>Need to install a fucking driver to transfer files from my phone to my PC
Technology was a mistake.

Attached: 1549471388743.jpg (640x635, 284K)

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You don't though
The only mistake here is your parents not giving you proper education

The device literally isn't recognized by my PC, you cuck.

Fucking zoomers dont know how good they have it with drivers these days. Imagine needing to install custom software for EVERY thing you plugged into the device without the aid of internet.

Did you try a different USB cable? Some cables are bullshit that's not for file transfer.

>works on my machine

god i wish that were me

Way back when (I think they changed it somewhere in 4.x) Android used the nice, simple, supported-everywhere technique of showing you its filesystem as a USB mass-storage device. Then they took that out and made you go through some retarded specialized media-transfer protocol that never fucking works.

>windows does something dumb
>thus technology is dumb

also imagine needing a serial port and then finding out it actually doesn't work at all with your hardware

Did this recently in 3rd world country. Got myself an eth adapter and shopkeeper copied the drivers onto pendrive

you don't

god I wish that were me

lol the driver you got on the the 3.25" diskette was it, no updates or fixes. computers truly were faster when they were slower

>format drive
>install windows
>NIC not working due to lack of drivers
>can't find NIC driver floppy
>only PC in the house

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (318x313, 11K)

>complaining about drivers
Your birth was a mistake.

Attached: 1537941128605.png (754x495, 28K)

that's cuz you could do fuck all with them

came here to post this

I just use syncthing

like post cunny on a tibetan goat beeding forum?


yes. you can do so much more with them. i don't think you realize how shit they were at multitasking. although i agree with the fact that software was way better back when because hardware was shit.

wmaf is mental illness but I dont blame those white losers for abandoning white women, the entirety of the white races will be gone in a few generations

back in my day we did only one thing at a time and we liked it, dagnabbit!

Everything has a driver for it. Even the hard drive in your computer has its driver. The operating system just comes with most of them.

immigration is the new black plague and europeans managed to survive the previous black plague

it'll work out eventually, we've even got equipment to detect someone's origin which will come in handy later on ;) be positive m8



ff 10 years and now everyone has 20 chrome tabs open. i dindu nuffin cuz there was nothing to do apart from shitposting and playing vidya. if my faggot dad wouldn't have replaced linux with windows when he accidentaly bought a linux laptop for me when i was a kid i'd be 1337 as fuck by now, too.

red pilled

Same but preferably turned the other way around so I can smell her disgusting axe wound

>Allows to exchange files with other machines over WiFi.

Attached: 1559301850177.png (579x585, 403K)

hope it works on my bargain bin android GO phone since nitroshare didn't


why would you ever not be in the same network as the pc you want to share files with?

why would you connect your phone via usb to an untrusted device?

Is the video for this image known?
I need to have it

kek I recognize them

Ever heard of ethernet?

it's a temporary sftp/ftp/samba server
what has ethernet to do with it?

it sounds like you're an incel

It means that my computer has no wifi adapter and I don't play to use that useless shit anytime soon.

Best I could do:

Some search terms for bing/pornhub/etc:
女子高生 high schoolgirl
プロレス pro wrestling
逆 reverse
首を絞める strangle

Unless you meant to say "my network has no wifi", you're retarded. Why would your pc need "wifi" to connect to a sftp/ftp server on the same network? Only your phone does.

just install termux and start sshd, you'll be able to use sftp to transfer your files

oh i know plenty of japanese search terms and videos. also

i just wanted to see that video specifically

fuck me those censors need to be gone

making fun of ADVChina is .... strange. They are based and for the most part good guys.

>we've even got equipment to detect someone's origin which will come in handy later on ;) be positive m8
was't it the jews that had a biological weapon that only worked on non jews? Are.......you........ one of (((them))) ?

Attached: 591.gif (964x912, 1.08M)

>all these fags who don't know about KDE Connect file system access

>Easily and sanely copying a file from one machine to another
It's only 2019 bro we're not in star trek world.

there is literally no free software that lets you do this on Android

from android to windows file transfers... there is no 100% free software that can do this.. baka

How can you be so fucking stupid?

just use syncthing
