>>made R/Shiny application to streamline workflow
If you speak in gay marketer speak like this, everyone will always suck your cock. Now what did you actually do?

your font is disgusting and this isn't a blog board

don't quit your day job.

>Can I keep faking it while making it or does it actually get harder at some point?

The nice thing about non-tech boomer companies is that you can get away doing basic shit and they'll be impressed as fuck. I build a basic dashboard with python and matplotlib, took me like a month and my superiors were impressed as fuck, they told me I did a job it'd take several thousands and maybe a year of dev time.

No it doesn't get harder but you won't be writing real software

Once you come in contact with actual devs at your company this will probably fall apart. What you did was basically consulting, not software engineering.

all the programmers in your company lied about their experience and dont actually know any languages. The bosses at the company dont realize that programmers are supposed to do anything so anytime they need new software they contract it out to what they think is a reputable firm. This reputable firm does the same thing to a smaller contractor firm, which outsources the coding to india to maximize margins. The delivered software doesnt do anything like what it was intended to do, but it runs and has the appearance of being working code. Every time its realized that a required feature is missing, it gets kicked back to a different group of pajeets who google the source code and paste in bits from stack overflow until the code runs again. This cycle is repeated until the software is completely non-functional with no hope of patching in any new "features", at which point the cycle restarts with a new firm.

R is actually very nice for smaller data sets.
If you're hoping to get that 'full time coding job' you better learn python and Java.

Shiny is nice but R isn't fast enough for bigger apps (and I'm currently working with it on a couple of projects) so brace yourself for impact with reality.

This but unironically

Isn't R basically a PHP tier language maintained by people who are totally shit at programming? I used it once but stopped because I already know python and it seems like a shiity waste of time.

my actual font. also cry more.

>If you speak in gay marketer speak like this, everyone will always suck your cock.
They really like this kinda shit.
>Now what did you actually do?
~4K LOC application that does clustering and visualization of high dimensional data. lots of pretty plotly charts to win everyone over. it also replaces commercial software they were paying many thousands for.

>don't quit your day job.
I'm being offered a dream position on a silver platter. No way I'm turning it down.

hearing similar things too

>but you won't be writing real software
I mean, I enjoy it and it's useful to them, and I'll get paid a lot to do it. Seems like it doesn't matter how REAL it is.

>If you're hoping to get that 'full time coding job' you better learn python and Java.
I get python, but why java? JS seems more useful if I'm doing apps that run in the browser, and it's becoming increasingly more popular no?.

>it seems like a shiity waste of time.
it probably is if you already know python

wrt font. which font makes me look like an elite developer?

Attached: actual.png (257x471, 12K)

Silian Rail

>. lots of pretty plotly charts to win everyone over.

Boomers just fucking LOVE plots. Make sure to add em as much you can. Also big tables with lots of data, they love that shit too.

That's great that you don't care and enjoy it but if you ever need to get another job and the majority of your experience is "programming" your kind of fucked. Jelly of you mate I wish my company has the kind of data I could do some data science on

That's cool. They should pay you more instead of giving bullshit awards. But it's all part of climbing the corporate ladder I guess.

Also how fucking retarded are companies with software that something some guy developed while fucking around can save them thousands lmao

Java because you probably won't be developing easy R apps forever. There is a lot of "data science" software written in Java. Still, python is the easiest way to go. JS does seem more useful when developing only dashboards, but soon you will find shiny pretty fucking stupid trying to implement it. Switching back and forth between R and other languages will become too much of an issue, and I know it as I'm currently writing code that R can't handle on it's own (like the whole AdWords api).
Unless you write your own easy-to-use package, then it might be easier. That's what I'm currently doing so I can give my team a tool to make dashboards the easy way, since they all use R.

>~4K LOC application that does clustering and visualization of high dimensional data. lots of pretty plotly charts to win everyone over. it also replaces commercial software they were paying many thousands for.

So you actually did some work. What is the post about?

>Isn't R basically a PHP tier language maintained by people who are totally shit at programming?
It's fine if you're an end-user (e.g. statisticians, data analysts), but godawful if you're an actual dev. They have three class systems (plus base types): S3, S4, and RC. Nothing is intelligently named (some things are camel case (e.g. functions for the S4 class system), other things are dot-separated (e.g. write.csv, data.frame), tidyverse uses snake case). They have these comical and stupid ambiguities, like the following: S3 methods are written as function.class, but dots can appear in the names of functions and classes. General programming in it is awful (e.g. string functions). They have structures that are extremely similar to one another: vectors, named vectors, lists, and factors; likewise matrix, array, data.frame. The tooling is awful. Even the fucking mans are awful.

The language seems like it was cobbled together by a bunch of well-meaning people who weren't good at talking to one another and who insisted that it had to be compatible with S.


The tidyverse is based, however.


very nice

I too work at an S&P400 company. All the server guys are Pajeets who seem to all live together. IT are stereotypical 40 year old nerds who can barely install programs (one even infected his own laptop with a spam email). All the developers are 50+ and I hate to be ageist but I think they struggle very much to do anything at all.

When I make a single graph with R or use PowerBI everyone thinks I am a genius. We are talking recorded VBA macros with Application.ScreenUpdating = True level talent here, that passes for technology and innovation round here.

While it is fun and all you really should ask yourself, is it good to be in a position like this? Yes it's steady money but it's completely unfulfilling. It's also very frustrating to have people so dead set on being stuck in the past. SEEKWUL? What's wrong with downloading giant Excel files every month and using that as our soul method of data backup? How am I supposed to email SEEKWUL to other people, directly into their Deleted folders? PowerBI view that I can look at any time I feel like on the Internet? I want a weekly distribution with the 'raw data' so I can pretend to really look at it.

care to share any inside information?

I work at Alexion Pharmaceuticals, they are to let down a significative amount of their staff in a few weeks.
Short this baby !


Will think about it if my life becomes too shitty, thanks.

Best post