Why is this still such a shitty, buggy, slow, bloated, disastrous DE?

Why is this still such a shitty, buggy, slow, bloated, disastrous DE?
I've been using i3 for some months now (transitioned from mate).
I've been hearing a lot of good about plasma 5 so I finally decided to try it. Last time I used KDE was in 2005 or something when it was absolutely terrible.
At first I don't like it, it's slow, everything takes too much screen real estate, you have to click and drag windows all the time. Then I configure it, it's starting to be better.
Some things don't work, like double clicking on the title bar to maximize a window, nothing happens.
Some custom keyboard shortcuts don't work while others do.
Okular doesn't open some djvu files, it just freezes, but opens others.
Okular sometimes takes 5-10 seconds to open.
Generally starting to be comfortable with the desktop environment however, after one week of using it.
Today, log in.
>Konqueror is opened by itself
>Konqueror crashes
>Terminal font has changed by itself to Hack 9pt
>Terminal doesn't show any characters with diacritics (ä, ç, é etc.)
>Terminal doesn't show Greek characters
Take a screenshot.
>Flameshot can't save files anymore, crashes when trying to save
Try to configure system settings
>System settings crash all the time
Log out, log in.
>Desktop wallpaper doesn't show
>Only the panel is visible, can't right click on the desktop
Log out, log in.
>Splash screen for 20 seconds
>Desktop now works but everything else is still broken
Log out
Log in to i3
Everything works
Everything is fast and snappy as fuck
Remove plasma
Never going to install anything K again

Attached: kde.png (301x286, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:


hmm nah kde rules

you should be happy since you managed to make plasma start

But konqi is so cute

Every time the KDE devs make something that works, they break it again.


>yet another Arch user blames program developers for unstable shit


KDE is working great for me on Manjaro. Sucks that you have had so many problems.

Maybe developers should stop releasing unstable shit as stable?

>Okular sometimes takes 5-10 seconds to open.
this alone tells me you fucked up your shit and probably are running on garbage 15 year old hardware. I've never seen okular take more than half a second to open and I've opened thousands of files.

I didn't fuck up anything. Made a clean installation and only tweaked window effects, appearance, keyboard shortcuts and such.
Hardware is decent, only 6-7 years old or something like that. I also replaced the old HDD with an SSD 2 years ago. CPU: i7-3632QM 3.200GHz. Cinnamon and mate worked great and I will install one or the another next to i3 for other users.

Kdefags are a literal cult who defends this garbage DE because they hope it will get fixed someday.

go back to i3

workspace_layout tabbed
hide_edge_borders both

you fucked something up

I need a DE for other users. It just needs to be a DE that doesn't crash and fuck up fonts and special characters all the time, so mate probably.


Try Budgie

cinnamon is much slower than kde

i wanna smash his little balls hes so hot

buying new hardware ever is a disease

Werks on mi maquina

>update tumbleweed
>discover crashes all the time



Sounds like OP was too stupid to install KDE.

>Why is this still such a shitty, buggy, slow, bloated, disastrous DE?

Shit project management, you think 5 was bad (it is) well 4 was an absolute horror show: otso.neocities.org/essays/kde4.html

>>yet another Arch user blames program developers for unstable shit

It sounds like you just use a broken distro. I don't have any problems like this

>Konqueror is opened by itself

That has been depricated for a long time. Why do you have it installed?
>Terminal doesn't show any characters with diacritics (ä, ç, é etc.)
The terminal has full unicode support and it supports fucking emoji. It definitely supports shit like ä and ö since I use them every day.

What kind of meme ditsto are you on?

It isn't a buggy mess now nor has been for a few years already. Gnome is gonna get rekt


Trying to help you out a bit
Is this some kind of dinosaur program? Use dolphin. The best file explorer on Linux
>problems with konsole/terminal
Must be a problem on your end. Check pic related
Is this some kind of dinosaur program? Use spectacle. Shouldn't that be included with KDE? Pic related
I'm using Arch btw

Attached: benis.png (1920x1080, 471K)

Bullshit,KDE is,and will always be,a steaming pile of shit.Install Xfeces.

