I am in a relationship with every woman on earth (except my mom and grandmas)...

I am in a relationship with every woman on earth (except my mom and grandmas). If you have a relationship with one then you are a jerk, plz stop.

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I have relationship with your mother
She's such a good woman

what's her name ?

I call her baby alligator

actually her name is mom. you liar

Well you've asked somewhat nicely, so fine guess I'll stop

thank you very much.

But if all females are your
Who will I fuck?

You can have sex with one but only if it wants sex and you have babies

Why do you hate me so much


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I don't hate you .As a capitalist Bourgeoisie It is in my nature to seize the means of reproduction from the working class

I thought you were one of us

it was joke. fuck capitalism *dabs on ayn rand*

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Wew lad
We need to seize the means of reproduction

seize the means of reproduction from the twerking ass


Oh yeah buddy
I see you are experienced comrade

I don't have sex with any of them, lol

Why not?

I named my dog karl barx for a raisin

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because they keep saying no :(

doesn't make you less of a slut

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what is the Misandrist version of roastie

I am a slut
I like it in the butt
Fuckin in the hut
my vaginie never shut

don't think there is one

Someone needs to spread the myth that repeated sex with women stretches out your foreskin and it hangs out like an elephant trunk after repeated sexual encounters. Trunkies & Roasties


Akari Akari akari

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