/hgt/ – Haiku General Thread

Welcome to the /hgt/ – Haiku General Thread!

Haiku is an open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. Inspired by the BeOS, Haiku is fast, simple to use, easy to learn and yet very powerful.

OS: ———————–
Official Website: haiku-os.org/
Downloads: download.haiku-os.org/
Forum (not for bugreports): discuss.haiku-os.org/
Bugtracker (only for OS bugs, not for ports): dev.haiku-os.org/
Localization: i18n.haiku-os.org/
Virtualizing Haiku guides: haiku-os.org/guides/virtualizing/
Gerrit review system: review.haiku-os.org/
CGIT: git.haiku-os.org/
GitHub mirror (read only mirror, do not send PR): github.com/haiku/
Buildbots: build.haiku-os.org/
HAIKU for other architectures: haiku-os.org/guides/building/port_status

PORTS: ———————–
HaikuPorts repo: github.com/haikuports/haikuports
HaikuPorts bugtracker: github.com/haikuports/haikuports/issues
HaikuPorts Wiki (what is package management and how to make a package): github.com/haikuports/haikuports/wiki
HaikuDepot Web Interface (do not forget to select your architecture): depot.haiku-os.org
Buildbot Interfaces: build.haiku-os.org
HaikuArchives (3rdparty open source BeOS/Haiku programs): github.com/HaikuArchives

CHAT / SOCIAL: ———————
IRC: #haiku at freenode : irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/haiku
IRC Log: echelog.com/logs/browse/haiku/
Haiku official mailing list: freelists.org/archives/haiku/
Telegram: @haikuos

INC and FINANCES: ———————
Haiku Inc.: haiku-inc.org/
Donations: haiku-inc.org/donations.html#online
Founding: haiku-os.org/community/organization/funding/

Attached: CA99ADAC-088C-4F21-A31D-24348BCC8BAE.png (600x315, 30K)

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waddlesplash is a faggot


Also, why does keep trying to make these threads? I mean nobody gives a shit about a stagnant revival of a deprecated OS that has no security features and a shitty dev team that even knows the project's not worth working on. It's like OP doesn't know what containment threads are for.

>Hi everyone! I know you all love shitty OSes, so I made this one just for you!
>Where are you?
>Guys? Why don't you answer me?
>Guys? Please? I'm lonely...

6 hours later...

>Guys? Guys? Guys?

As the failed Haiku thread gets archived with all the other failed Haiku threads...

>Guys? Ah, fuck it. I'll just spam it again
>Hi, guys! ...

Just for fun. If there is enough place for every other hw/sw shilling then there must be enough place for a small OS like Haiku too.
Be mad, have pain in the butt, but do not forget this.

You seem upset that nobody has shown any interest in your Asperger habits and interests. Sorry, though; there's no space for you except in maybe the more superior OpenBSD General.

You see, OP, general threads are designed to contain excessive interest in a particular subject, so that it doesn't spill over to other discussions. Think of it this way; the mods hate seeing retarded parrots blabbering over BSD in topics that don't even relate to it. So, the general gets made and every mod forces these retards to use that general for their shitposting.

Since nobody else but you spergs over Haiku, it defeats the purpose of having a Haiku general and you're better off going to Jow Forums to learn better coping mechanisms for your involuntary celibacy.

Maybe if we all would sage responses, or not even respond at all, the thread can die over and over for as long as OP keeps flooding Jow Forums with this shit. Maybe then, he'll get the idea and stop using Jow Forums as his personal blog for yet another failed OS.

>more superior

At least OpenBSD has multi-user support and better online/offline security measures than Haiku ever will.

I hope to see a stable release soon, the OS seems really promising.

You are basically saying the Haiku devs are retard because they don’t just taking the ACL handling/user separation from any BSD to please you either because they willingly want to compromise your security or they just too stupid to do that, or they don’t give a flying fuck, right?
But what if they just don’t want to reuse/reimplement any known broken security mechanism, but trying to reinvent it?

Not anymore thanks to the new devs not giving a fuck.

