Stop lurking and tell me how your day's going desu

stop lurking and tell me how your day's going desu

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Still haven't found a bf

I did not win anything at my works raffle

idk wasting my day talking shit on 4ch

Boss. I'm ready to give people some money today. Might convince grandma to sign today.

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I know you'll find him soon desu
gambling is bad desu
what did you think was going to happen?
why not nicepost a bit c:
gibe shekels plis

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Found a bf so pretty good

how big his dicke?

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It's not really gambling desu, it was 2 pounds for 5 tickets for a charity raffle.

oh I see
Its okay in that case desu

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>visit yurop
>rent a car
>leave nothing valuable in it
>still gets broken into
yuros egsplain

Still dunno what im going to do with my life.
What degree should i get could make me a millionaire?

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why would you want to be a millionaire

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Not necessarily a millionaire, but i'd like to be able to live comfortably.
Also this is gonna sound kinda dumb, but i unironically want to be the rich guy that just gives people a lot of money to help them out.

Invest in my crypto shitcoin

Bigger than mine

yeah its really dumb, most people dont deserve shit i would keep the money for myself

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I don't know the subject of your post but i sincerely hope you get run over by a shitload of trucks

idk bro slavs arent white
only stupid people wnt to be millionaires
what happened desu?
thats understandable
i cant help though
good luck desu
bery gud c:
how's it going

Same goes for all of you i hope you fucking die slowly and painfully

Freaked out cause someone touched me outside.

Woke up.
Looked in the window.
It was dark so I thought its still too early.
Realised its always dark now and its probably 10 already.
Got up.
Wanted to eat cereal, so I made that, but once i tasted it i thought milk got spoiled and threw it and milk leftovers out. So I got som tvorog instead.
Next I went to datcha and shoveled snow for 6 hours or so. Cleared it all, so its nice.
Then I bought some milk and ate cereal because fuck niggers.
Then I traded some shitcoins and actually managed to not pinkwojak myself even though I suck at trading.
Went to pool, saw that cute boy again but never managed to start a convo with him, so that sucks. Tried to find him through VK but I gave up after like 2k profiles, he probably isn't registered on that shithole anyway.
So now I'm drinking tea and spilling my spaghetti in this itt thread.

Whats up, nigga?

I was in spain

is it scary to be touched by jews?

please subscribe btw
and smash that like button

Also don't listen to this guy, he is an idiot that probably lost money on crypto.

still mean
thas because joos are touching you
I woke up at 8am and was completely late to class again
came home after a few hours
started shitposting
now im niceposting itt

i hope you find that boy
whats VK?

not playing factorio

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Too much autism?

pretty much russian facebook

My day is going OK but I need to do some work and can't focus :-/

not in the mood

I see
How much have you earned through crypto?

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then get off Jow Forums desu
what do you want to do then desu?

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I'm at around 11k right now, started messing with it in february, didn't put a penny of my own money in it so going good so far.

that's nice
what tea are you drinking?

Just some earl grey with a bit of currant leaves and milk.

absolute filth

woah rood

Woah, rude. Its actually was pretty nice cup of tea.

lmao nice 180 you did there

sorry desu
it wouldve been 10x better without the milk
milk in tea unironically triggers me

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I sometimes drink it without milk. But I just prefere it with milk. Sorry, not sorry.

that's better
what's russia like?

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fuck, i missed by 2

same as always, pic related

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What happened desu?

i passed an oral exam (i think that's what it's called in english) in physics today so i'm all good

I barely passed physics last year
on what subjects of physics did you get your oral exam on?

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then try doing something fun desu

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1,000 BY END OF YEAR, DUMB RUSSHIT. I'll post a pic of me and my lambo to rub it in your face!!!!

>he unironically holds link after pump

Pretty good, got my hair cut and I’m gonna bake some cookies
How’s your day going OP?

Day's been pretty shit


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What haircut did you get desu?
What flavour cookies?
My day's been ok
Skipped school again because im too ebin for it
made some tea (without milk, because im not a degenerate)
i've been playing the games i got for free from d*iscord nitro
Why is that
jadran je slovenija
rude and uncalled for

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Day 4,782 of my search and I still don't have a cute gf that will love me even with my flaws.

