Finished vet school

>finished vet school
>vegan gf (took her virginity)
>30 bitcorns
>just ordered a tesla model 3 and the latest iMac
>getting married in a few months, trying for children

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Good for you man.

>tesla model 3

tfw late bloomer and didn't start dating until everybody had sexual history, have to settle for people who slept around before

Most girls lose their virginity around age 12 so being a late bloomer doesn't change much in that regard

ways to deal with that, mentally?

Have kids

is this what making it is like?

>vegan gf
How is neuroticism a good thing?

Garbage thread.

>things that never happened

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until then?

>vegan gf
lmfao kill yourself

Have sex

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>Vegan gf
>Trying for kids
Lmao keep trying

Nice blog, go return to reddit for off topic upboat fishing

> Vegan gf

Have fun having weak, sickly kids.

>finished finance degree
>Hated college so I had low gpa because I didn't care about non finance/econ classes
>no internships would take me because low gpa
>working at the call center of a credit union

Life's ultimate joke. So close to getting to work in finance yet so far. I might kill myself soon.

If you weren't scoring top of the class, you never had any hope. Don't lie to yourself with
>So close to getting to work in finance yet so far.
If you weren't putting in 200% effort, you don't deserve the high salary. Idiots like you are the ones who make college degrees useless.

I met my wife in college when she was 22 and broke her hymen unexpectedly. Well all make it bros.

Imagine caring about this. Did you faggots really fall for that Jow Forums meme? I'm 21 and not bothered by that in the slightest.

The only problem I have is with women who trick themselves out while they're young and then marry some rich beta nerd to "settle down" with when they're ready to coast off the same person for the rest of their life.

Forgot to mention I'm a virgin

I don't want a high salary. I want to work with finances which is what I like. I don't even want to work in an investment bank .

>women who trick themselves out while they're young and then marry some rich beta nerd to "settle down" with when they're ready to coast off the same person for the rest of their life
this is most women in 2019. my brother is marrying one next year.

>just ordered a tesla model 3
You fool. The Taycan is going to be out this year.

>trying for children
>vegan gf

>everybody had sexual history
Why is this such a big deal?

How can a whore mother children


Everyone who has had sex is a whore?

>tfw virgin but don't really give a fuck
20 years and counting. Apathy ftw

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Unmarried women who have sex, yes

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And it'll be to a sluttier degree than ever before as well. Just imagine how many ex patreon/twitch thots and chaturbate girls who have shoved 2L coke bottles up their ass will graduate into leeching off some cuck software engineer and never tell him about their past.

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No, just women


What the fuck do you mean when you say "work with finances"? That's so vague.

Either analysis or as a financial advisor. Financial Advisor is still very much blocked for me because of how young I am, so for now I would settle for doing financial analysis for a fucking restaurant.

Who said anything about them being unmarried though? Not that I feel it makes a difference.
Well of course, that's how it always goes.

Men who have sex outside of marriage share the same sin as women.

Alright but what if their sexual history comes from previous marriages, are those men and women still whores? And I still don't quite get why anyone would be bothered by it, unless the number of previous partners is very high or something

>shit career
>shit gf
>shit car
well at least you've got a few memecoins, remember to sell low

How many marriages exactly? Why would I marry a women with a track record of divorce like that.

They could be widows. And let's say one. One previous marriage. Are they whores now and are you bothered by their sexual history?

Bothered. Why gamble on it when I can just date someone like six years younger, or even just import some 18 year old Flip from a strict Catholic family.

>the only problem I have with it is the main problem with it

>Why gamble on it
Why gamble on what?
>import some 18 year old Flip from a strict Catholic family
Talking about a gamble lol

Im jealous of you desu

I can see this is pointless. I hope you find someone to settle for your used goods user, even the worst of us can find happiness.

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I only wished you'd explain your mindset a little bit and immediately you throw in the towel.
>I hope you find someone to settle for your used goods user
What does "used goods" mean in this context, is it enough that you've had one previous partner or would it require more? And I don't think women are very bothered at all that a man has had previous partners so I should be fine, but thanks for the encouragement.

have the biggest cock shes ever fucked and theres no such thing as used good to you

What's the problem in that case though? Seems like both sides are getting something out of it. The woman gets a stable partner to settle down with and the man gets a partner in general.

