Come home

>Come home
>Daughter wants to introduce you to her boyfriend
>Go into kitchen
>See this
>Hes currently posting ads on craigslist for refugees to live in your home, says you need some culture
>What do?

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Get the gun? What else would I do?

im sorry my fellow white man, but you clearly are not polish. my daughter will not marry anyone less than a pole. pack your things and leave.

Wonder how the fuck am i in america

Everytime he comes over I'll serve him a dose of laxatives in his drink/meal and maybe just a pinch for my kid for bringing that thing into my home

I’d invite him to fuck my wife and give him a key to the house.

>labour party
He is clearly gay, I would break the news to her.

quick rundown on them?
if """he""" supports Labour, I can assume they're the worst party in the UK?

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Don’t ever let me catch you talking British again

just realizing most people who would vote labor have never done a bit of manual labor in their life

their leader is corbyn, the literal communist

Oh i missed that

Then id wonder how the fuck am i in.the UK

when did I get a daughter

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Isn't ashley your/my daughter?

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tell him we we have detention centres for a reason

I s-s-support Labour

depending on the situation perhaps

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I would incorrectly assume gender.
When xie is too busy crying, take laptop and throw out.

Therefore she is a whore I may assume?


She is his daughter/wife/slut

Do arouse me more

Nice proxy, leaf.

I bet this guy would be dumb enough to fight people over gay rights or whatever else he wants to buy a sticker for, and then cry and run away after getting one punch to the face.

he seems like a good man that will treat her well

"Hey, I'm not going to fight you, that's like, cavemen or something. What I WILL do however, is get you to sign my petition.
You shouldn't assume gender.

>Hey, I'm not going to fight you, that's like, cavemen or something. What I WILL do however, is get you to sign my petition.
you need to fight sometimes ,

too late
I already let it happen

Get out of my house niggerlovers

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>vote labor
I doubt that onions-filled faggot has ever had a real day of work

(That's what the labour party is here. Benefits claimants mainly.)

I don't know about the UK but libtards are getting really agressive here. My chapter hasn't been able to organize any anti-gay or immigrant protests in my city ever since these faggot antifa libtards (like in the OP) from DC have come here. They'll literally sperg out and beat you up just for expressing your opinion. Shit really sucks and we're not quite sure what to do right now.

by Allah my daughter will not be with an infidel.

Kick him out and break his laptop, I don't want sand niggers in my house

but you're like 10x more nigger than sandniggres...

I guess South Americans really ARE subhuman


d. trump


Kill him and my daughter