No; I'm saying that the devs (and you) are retarded because Haiku still hasn't implemented something that Windows 3.11 for Workgroups already implemented in 1993. And "wanting to reinvent the wheel" is a stupid excuse that retards like you use to cope with your failures.

My God you write like a mongoloid imbecile with a cock between your fingers

This is the kind of user that Haiku attracts; macfags with more brain defects.

>But what if they just don’t want to reuse/reimplement any known broken security mechanism
Since when has separate accounts on a common system been a broken security method?

>Crippling depression and loneliness: the post
Why do you desperately want to try and fit into a place that doesn't give a shit about you, OP?

You know, we have seen the same reactions and we get the laugh in the early 2000s as Be went down. You guys even told us: thanks for god you failed to reform the computing scene, and fuck your c++ shit!
You probably felt happy to see it happen, and maybe said to yourself: oh, cool, no more Be-tard threads.
But hey, bad news, we are so mad that we rebuilt the whole OS from scratch.
We are back and now do you really think we have any other bullet-point in our todo list except trolling the legacy-cruft user neckbeard unix fags?

If you're OP, your typing like you're mentally handicapped only proves to the rest of us that you're mentally handicapped.

Since your kernel must be running to enforce it.

>We are mad
It shows in your autism. Why do you shitpost autistically, then hope that people will give you hugbox level attention?

Ooh... That's a hot one.

Kiddo; just stop typing. We can all see school's out for your middle school special-ed class. Stop pretending to be smart by proving your retardation.

HaikuToddlers BTFO

Attached: tenor.gif (220x216, 39K)

>But hey, bad news
>we are so mad that we rebuilt the whole OS from scratch.
That is bad news... I mean the fact that you refuse to let a shitty OS with 0 marketshare die. Truly, the OS for autistic sperglords.

I used OpenBSD on an MSI Wind u100 for at least a year, maybe more. While it was an interesting experience to tinker with, it was rather obtuse trying to get it to do anything particularly empowering.
Unlike Linux, OpenBSD does certain things for you out of the box that are appreciated.
OpenBSD expects to be the OS that you live in for most of your computing and there lies the reason I left. Setting up wifi could be super comfy, the software selection was fairly robust, but all the while it was ever so clunky and couldn't provide the capability of a full fledged OS.
sh /etc/netstart/
and having the thing just werk felt hackerman and had none of the headache of Linux
I commend OpenBSD devs for that.
It's the ultimate craptop OS, but it isn't for people who want to explore the limits of modern software engineering.
BeOS came standard with a million times more functionality that pushed the present technology to run with total fluidity, back when processors were underpowered for the computational tasks they were slated with.

Attached: file.png (1647x351, 42K)

>so clunky
>couldn't provide the capability of a full fledged OS
>ultimate craptop OS
>BeOS came standard with a million times more functionality
>pushed the present technology to run with total fluidity
I seriously hope that this is a troll post, otherwise it'd be one of the most retarded posts I've ever read.

>Taking a tripfag seriously

Attached: mfw1.jpg (299x305, 41K)

why is that?
because you quoted so many of my assertions without refutation other than ad hominem and seem to be part of a continuous wave of Anonymous who detract from perfectly fine parts of board culture ... I am legitimately curious how your mind works that you expect to be able to get away with such brutal style.
yea fck that

educate yourselves

>That thumbnail
Even the hired shill is cringing over the OS. He's probably saying "Thank Christ that piece of shit is dead and gone."

bro he's an employee of the company doing a demo.
it's not some low budget shitpost made for Jow Forums.
since 1991 that shit's probably older than you

>it's not some low budget shitpost made for Jow Forums.
>Posted on Jow Forums
My sides

It still doesn't make BeOS or Haiku practical, useful or viable in 2019.

neither is OpenBSD besides the fact that it's hardened.
the idea you seem incapable of realizing is that it was the most viable, performant, well designed user facing OS back in the time that demo was recorded.
it was never given the chance to succeed because of corporate greed.

