Rules clearly state no porn yet people dump NSFW images here
Rules clearly state no porn yet people dump NSFW images here
The worse part is that it's all gay or pedo shit
red board
Rules don't matter if there are no jannies around
Technically we could report the pedophiles images to the fbi
>Reporting Jow Forums to FBI
they wont do shit
Rules clearly state no porn dumps. As long as it isn't just someone making a thread to fill it with their porn, most things are free game
I bet you also report posts for “racism outside of /b/“
Nah. I uphold free speech, but I have less than 0 sympathy for pedophiles, offending or non. Pedophiles get the rope. No exceptions.
its almost as if you like....
Nah you ain't doing shit because you are a fucking faggot, also you are on my shitlist of people to fuck with. Aslo why is your name Fluttershy? are you a fucking brony? lmao
The rule is no porn dumps, not no porn, dumb frogposter.
It's an evil world
Good to know I have a fan, even if they are a degenerate. Stay mad faggot.
Actually mate, many Anons have apparently "filtered" you. That alone made me like you even moar! They can't filter PinkyBong tho, cos we are many (now) and I'm also behind over 9000 proxies
Kek, that's hillarious. Especially since I'm not bound to one name.. loving the rent free living these days. How's your study of the current meme war going?
you can actually tag a flag and a name in the same filter
I don't understand. I never filtered or reported anyone in my life.
You're goddamn right there are, r*dditor. Now fuck off.
Gg on banning america to try to get rid of me
I didn't say that I will filter you, It's more fun to actually call autistic faggots like you what they are.
Likewise degenerate
This is the epitome of what I love about Jow Forums, it's the world's saltiest shitshow on 4 flat wheels.
Used to be you start a thread with porn image and jammies hit you with a 1 month ban. They'd get you even if you"""dump"""" a single image. Jannys are fags
>Why have the false Gods abandoned us?
Also you can't trust my ID either
WuN ID get
Bend eM Over ID get
Yeeeeeeeeea I got fired too.
porn dumps are bad unless they are lolis then thats ok
>expects people on Jow Forums to respect the rules