what programming languages gigachads use?
What programming languages gigachads use?
They know java, c++ and a little bit of js, but they mostly use python
Whatever pays the most, which allows gigachads to pursue their life goals rather than being autistic about programming languages.
gigachads are the businessmen who exploit coders and never do any themselves
Whatever makes them money and doesn't require much effort. Probably JS. Or maybe just AWS command line.
Is for permavirgins, unironically
GO javascript and WIX
Visual Basic for Applications
No, I think those are Jews. The gigachads have jobs at Kinkos and shit and don't give a fuck.
thats just regular chads, gigachads succeed in every area of life and have everything
Oh, you mean actors, athletes, and celebrities. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's all smoke and mirrors. Most of them are seem pretty miserable, but just love the theatrics.
C, Go, JavaScript (es3 mostly, but es5 as well).
This is why i quit trying to do webdev and JS and just started doing gay webcams. Make some good money, get worshipped, feel sexually liberated, and just get to be who i really am and have fun.
>this is your brain on web dev
The language of love.
his jawline looks weak
Gigachads realize languages are just tools and use the ones that fit the problem the best.
For example if you use JavaScript anywhere besides front-end, or C anywhere besides very low level stuff, or any hipster language with bad tooling anywhere besides toy programs, you're a lost cause.
using virgin employers
Incel cope
people whomst use APL FUCK
None. Programming is for nerdy incels.
Welcome to Node.js v12.4.0.
Type ".help" for more information.
> 0 == "0"
> 0 == []
> "0" == []
> 0 == ""
> "" == []
> true+true === 2
> true === 1
> ['1', '7', '11'].map(parseInt)
[ 1, NaN, 3 ]
unironically Rust
Chads don't give a fuck about programming
html and vanilla javascript, without a single shit given about global variables or closures
no. Rust is for faggots, literally and unironically
>tfw gigachad and I never knew it
JavaScript aka language of God himself
>write shit input
>get shit output
why is js like that?