>A fully functional UNIX-like OS
>Can't achieve all the tasks of other functional UNIX-like OSes
BeOS didn't even have user authentication or other basic things that even Windows 3.11 for Workgroups and Novell Netware had before BeOS even existed. And as a testament to this, BeOS died in the 90's, while even shitty OSes like Windows outlasted it, let alone Linux and BSD. Again, please do more research before you sperg out over a topic nobody's interested in.

(((everyone shilling against Haiku also shills OpenBSD)))
it's almost like you're a load of bots who meme
>thing a bad
>try thing b (also bad) instead
it had protected memory so a single program spazzing out didn't take the whole system down into bsod

Attached: file.png (640x425, 428K)

Protected memory doesn't protect your computer from a kernel panic. Again, Windows 3.11 for Workgroups had that, as did every version of Windows since 3.1. Again, please do more research instead of going full retard.

>Windows 3.11 for Workgroups and Novell Netware
those had user auth purely for network purposes, they weren't multiuser systems


I write code, watch anime and chat with friends.
Could I use Haiku as my main OS?

>Hurr yoor hurtening muh feels
>Durr yoor shilling BSD
No; I'm saying that there are plenty of OSes, including Windows, Linux, BSD and even TempleOS that have better security, boot times, interfaces and overall better features than a dying hobby OS. Even TempleOS, a dead project from a dead man, works better than Haiku.

>I'm a retard and I don't care
That was well known since you first chose to make a tripcode.

If you want everything running as root without a single antivirus program or firewall to protect you, then sure.


>Not understanding how computers work
>Still trying to shill something he doesn't understand
Sure is summer, boys.

>antivirus program
are there any 64bit beos viruses?
modern soho routers are also firewalls

Haiku is anime
>being so confident you understand everything that you can't appreciate how something once beautiful is still attempting to survive through open source.

I've never suggested anyone use Haiku before iirc
meanwhile you're obsessed with multiuser like it's back when everyone has their own devices nowadays
nobody else uses my desktop
why does it need to be multiuser?

Attached: file.png (760x292, 54K)

>Thinking people don't still program in 32-bit
>Thinking Haiku can even run, let alone on 64-bit CPUs
I laughed.

>Being so retarded that you keep flooding Jow Forums with the same thread that nobody's interested in, due to your lack of understanding or knowledge of computers
What's funny in all this is how you aren't pretending to be retarded

I jerked off today and yesterday after a month of nofap
I'm retarded for the moment ok

>why does it need to be multiuser?
So that if someone attacks the OS, they can't have root-level control of everything on it. That's what user accounts were made for.

>For the moment
I think you were dropped on your head as a baby.

>there is no 64bit haiku
that is embarrasing

fuck I'm legimitely having a seizure or some shit
meanwhile you're obsessed with multiuser like it's back when (pic related)
t. Christopher
you're probably also afraid of blacks

>actual thread about unique and interesting technology
>one fucktard stomping it into the ground because it's not like everything else
stop replying

>Misreading it
I said there's no WORKING 64-bit Haiku

Alpha isn't working.

>fuck I'm legimitely having a seizure or some shit
Isn't that your cue to stop acting retarded online and go act retarded in a hospital?

kill yourself

>Stop posting deprecated OSes that nobody's interested in

>unique and interesting technology
Pick none. You need to read the archives to see just how many failed Haiku generals there are.

The truth hurts, doesn't it? I can see why your mom tried basking your head on the side of a table when you were a baby.

you're the type of fucker who's happy with the present and celebrates the oppression of the past in the hope that it may continue.
go back to your circlejerk hyperconsumerism general you fucking post-boomer dweeb

You seem upset. Why are you upset? Did something you read upset you?

I may be dying in the flesh but at least I'm not a nihilistic edgelord who flips out in hobbyist OS threads
not even remotely this is hilarious

I meant misanthropic

itt: a tripfag gets trolled by people who aren't even trying. This is some numale-tier tranny-CoC-level autism

>I may be dying in the flesh but at least I'm not a nihilistic edgelord who flips out in hobbyist OS threads
>Talks about dying in the flesh
>While flipping out at people not being interested in an OS that died 27 years ago.