Is it a breach of trust to do a background check of prospective partners?

You seem to be living a green, healthy, animal and nature friendly life, then why did you buy an apple product?
Thats like living full solitary monk mode on a mountain for 30 years to reach nirvana only to drop everything and go full degenerate drowning in your own piss, shit and vomit on the last day before reaching it.

No. Its trust building if she says she doesnt have a fuckload of credit card debt and it checks out.

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I'm talking about hiring someone to compile a report on her online presence and a private detective to investigate her. The Russians say trust but verify and that makes sense to me.

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He answered your question. He obviously considers non virgins whores if theyre unwed.
I do too. It a popular opinion. I suspect women feign suprise to write it off as uncommon.

Dont think in terms of your relationship with her, consider the sanctity of your upcoming family. Why trust some dumb cunt when her honesty makes or breaks your life. Take it in to your own hands. Theres no shortage of women.

I started fucking with 14 and now at 19 never had a virgin girl. I think I dated 17 women.

>He obviously considers non virgins whores if theyre unwed.
The talk was about sexual history in general, not just "unwed whores", that's why I wanted to hear more.
>It a popular opinion
Yeah not in the Western world for a while now. But of course not everyone in here is from the West.

There's nothing wrong with dating people who've fucked around before. I'm not a psycho christian retard so I don't care about premarital sex.

And I actually listen to science so I know having multiple partners prior doesn't actually change the appearance of your labia or make you "loose." Newfags have a hard time deciphering what memes are true and what are just memes.

Surprisingly based for Jow Forums

Enjoy having a broken family with a retarded whore raising your son as a faggot. This is the future you choose.

Marriage is cuckoldry, and so is having children.

>inb4 hurr durr good goy!
It's my life and nobody else's, I'll spend it how I want.

Thats fine. But having a perfect family is my drive. It why I work, educate and excercise.
Nothing else in life matters. Family is everything.


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>Most girls lose their virginity around age 12
Found the roastie.
Not every girl fucked niggers aged 12. Stop pushing your degeneracy.

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>graduated medicine
>daddy, who buys me everything I want
>drive brand new BMW 440i
Why are all men literally inferior to cute women, such as myself?

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>getting married in a few months
>she steals it all through divorce rape

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is thar supposed to be vegan food?

Lost my virginity at 23, don't worry about it.

I dunno man, I started having sex at 17. Only been with four people but the last one was a qt 21 y/o virgin so I married her. Been one year of marriage so far and 7 years of being together.

>having children to kill your crypto gainz
never gonna make it

these days you get raped even if you don't marry. being together long enough is already your death sentence before court.

Then get a woman who's had a similar amount of sexual partners to what you've had, that way you're even. Also try getting educated girls instead of Stacy from Walmart.

Veggie pussy tastes the best

>used goods
No thanks. I know what I want.

Because our penises are not as feminine as yours.

Swedish snuss > copenhagen

Are you willing to be without though?

>vegan gf
>trying for children

Another science denier, I see. Evolution doesn't share your optimism.

How can you have a family without a wife

Well exactly. So if it came to either settle or don't have a family, which would you choose? We can all want this or that, but there's realities of life to consider. That's why situations like happen (though I don't think it's at all as common as people in here make it out to be).

vegans can't have children?

no hes implying that a vegan mom will ruin your spawn which is true.

How is your wife going to eat the planceta in your home birthing room if shes vegan

how will they do that
the fuck?

have you ever seen the pets of vegan owners

You keep pressing this question no matter who respondes to you. Are you a woman? How many mrn have you been with?

According to the vegtards if its willingly given from a party ie. Brest milk, or Cum. They can consume it.

it's a Scientologist thing

Keep it that way. The pleasure really isn't worth everything that comes with it. Just believe me, please. Enjoy your autonomy and your youth. When I was your age I wouldn't have listened to people telling me what I'm telling you now so maybe it's hopeless or maybe you're nothing like I was

You guys are such fucking regards for falling for all these memes

alright that explains it

If she's vegan and swallow what happens

Regards to yourself faggot

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>You keep pressing this question
I'm interested in the answer but I haven't had any. People are saying what they want to happen, but I wonder what they'll do if all their hopes don't materialize. And no, not a woman and I've been with zero men.