Is segregation still present in the deep South? Not enforced, of course, but more like something cultural.
Is segregation still present in the deep South? Not enforced, of course, but more like something cultural
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No, not at all. It's more present in yankee cities where people are divided into ghettos.
Racism in the south has been an absolute meme since the 70's and is only forced as propaganda. Stop believing yankees and californians.
No. There are poor schools where mostly black people go to, but that's about it.
Por suerte aca nunca tuvimos eso
liberal elite unironically real racists
My coworker is the blackest man you can be, born and raised in Alabama. You can't get more south than Alabama. The only race hate he got was from other niggers that said he wasn't a real black because he spoke too well.
Whenever you hear that racism is still a problem, it's generally only said by sheltered white kids living in very secluded neighborhoods with only white people
Kind off. Lots of people don't date or make friends outside their race. A small exception to this is Asians, as Whites here are usually fine with them.
People won't outright say it, but people will tend to stick to their own race
t. Texas
I grew up in a small town in South Carolina, and while theres no segregation in terms of public places or businesses, neighborhoods tend to be fairly segregated. In addition to that, black neighborhoods tend to have worse property/home values than white neighborhoods with the same median income
Just as an addendum, when I was in highschool races really didn't avoid eachother, except for the really hood black kids and the really redneck white kids.
us northerners dont believe that the south is still segregated. cant speak for commiefornia though.
Lmao racist kids
It isn't formally segragated but there are still scars from when it was.
Sadly, yes.
...where are you from?
Does it matter?
>Sadly, yes.
that sounds like something a nigger would say, nigger
I may be many things, but I ain't black.
I'd say so. I'd have to disagree with the "absolute meme" part.
What he said was rather distasteful but his place of origin isn't relevant.
If he hasn't lived in the South for a long time, his view of southern cultural is definitely going to be shaped by that propaganda he's talking about and from people who have lived there and claim the media is BSing it all. At that point he's more of interpreting other people's words amd unless he has one of them sitting right next to him telling him what to type, it'll be a very incomplete picture of what's up.
The South is pretty big, so if he is from here I'd like to know what experience he's had and from where that make him say these things.
no that's only with arabs.
actual person from texas, lived within 20 miles of three big racism events so I know whats what
city schools yes, teachers yes, police yes, mayors/city staff yes, any place of worship is filled with Islamophobes and housing usually is first owner white, 2nd owner black/brown, community collages areas are the exception professor-wise.
We still hate niggers down here in the South, but we've had to learn to live with them
t. Mississippi
I'm pretty sure he's from the south
I seem to recall dragonball also saying that, but I wasn't sure
He also larps as a dixiecrat
Dixieland of course, Georgia to be specific, and I've lived here all my life. Near the border to Tennessee. Where do you live?
not larping as much as I just genuinely want the US to balkanize without defaulting to The Confederacy 2: Slavery Boogaloo
From Oklahoma but living in a black part of a big ass yankee city right now.
Why do Southerners hate blacks?
Yes, in Atlanta all the whites live on one side and the blacks on another
here in north carolina it's cool if you're racist directly to black people as long as you aren't a dick about it
According to California you're a racist if you don't pay nightly reparations by letting a black man fuck your wife while you sit on the couch eating doritos and crying yourself to sleep
No not really
Fuck you. I'm from Arkansas. It is racist and segregationist. I hope another civil war happens so I can get revenge.