Is this phone based? Anyone here that actually uses it? Do you get weird looks and lots of questions about it, and "bullied" for it?
Thank you.
Is this phone based? Anyone here that actually uses it? Do you get weird looks and lots of questions about it, and "bullied" for it?
Thank you.
I've heard that the UI and performance is a bit shit.
i dont care what the file name says that’s not a fucking 3310 reeeeeeee
Bought one but forgot that micro and nano sims were different, so it just sits in my house. Kinda pissed its only 3g but I heard the 8810 was 4g w/ gps
yea based in madrid lmao
i wanted to get this boi but i really need certain apps like banking that it won't do
I have that phone sitting next to me now. Nobody questions me. I wouldn't give a shit anyway. If they bullied me, I'd think they were mentally challenged and beat the shit out of them and claim it was self-defense. Fuck cripples. And yes, man to man, that phone is absolutely fucking based.
You can purchase an E5 Play for maybe $20 more. Dumbphones are useless now.
Nokia best slutphone
8110 4g master race
basic phones replace smartphones
GPS- garmin
payment- plastic thing in wallet
battery- basic phone always full for years
phones are for phone calls and the occasional text messages. it took me 2 years to realize this to liberate myself. why do i need the internet in my pocket? fuck the internet
That's not a 3310. That's a dying brand's attempt to capitalize on its former glory by making a shit ass senior phone that looks vaguely similar to a 3310.
What do you do for podcasts or if you are in a city and get lost? I am also scared I will not be able to contact acquaintances that only use whatsapp and desktop WhatsApp needs a phone.
I never listened to a podcast. If I'm lost in the city, I find roads that lead to interstates to point me in the correct direction like a compass. I usually look to my offline Garmin GPS system. It's convenient. All my contacts better use the damn phone or I will fucking quick them the FUCK out of my life. That's how I run things.
Pic related costs 15$ and it has a voice changer so I can harass my family.
>fuck the internet
Battery life is good, but the software is shit. Very shit. Enough to turn me off using it. You can get an iPhone 4s cheaper, so I switched to using that with iOS 6.
fair enough user, I listen to a few podcasts but I could easily subscribe by a RSS reader on your desktop or something. I am fucking terrible with direction and getting lost, but I hear that you get better after you abandon your phone or any maps, is this true???
haha very funny user haha i laffed 10/10 haha
you can do banking on a laptop
So, what's the best dumb phone?
I'm waiting them to release S60 based phones, because S30 is just shitty UI and overall they look toyish compared to old nokia design. Would gladly pay 200€+ for new quality S60 phone.
i do a lot of wire transfers and android app of my bank allows me to just scan qr code on paper shit and fills in all the info for me making it super convenient
>you can do banking on a laptop
not that guy but I have one of these new mobile app only banks. The rewards are pretty good but they usually don't have a web log in.
anyone switched to a dumbphone from a smartphone here? what was it like? what surprised you about it? I have been thinking about doing it desu but I am scared I will ruin my social life.
its really shitty, theres so few interesting/usable apps. can't even waste time on there.
>can't even waste time on there.
kek, I am assuming this post is /s?
no, i don't understand the appeal at all. the camera is useful, there's useful camera centric apps like those which process QR codes for things. The rest is just social media and really terrible games.
Looks based. But isn't it annoying that you'll always have to carry a toothpick with you, in case you will ever actually need to dial a number
also curious
I rarely even use my camera on my phone. and I never scanned a QR code in my life. I could probably do it is I really tried desu. Fuck social media and games.
Your use case is not common user. I am in a city and I use the google maps app all the time simply to find things you need around you but don’t know if they even exist near by. Also you’re assuming I am driving in the city, which is insane, I need directions to know which way to get there on foot, sometimes these places are confusing enough as it is with a smartphone map right in front of you.
Also maybe this is just me but, i am in touch with people both in the USA and in Europe so voip is a necessity, I call people but don’t use a single minute of my allowed plan but I use a shit ton of internet
The quality is surprisingly high.The keypad is very responsive and I can easily dial numbers even with my fat fingers.
get some cheap shitty android phone and do that on them and then just use the dumb phone for everything else, or just use the android phone for everything if you can control yourself from using social media and games
Lol these were involved in a phone smuggling incident in Russia. Apparently they busted a guy with three of those and a similar one stuffed inside pierogis when he was trying to smuggle them to his bro in jail. Apparently they sell like hotcakes for that exact purpose.
I'm still using my Nokia 5800. I haven't found any reason to "upgrade" yet. Luckily spare batteries are still readily available so I don't have to buy a new phone once the battery turns to shit, unlike with modern phones.
Dumbphone, pocket GPS device, DAP, and Telegram on desktop for the smartcollared people you need to communicate with. There's no reason to stay plugged into the botnet, and every alternative has better battery life.
These problems can more or less be solved if you plan things out on a computer beforehand.
I'd say the only thing that's not replaceable is a taxi app.
Why don't you just ask someone for directions?
I’m autistic enough without having to plan out every second of everyday I’d be killing the only thing that gives me some autonomy and spontaneity in my day to day life because you have became a zealot idealogue who regardless of all evidence one can put out in front of you you refuse to believe and accept that a smartphone can indeed be useful and freeing to some if not most people, the vast majority of people don’t even install apps on their phone, it is a tool and our lives may very well be poorer without it
Okay. I'm not the dumbphone user, I'm mostly playing devil's advocate because I want to debotnet my life.
I refer you to
for an okayish alternative to google maps that's easy on the mobile data.
I'd like to fuck that internet
itoddlers BTFO?
Get a 8110 4G and install GerdaOS (It's a community fork of KaiOS which is based on FirefoxOS which itself is a fork of Linux seperate from Androids branch.)
>inb4 GNU slash
There's no GNU like how android uses BIONIC + HAL + ART
Nice little dedicated tether modem for my PC.
Has ADB ported to it for terminal access and it can run FirefoxOS applications unlike locked down KaiOS!
But gerdaos is not ready for normal use it is very much alpha
>replacing symbian which is pretty much hardcoded to match hardware to handle one thing... to be efficient and functional "dumbphone" OS with generic kernel style OS...
absolute state of retards, compared to symbian any linux variation for nokia phone is bloat. Only thing better than it would be symbian with j2me replaced with .net embedded. and if you think im talking shit, you should see how hellish symbian buildchain is to match exact model.