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i cut my knuckles shaving them because im a retard

it was based and redpilled shut up basedboy

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I'm sure there's someone out there for you user
just don't lose hope
why the fuck were you hsaving your knuckles?
is this normal in Canada?
rude again

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i dont like bodyhair and my hands are the things i see the most so i wanted to get rid of the hair on them

I guess that's understandable.
Anything else happen to you today desu?

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your mom: gay

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It’s pretty long so I got like an inch cut, now it’s about shoulder length. I think next time I’ll get bangs cut though. And I’m making gingerbread cookies. What tea did you have? I don’t like milk in tea either, never met anyone who did

your ancestors: incestors

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I had long hair until a few weeks ago aswell.
Never had gingerbread cookies before.
I had some black tea.
How's your day been otherwise desu?

your family tree:lgbt


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I look pretty bad with short hair so I keep it long. You should try them sometime, I like them because they’re not super sweet but still good cookies and easy to make
It’s been good, there’s a tornado warning so I’ve been sitting inside watching videos and gonna play some vidya - not a very exciting day but that’s ok with me

nigger lover

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My day passed in an eye's blink and I did nothing besides browsing 4chão and playing vidya. Also I didn't sleep last night.

my family told me i'd look better with short hair so i went with their advice and got a haircut
they were wrong
I haven't the slightest idea of how to make gingerbread cookies and i've only seen them on western tv. I'll try making them if i get the ingredients.
If there was a tornado in my area i'd fuck off asap. How come you're still sitting inside?

faggot kisser

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Mostly the same excluding the sleep part.
What's brazil like desu?

Yeah I’ve learned to never take my family’s advice on stuff like that. If you do make them use recipes for gingersnap cookies instead, they taste the same but easier to make. There’s always tornado warnings here, nothing ever happens except lots of wind and rain and maybe some flooding. If it’s bad enough they force people to evacuate but it’s not too bad today

Politically: corrupt democracy (just like any democracy lole)
Economically: social gap is huge, there's a lot of poor people in the country, but I live in the richest region.
Culturally: absolute shit, decandence and degeneration like all the west and very influenced by united states, poor people things (like music) are being popularized in every sphere.
Weather: average of 15ºC in winter, 35ºC in summer.
Still best south america country in my opinion. What about slovenia?

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like every other day.

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Thanks for the advice
The last time there was a tornado here was in the 80s, I think, and even there it was almost nothing compared to the shit in the US

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Not bad, went to several strikes, got gassed les than usual

Politically: corrupt aswell, but nothing on the level of Brazil
Literally a party with 20% of the votes won over a party with over 50%.
Economically: doing OK, I live in one of the poorer areas though
Culturally: Most traditions are still here, even practiced by the younger generations. They are slowly dying though. Degenerate shit is also popular as fuck
Weather: usually less tahn 5ºC in winter, never any snow though
Best Balkan country by far though
and you are correct, it is the best south american country

What's every other day like?
oui oui hon hon

That’s a long time ago, lucky you don’t have to worry about them. It’s really only bad on the coasts here, in my state we don’t get tornados or hurricanes but I’m visiting family in Florida where they happen a lot

oui oui hon hon

It's cliché but right, stay mad if you want to.
One was towards my company, then yellow vests and last one for students.

Yep, natural disasters other than floods don't happen here
How often do you visit your family and how long does it take you to get to them?
It feels weird to me whenever Americans talk about visiting their families which live a few states away from them. Even if I moved to the other side of the country, it'd take me about 2 or 3 hours to get to my family

I'm not mad though
Frankly speaking, I completely support the yellow vests
I was just making fun of the fact the french seem to have riots on a daily basis, even before the yellow vests stuff

I love how a country so small like yours is better than a enormous like mine by far.
If I were you I'd move to austria as soon as I could though.

Nope, I think they've got enough problems with foreigners already, and i don't speak German anyhow since I decided to take French in highschool as my third language.
If I'm moving anywhere, i'd rather it be Australia or Canada

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Why Australia or Canada?

It was just sounding like "i spoted you stoopid troll"
Let's say it's important for us to get on the streets when we disagree with our compagny or government.
On a side note i worked a few months un slovenia and really enjoyed it, do whatever you want with this information.

its pretty comfy but im sick so theres that

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Like once a year during winter break and it’s a 4 hour plane ride, driving would be 16 hours at least. Yeah I moved to the other side of the US from them but everything is so spread out here and there’s no quick way to other states besides planes