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guy's turkish by the way, not indian.

at least they are not jews


At least jews know to not shit in the street

google = fucking cancer
nokia = complete fucking cancer
adobe = AIDS wrapped in cancer
amazon = fucking cancer
mastercard = purest form of ebola known to man kind
microsoft = kings of the computer illiterates
nasa = haven't done anything useful in years


so long as theyre not white then it's OK

you can't spell shit, whithout IT.

Holy fuck, it all makes sense now. All of the shit companies are led by braindead pajeets.

Replace Indian with White and he either sounds like a white supremacist or a liberal touting white privaledge

The absolute STATE of mutt corporations.
Nah, they shit on the goy instead.

Attached: JjDOpYEX.png (389x366, 281K)

#include conio.h

i'd rather take innocent but retarded pajeets than mischevious jews

>Indians work for cheaper
Yes, we already knew that.
>India will be the World's IT hub
none of those companies are Indian.

pooperpower 2025

In all of these cases nothing was created by Indians themselves. Those subhumans are incapable of getting their fucking act together they need to invade other countries.

Over a billion people and they're all poor and starving.

Fucking brown monkeys go home

this, romanian here and have ample experience with gyppos which are remote-indians, the only thing they care about is status, everything else is mimicry to the best of their abilities to achieve status.

absolutely 0 drive for actual knowledge and development.

tf is a BOD?

Attached: confusedapu.png (251x201, 8K)

they even made bollywood to snub the kikes

Indians will take over, cumming soon...

there's no difference lmao

>58% india
really? this means muh moon colonization will be just taking a dump on the surface on the moon, damn

And each and every one of them is not only incompetent poo but suck good jewish dick like no other

>absolutely 0 drive for actual knowledge and development.
i agree. none whatsoever. they're utterly useless.

> be humans in 2200
> look at the night sky. poo brown light covers the earth

pick one

There's only so much beach on this world. Once we run out of designated shitting beaches the moon is the obvious solution

Good to know Apple is nice and white :)

This :)
>sucks your dick

I thought NASA could only hire Americans?

Define: American

Theyrr probably naturalized americans but indian by ethnicity

>when the indians call in at work
Yeah no way those streetshitting niggers will ever do anything great. There is over a billion of thrm and only 12 sucessful

yeah... much worse

Don't you guys think a thread everyday about this subject seems excessive?

>romanian here and have ample experience with gyppos
Because you're one and the same.

>AIDS wrapped in cancer
You mean HPV?

Body of directors?

Prove that this exact same thread is posted every 24 hours, poo.

i've had many decent turkish friends from different places in turkey and i can openly tell you that there's a huge difference since you can't sum up the whole land of turkey in one stereotype as there are parts of it that looks like a fucking village while another part of it looks like any other decent european city, it's a genetic soup of all over the world. don't get your ideas out of Jow Forums, think for yourself and don't sum up an entire country in just one stereotype.

lmao. shut up, roach

ATTENTION: The claim that NASA is 58% Indian is a lie. It's fake. scroll.in/article/927193/fact-check-are-58-of-nasa-employees-indian

As for CEOs. That proves nothing. A business person could have hardly any or no worthwhile experience in a scientific area.


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Fuck off, bozgor.

8% is still 8% too much.


Look at the way they copy and past the text on Twitter. They are desperate to show superiority. That's real cute, jeets.

Guess that explain why everything is so shit


why do indians hate indians so much? just look at Jow Forums.

No wonder everything had gone to shit the last years..

well, yes, at least jews know how to use a toilet, that toilet being the minds of the goyim

user i-
you know who owns more then 1/2 of the listed companies right ...

No they just shit in your economy, government, education and immigration systems.