>flips out
copying insults are we?
regardless of my childhood and whether or not I was plausibly dropped on my head at least I progressed from the status of being a baby

Somebody's jimmies are rustled tonight.

Christopher: why don't you change your trip to Jimmy Russel? inb4 he's too retarded to get the joke.

this guy just inb4'd his own meme

>He's arguing with himself now
I remember a couple of days ago, when a thread was posted about someone wanting to ban schizos from internet access... Now I know what that user was talking about.

>Still not getting the joke
You're really upset. Did your mom forget to give you your Seroquil when she brought you your chicken tendies?

who are you faggots?

seriously this is spooky
did I get baited here?

>3.11 WfW
>user separation
you are funny.

>Getting easily upset over opinions

>Getting upset over other people getting upset

Yes you did. Big time. If you were more emotionally mature, you would have just moved on instead of throwing an online tantrum for nothing.

You're the only person who caught onto that. Kudos to you.

nice to see Jow Forumsurus cleaning up the mess I just made

They seem like typical trolls to me.

Disclaimer: I use Arch, not Haiku
I am at a lack of understanding why Jow Forums is so hostile towards OP. Even though Haiku has poor security features and the like, it shouldn't be spit on. If you want to suggest to potential users that it is poor for those reasons, by all means do so, but don't hate on OP for trying to show off a small project to a few geeks.

But the tripfag who was sperging out isn't even OP

it's almost like you've never been in these threads before


I mean I know BSDtoddlers were BTFO when Inspur K-UX and EulerOS made it to Posix-compliance before BSD ever could, but was so retarded, I almost mistook it for some reddit-tier copypasta.

reddit is the future
I've got like 6 accounts there

See When someone thinks that protected memory prevents kernel panics, that's when you question if they're trolling, or actually stupid.

There is an officially supported 64 bit version:

that's why i said his post in embarrassing

Are you trying to impersonate Christopher? Where's the tripcode?

>they can't have root-level control
But this is wrong on so many levels...

There isn't even a stable branch

Attached: Laughing Duck.gif (400x225, 1.96M)

I just extrapolated from the guy in the demo vid who claimed it prevented a program from taking the whole system down, something I feel that I have experienced in Windows
furthermore Windows has poor scheduling compared to the demo 100%

There is a 64 bit beta too.

I take it offall is me
playing chess rn

Attached: file.png (749x401, 80K)

To be fair, Windows has always had poor scheduling, even when compared to Linux.

Why do they call it beta when it's still in alpha stage and unusable? Even ReactOS calls itself alpha and even that's more usable than Haiku.

And why have 64-bit Haiku where there isn't a single program from BeOS or from Haiku's ports that works on 64-bit CPUs properly?

Linux you could swap out the scheduler at least

My point exactly.

>if someone attacks the OS
>they can't have root-level control of everything on it.
>That's what user accounts were made for.
Ah, cool, a program will magically save your arse!

I'm still waiting for the day I can use Haiku as a production public-access web server

Wasted get.

It werks for many, so sure it isn’t working.

Why is it that the OpenBSD general is more civilised than the Haiku general? Are the BSDick-monglers raiding this board in an effort to divert and distract trolls away from their containment thread?

>It works for many
Any actual evidence in the form of statistics on Haiku's actual usage?

Thought not. Opinions aren't fact.

I am not the only one who mentioned the missing user separation in 3.11, but whatever.

You know... I'm sure if there ever were a BeNT project, it'd fair better than GNU/k-FreeBSD.

>BeOS core utils
>NT kernel

Haiku runs everything as root / uid 0 for BeOS R5 compatibility reasons.

>Why do they call it beta
Because it is a beta. Check the roadmap and the results of the votings which features are a must.
>You HAVE to explain, what you meant wit non-working programs, otherwise it is just bait.

Haiku is targeted at general purpose desktop so it attracts more retarded shit flingers than a research/security OS that will cheerfully break ABI to fix things like the 2038 problem.

BeOS and Haiku use the GNU coreutils including Bash.

But why do you want to misuse products? Are you masturbating with hair-dryer or something?
Btw Apache, sqls, php, and many scripting languages are available for Haiku, even nodejs, fyi.