Mystery thing

Hey can anyone tell me what the heck this thing is? Its covered in some sort of ceramic on the inside.

Attached: 20190626_190338.jpg (2660x1887, 2.94M)

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its a mine. Get a hammer and whack one of those protuberances. See if it blows up

Fucking brilliant, sir.

Looks like an old starr projector.

These things are supposed to project the dots on a dome and rorate around to show different constellations.

Its a motor, it connects to a long flexible tube that that transfers the rotation to a tool like a drill. It is very old and was possibly used for medical purposes, like in an operating room.

Fuck me. So tired i forgot the word PLANETARIUM.

Attached: Без названия.jpg (275x183, 8K)

crack pipe

Op here. Someone said it might be a mulan sphere. Something for spectroradiometer use? What the heck would that be?

Where did you find it? Near a beach?

integrating sphere

Attached: image_2fc196dc.jpg (960x540, 50K)

It was at some antique show at my home town a year ago. Its been a source of mystery at my house since we bought it

old Soviet fingerbox

Years ago we found a similar looking device near washed up in the shore at a beach, and another one some time later. We couldn't figure out what they were at the time, but realised they were these. I bit sure if that's what you have though.

It's a juno reactor
cool shit op, learned something new today

looks like a metal potatoe

Attached: lightsaber training.jpg (825x464, 200K)

Recycling charge

that's it, case closed


Some sort of a mechanical calculator maybe?
What's inside?

Integrating sphere. If you need to determine the absorption coefficients of a thin film it works wonders. You can put a light source such that the sample is in front of the sphere and collect all light that is transmitted. There's usually a second colinear hole to the one you used for the first step so that the beam can go through the sphere and then you only get the diffusely reflected light (you can put a diffuse mirror within it to block the detector hole to not measure specular reflection).

I read a histology paper from many years ago where you could use two colinear ones to get simultaneous transmission and reflection measurements, used the technique and it works reasonably well.

The coupler at the top of the pic is for a fiber optic bundle.

Attached: (474x301, 12K)

Huh, TIL.
Basically used to tell how much light can go through something or how well something reflects by scatting the light evenly.

Attached: file.png (800x600, 288K)

Attached: npwpPjEuJ8Hwz-h1J3LXoBYJBwtYJ7aHGDmPRWwXPow[1].png (1200x628, 433K)

Bro that's a Chernobyl reactor.

"luciana" is fucking based bro

Attached: juno-reactor-luciana.jpg (346x347, 37K)


Attached: tachi.jpg (225x225, 9K)

Imperial Interrogation Droid.

make sure to inspect it with a dosimeter before opening

holy shit JC ITSA BOMB

Attached: 2iazjuv.png (320x276, 293K)

Mustard gas

It's a retard chamber.

The iron giant’s left nut

Have you tried getting a reading on it with a geiger counter?

This is a sea mine. Put a red flag on it and carefully proceed to sweep the next one.

>Something for spectroradiometer use?
i'm not an expert but the first thing i thought when i looked at the OP picture was that it was a radiation source for an x-ray machine

so if thats what someone told you its might be a radiation source for a spectroradiometer, or an x-ray spectrometer.

Don't let the foundation get it, ray, they'll use it for evil!

Attached: ss-16412.jpg (1280x688, 68K)

submarine for midgets

a sputnik

Is it bright white inside, giving a diffuse reflection?

can you not see the difference between OP’s item and what you posted?

looks like something for high pressure

It's an integrating sphere.

I used those in my old lab to measure quantum yields of phosphorescent complexes.

Its a fake boob

Looks like a gyroscope for theses old missiles system.

why did i laugh at that......

Looks exactly like the valve ball thing from the steamboy movie.

Gyroscope is possible. Crack that bad boy open!

Might be a device to measure pressure in deep oceans, Don't quote me on that though.

Lmao, first thing that came to my mind