Works for me,
only problem is dolphin with remote filesystems

I recently tried KDE too and had similar bugs on Arch. I think these issues are because you have also Gnome or other GTK-related DEs installed. It majorly fucks Plasma up.

>Must be a problem on your end.
multi monitor support is busted as fuck on KDE.

use deepin

Have they fixed kio yet? I really liked dolphin until I tried to access samba or sftp shares

>Fucked up terminal
>Okular being slow
You fucked up. Fuck you retard nigger. Stop posting fud. No one believes this bullshit


I haven't had problems with KDE desu.

>it's slow, bloated, etc

Yes it is if you come from a bare WM that would run as snappy in a P3. I run Kubuntu in my workstation at work and it's fine. I used to run it in my X230 but I found it to be a wee bit slow, Xfce is more suited for an older dual-core machine like that.

The thing with KDE is that is very configurable, I've removed most of the eye candy which in my opinion is pretty useless. I set the animations and transitions to instantaneous and it still feels really snappy. I do the same in my phone too, I don't know why normies like those slow animations so much, I've set mine to 0.5x.

>Trying to help you out a bit
He doesn't want help. He's noticed that KDE is becoming more popular on Jow Forums, and he's trying to do something about it.

Thankfully, Jow Forums has minimal influence beyond this site.

Quads of truth I see, I was gonna take the bait but calm down now, thank you.

been trying out kde and plasma doesn't save fucking desktop settings... OP is right, buggy shit - fresh install too

Discover has stopped working for all Opensuse users. Have any other users of some distro with KDE been affected as well?

what does Jow Forums think of deepin?



werent opensuse ""automated tests""" supposed to catch that

I totally agree and I hope that it gets better someday. Ubuntu or Gnome (not sure which part of the two is responsible for that) does it way better. I installed a program called arandr and made run files with it to reload my multimonitor settings in case it fucks up again.
Haven't had any problems with samba shares so far to be honest.

Attached: Jojosh.jpg (240x219, 16K)

Gtk trash

Gtk > Qt

OK, OP here, I gave it another try last night because of you faggots.
-I removed all the config files
-I installed plasma
-I started plasma
-Everything works OK
-Special characters in terminal (both konsole and urxvt) are OK
-Change konsole font to Ubuntu Mono 11pt
-I change some appearance stuff like enable Breeze-Dark, remove some eye candy effects, change wallpaper
-I close plasma
-I log out, log in
-I start plasma
-Desktop wallpaper doesn't show
-Desktop is not right-clickable (right click should open a menu)
-I restart plasma
-Now desktop wallpaper shows and desktop is right-clickable
-Open konsole
-Font has changed to Hack 9pt
-Special characters are broken

Looks like your distro maintainers are incompetent. Works like a charm on Gentoo.

> Plasma 5
> conqueror
> flameshot

Are you sure you are on plasma 5? Those programs are replaced by firefox and spectacle and aren't maintained anymore.

Use zypper. Iirc discover and yast don’t work correctly for updating tumbleweed.

why would you downgrade to a DE from a WM?

Mh after testing kubuntu 19.04 I am happy to see that they are at least somewhat trying to fix kio. I finally get good speeds for my sftp share(~90Mb/s) but still mediocre for samba transfers (~55Mb/s). Still cant stream video files from my networkshare tho

i ran kde neon for a good while and it was pretty realible. Never had an issue and neither with majaro kde. Just dont know what OP is on about.

I'm sorry Linux is too complicated.
Try Windows, or buy a mac.

I'm not even using Plasma (been happy with the foot), but this thread is bullshit.
Plasma is pretty good and is perfectly usable. It seems that op is a retard or his distro is shit.
Try Plasma on Kubuntu and/or Neon for the latest features, or on Debian Buster for a stable experience with 5.14.

What do you mean? I never had any issues, in fact I installed KDE because I needed reliable display hotplug on my laptop ASAP.

>ITT: Butthurt Konqitards

Yeah no you fucked something up bad because even in a virtualbox on a 1090t i didn't have issues like that, maybe try a different distro like kde neon or reinstall

It's this Creating a new user with empty home folder makes plasma work but running plasma with my user doesn't work.

Remove discover.

No one believes your lies. Fuck off retard

So much worse for KDE if its bugs are unbelievably bad.